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Manj znani Gregorčič : Govor v solkanski krajevni skupnosti ob slovenskem kulturnem prezniku
Zoran Božič, 2017, professional article

Abstract: Predstavitev manj znanih dejstev iz Gregorčičevega življenja, dela in kasnejšega vpliva na slovensko narodno zavest.
Keywords: Simon Gregorčič, Poezije, Soči, domoljubje, fašizem, slovenski jezik, Karel Lavrič, Jean Sbogar, Charles Nodier, Anton Mahnič, Dvanajst večerov, France Prešeren
Published in RUNG: 19.04.2017; Views: 4720; Downloads: 0
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O nastanku in uglasbitvi Prešernove Zdravljice : Zgodbe iz preteklosti
Zoran Božič, radio or television event

Abstract: Intervjuvanec v prispevku Adija Omerovića. Kanal A, oddaja Svet, 24. marec 2017 ob 18.00.
Keywords: Zdravljica, Adi Omerović, TV Kanal A, France Prešeren, državna himna
Published in RUNG: 03.04.2017; Views: 4128; Downloads: 0
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Življenje in delo Simona Gregorčiča : Govor na otvoritvi razstave o Simonu Gregorčiču
Zoran Božič, other performed works

Abstract: Gregorčič kot osmošolec (sonet Karlu Lavriču), Charles Nodier in Jean Sbogar in Aleksander S. Puškin in Soči, zlata knjiga 1882 in Josip Gruden pl. Slavinski, Anton Mahnič in Prešeren in Gregorčič, Gregorčičev pogreb in soimenjak z Libušnjega, Andrej Medved in Poezije SG in Mohorjeva družba, Jožko Bajt Triglav in Simon Gregorčič (Damir Feigel in France Bevk v času fašizma).
Keywords: Simon Gregorčič, klasična poezija, domoljubje, slovenski narod, Andrej Kragelj, Anton Mahnič, France Prešeren
Published in RUNG: 23.01.2017; Views: 4422; Downloads: 0
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Louise Pesjak
Katja Mihurko, 2016, professional entry in dictionary, encyclopaedia or lexicon

Keywords: Louse Pesjak, Blaž Crobath, France Prešeren
Published in RUNG: 23.12.2016; Views: 4534; Downloads: 0
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Nina Pušnar, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomska naloga je osnovana na primerjavi treh medijskih uresničitev Balade o trobenti in oblaku: noveli Cirila Kosmača, filma režiserja Franceta Štiglica in radijske igre po radijski dramatizaciji Mitje Mejaka. V prvem delu najprej predstavim avtorje vseh treh uresničitev in izpostavim nekaj splošnih razlik med vsemi tremi različicami dela. Predstavim tudi glavne značilnosti obdobja, v katerem je nastala literarna predloga, in se dotaknem primerjave med bralcem, gledalcem in poslušalcem. V nadaljevanju primerjam vse tri medije in predstavim adaptacijo literarnega dela. Sledi tipologija pripovedovalca, nazadnje pa predstavim še vsebino vseh treh medijskih uresničitev. V drugem delu naloge primerjam vse tri medijske uresničitve, pri čemer se osredotočam na vsebino, pripovedovalca, simboliko, like, tematiko in motiviko, kompozicijo ter kraj in čas dogajanja. Na osnovi primerjave ugotovim, da med uresničitvami obstajajo pomembne razlike in zaključim, da je najboljša izmed vseh treh uresničitev Kosmačeva novela.
Keywords: Balada o trobenti in oblaku, adaptacija dela, film, radijska igra, Ciril Kosmač, France Štiglic, Mitja Mejak
Published in RUNG: 28.09.2016; Views: 5863; Downloads: 377
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France Prešeren's Poems - from Misunderstanding to Teaching
Zoran Božič, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: An empirical study of understanding The Baptism at the Savica showed that Slovenian high school students had notable difficulties in decoding the basic meanings of Prešeren’s poem. In literature, didactics offer three methods of facilitating reception of complex classical poetry: linguistic modernisation, addition of notes, and transmission into prose. Due to the cult status of Prešeren’s poetry, modernizations can only be limited, while commenting hinders a spontaneous reading experience; as a result, only prosification entirely solves the problems of pronounced archaization, inverted word order and abundant metaphors in Prešeren’s lines. This was confirmed by an empirical study in which high school students, who read the prosification together with the verses from The Baptism at the Savica, attested a comprehension which was twice as good as comprehension of students who only read the poetry.
Keywords: empirical research, reception, France Prešeren, The Baptism at the Savica, prosification
Published in RUNG: 26.09.2016; Views: 5302; Downloads: 223
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Tri Prešernove krivde: interpretacija Krsta pri Savici
Zoran Božič, 1993, professional article

Abstract: Interpretacija v esejističnem slogu v povezavi z nastankom (smrt Matija Čopa) in Sonetnim vencem prinaša nov pogled na ključno sporočilo Krsta pri Savici.
Keywords: France Prešeren, romantika, povest v verzih, interpretacija, Krst pri Savici, Sonetni venec, pokristjanjevanje, narodna osvoboditev
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2016; Views: 5197; Downloads: 56
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Evaluation of France Prešeren's Poems
Zoran Božič, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper, referring to the school selection of Prešeren's poems, deals with the problem of evaluating Prešeren's poems. When selecting literary texts for secondary school reading books, the modern literature didactics recommend giving priority to the principles of reception and literary history. A study of the evaluation criteria of three leading experts on Prešeren from the second half of the 20th century brings recognition that, in spite of significant differences between them, literary historians, above all, value formally complex and receptively demanding poems belonging to the central period of Prešeren's romanticism. Although the influence of literary-historical principle is also noticed in secondary school students, these attribute the most value to Prešeren's poems with simple forms and less demanding reception, predominantly those that have a story, are easier to understand and provide a complete experience.
Keywords: France Prešeren's poems, literary history, reception, evaluation, empirical research
Published in RUNG: 17.08.2016; Views: 5281; Downloads: 36
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Pesnica Ljubka Šorli in njen Venec spominčic možu na grob v luči Prešernovega
Zoran Božič, 2010, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Poetika Ljubke Šorli se pretežno zgleduje po oblikovnih vzorcih slovenskega pesniškega prvaka Franceta Prešerna, njen pesniški jezik pa izhaja iz preproste in melodične pesniške besede rojaka Simona Gregorčiča. Sonetni venec, ki ga je posvetila svojemu možu Lojzetu Bratužu, ne more skriti podobnosti s Prešernovo umetnino, posvečeno Juliji Primic. Ta podobnost ne vključuje samo zunanjih, formalnih sestavin, temveč obe pesnitvi povezujejo tri vodilne teme: ljubezen, narod in poezija, ki ima v Prešernovi pesnitvi isto vlogo kot pri Ljubki Šorli religija. V obeh primerih gre za idealiteto, ki omogoča izhod iz bivanjske stiske lirskega subjekta. Če je pri Prešernu njegovo narodnoozaveščevalno poslanstvo poudarjeno, je pri Šorlijevi prikrito; Prešeren je ubesedil pesem upanja, Ljubka Šorli pesem večnega in žalostnega spomina. Ne glede na pomembno razliko v slogovnem prijemu je v obeh pesnitvah temeljni odnos med lirskim subjektom in idealiteto izrazito disharmoničen.
Keywords: literarni kanon, klasičen pesniški izraz, sonetni venec, France Prešeren, Lojze Bratuž, ljubezenska poezija, domoljubje, religiozna tematika, disharmonija
Published in RUNG: 18.07.2016; Views: 5005; Downloads: 0
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Empirical Research: How to Improve Reception of Classical Poetry
Zoran Božič, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: An empirical study of understanding The Baptism at the Savica showed that Slovenian high school students had notable difficulties in decoding the basic meanings of Prešeren’s poem. In literature, didactics offer three methods of facilitating reception of complex classical poetry: linguistic modernisation, addition of notes,and transmission into prose. Due to the cult status of Prešeren’s poetry, modernizations can only be limited, while commenting hinders a spontaneous reading experience; as a result, only prosification entirely solves the problems of pronounced archaization, inverted word order and abundant metaphors in Prešeren’s lines.This was confirmed by an empirical study in which high school students, who read the prozification together with the verses from The Baptism at the Savica, attested a comprehension which was twice as good as comprehension of students who only read the poetry.
Keywords: empirical research, reception, France Prešeren, The Baptism at the Savica, prosification
Published in RUNG: 23.03.2016; Views: 5027; Downloads: 226
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