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Izstopiti iz sebe
Barbara Pregelj, Veronika Rot, 2023, preface, editorial, afterword

Abstract: Spremna beseda k monogrami Marta pred ogledalom.
Keywords: prevodi, baskovska književnost, monodrame
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 337; Downloads: 1
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Paragvajska antropologinja Gloria Scappini Meza v Medvodah : 31. januar 2023, Knjižnica Medvode
Barbara Pregelj, 2023, other performed works

Abstract: Predstavitev dela Glorie Scappini Meza na Humanistični rezidenci Branislave Sušnik v Medvodah
Keywords: rezidenca, humanističa rezidenca Branislave Sušnik, Gloria Scappini Meza, antropologija
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 349; Downloads: 1
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Genre rules as the framework for preservation and study of new media literature : preserving the conceptual framework
Aleš Vaupotič, 2024, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: At its core, human epistemology is based on two pillars: sense experience (consider the Humean empiricism, or phenomenology) and set-theory based logic. Quine in “Epistemology Naturalized” understands a human as a natural transformer of a meager input from senses into a torrential output of descriptions. For him also Carnap’s rational reconstruction (a logical reconstruction of the world from sense data) can be construed as creative and imaginative mechanical simulations, of the transformations from the world of experiential implications into various languages. Such a detached and rule-governed idea of games as playful alternative worlds, possibly in a reduced state as argued by Huizinga, can provide an important perspective on algorithms of new media literature, as well as its other features. Rules for particular works are summarized in genre-constructs, which will be considered for the domain where new media and literature intersect. The genres can be derived form literary traditions, and from the basic aspects of new media art that encompass the algorithmic building of communication artifacts from (more or less vast) archives of utterances in various media, and of other data. Espen Aarseth’s theory considered cybertext a perspective for the study of literature, and not a particular genre (Cybertext, 5). Finally, there is an important problem that needs to be addressed: today, several generations of work by digital media artists are firmly in the past, while media art remains synonymous with “new” and “emergent,” and the growing vastness of the loss consequently goes unacknowledged. The genre-rules based approach attempts to tackle the preservation issue by identifying the key elements of individual works that need to be recorded and preserved. The descriptions are already interpretations with an intrinsic goal of making the works re-enactable and accessible to the audiences of the future.
Keywords: new media genres, new media art preservation, Vuk Ćosić: Nation - Culture
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 369; Downloads: 0
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Reading motivation strategies for telling stories : lecture at Let’s tell our stories!, International Symposium on Storytelling, 17. 6. 2023, Skopje, Macedonia
Tilka Jamnik, Barbara Pregelj, 2023, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: In workshop we have presented several tools that can help us working both with young and adult audiences and / or ourselves.
Keywords: readingmotivation, strategies, Slovenian experiences
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 289; Downloads: 1
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Z igro in igrifikacijo do bralskega užitka
Barbara Pregelj, Polona Konjedic, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Branje je nedvomno ena zapletenejših kognitivnih operacij, hkrati pa je ravno bralna zmožnost v sodobni družbi ena poglavitnejših, saj nam tako v širšem, družbenem okvirju kot povsem osebnem smislu lahko vsaj malo pomaga razumeti kompleksnost sveta, v katerem živimo. Proces opismenjevanja se začne v šoli, ki je izredno pomembna tako v procesu literarne socializacije (Dović 2004), kakor tudi pridobivanja literarne zmožnosti (Zajc 2023). V času šolanja se vzpostavi tudi dvotirnost branja: prostočasnega (zasebnega) in kurikularnega, ki se razlikujeta tudi po vrsti bralne motivacije (Saksida 2017). V prispevku poudarjava pomen bralne motivacije za vzpostavitev trajnega pozitivnega odnosa do branja. Tega povezujeva z bralskim užitkom, ki ga mlajši bralci doživljajo predvsem ob ludičnih elementih v okviru bralnomotivacijskih delavnic, pa tudi z igrifikacijo, ki pri starejših učencih (v zadnji triadi) spremlja refleksijo in poustvarjanje ob prebranem. Vse navedene aktivnosti izhajajo iz načel konstruktivizma, predvsem pa strinjanja s trditvami M. Sarto (2015), da poučevanje (branja in literature) ne zadošča ter da je pri nagovarjanju mladih za branje treba vključiti tudi čustva. V nadaljevanju predstavljava zasnovo in izkušnje z bralnim projektom Odprta knjiga: GG4U, še zlasti elemente igrifikacije. Projekt je bil že vse od začetka zasnovan kot igra, v pandemijskem času pa se je v celoti preselil v virtualno okolje (Classcraft), ki udeležencem omogoča, da o prebranem razmišljajo ustvarjalno, igrivo, predvsem pa v virtualnem okolju (t. i. serious games), kjer si za branje šestih mladinskih besedil letno nadenejo novo podobo (svojega avatarja) in si jo med branjem po svoje tudi oblikujejo.
Keywords: bralna zmožnost, bralski užitek, igrifikacija, bralna motivacija
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 291; Downloads: 4
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Poti do književne raznolikosti : motiviranje za branje v projektih Leo, leo in Španska vas 2022/2023
Barbara Pregelj, Katarina Kogej, Polona Konjedic, Ema Cerar, 2022, professional monograph

Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 275; Downloads: 0
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Poti do književne raznolikosti : motiviranje za branje v projektih Leo, leo in Španska vas 2023/2024
Barbara Pregelj, Polona Konjedic, Katarina Kogej, 2023, professional monograph

Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 288; Downloads: 0
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Internationalization of smaller literatures through EU projects : Round table on Frankfurt Book Fair at October 19th 2024
Barbara Pregelj, 2024, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Presentation of EU projects GG4A, Bidiland, LIT-UP, LETS, KUP, and LITPRAX, emphasizing their contributions to cultural diversity, literature promotion, and publisher training.
Keywords: project, EU collaboration, Malinc
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 312; Downloads: 1
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LITPRAX project presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair : Frankfrut, 22. 10. 2023
Barbara Pregelj, 2023, other performed works

Abstract: Slovenia was the guest of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair, which took place from 18th to 22nd October 2023. Representatives of the LITPRAX consortium, namely Bojana Kovačević Petrović, Ivana Živančević Sekeruš (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Novi Sad), Barbara Pregelj, Aleš Cigale, Katarina Kogej and Polona Konjedic (Malinc publishing house), presented the LITPRAX project several times: two face-to-face and one virtual round table, two stands (the LITPRAX stand and the stand at the Slovenian national stand) and numerous meetings with publishers, agents, editors, translators, illustrators and other interested public from all over the world, as well as with high representatives of the Slovenian state (the President of the State, the Minister of Culture, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, representatives of the Office for Slovenes around the World, the Croatian and Romanian Ministries of Culture), representatives of cultural institutes and publishers’ associations (Association of Spanish Publishers, Association of Valencian Publishers, Association of Basque Publishers, Association of Galician Publishers, Institut Ramón Llul, Institut d’estudis Balearics). The project was thus presented to more than 170 professionals in person and to more than 190 online viewers.
Keywords: Frankfurt Book fair, Slovenia guest of honour, Litprax
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 303; Downloads: 1
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