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Identification and detailed characterization of ▫$PM_10$▫ sources in an Alpine valley influenced by a cement plant
Kristina Glojek, Katja Džepina, Griša Močnik, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: The contribution of traffic and wood burning to particulate matter (PM) across the Alps is widely recognized and studied (Herich et al., 2014 and references therein; Glojek et al., 2020). However, studies on valleys with cement production are scarce (Kim et al., 2003; Rovira et al., 2018) despite its large PM emissions and potential toxic properties (Erik et al., 2022; Weinbruch et al., 2023). We aim to identify and characterize sources’ contribution to the complex mixture of carbonaceous and mineral PM10 in a representative Alpine valley. Quartz filter samples of PM10 were collected daily from December 2020 to December 2021 and analyzed using different chemical techniques. In the same period equivalent black carbon (eBC) measurements were taken with the Aethalometer AE43. The measured species were analyzed using Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model (EPA PMF 5.0) with newly added tracers, i. e. source-specific eBC (Sandradewi et al., 2008) and organic species (2-MT, 3-MBTCA, phtalic acid, MSA and oxalate). The final PMF results were compared to online PMF-factors (SoFi Pro) derived from PM10 and PM2.5 elemental measurements (Cooper Xact 625i). Ten factors were identified at the site, including commonly detected biomass burning, traffic, nitrate- and sulfate-rich, aged sea salt and mineral dust. With the added additional organic traces, primary biogenic and secondary oxidation were recognized as well. In addition, two unusual factors were disclosed, contributing 10% to annual PM10. Namely, Cl-rich and a mineral dust-rich factor, which we name the cement kiln factor. We associate these two factors to different processes in the cement plant. The outputs of the study provide vital information about the influence of cement production on PM10 concentrations in complex environments and are useful for PM control strategies and actions.
Keywords: PM pollution, carbonaceous aerosols, source apportionment, industry
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2024; Views: 777; Downloads: 0
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Digitale Repositorien in Zusammenhang mit Zensur aufgrund des Geschlechts durch Sprache
Katja Mihurko, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: cenzura, slovensko gledališče, pisma, slovenska moderna, digitalna humanistika, samocenzura
Published in RUNG: 06.12.2023; Views: 718; Downloads: 0
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Shaping the electronic collection Letters : discovering epistolary exchange and navigating correspondence metadata
Darko Ilin, Katja Mihurko, Ivana Zajc, Mila Marinković, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: Electronic Collection LETTERS, Distant Reading, Correspondence, Metadata
Published in RUNG: 09.11.2023; Views: 750; Downloads: 4
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Reprezentacije moškega in moškosti v izbranih romanih Ivana Cankarja
Darko Ilin, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrska naloga predstavlja raziskavo reprezentacij moških in moškosti v treh izbranih romanih Ivana Cankarja, ki je osrednji kanonski predstavnik slovenske moderne. Glavni namen raziskave je bil osvetliti različne aspekte moške identitete, ki jih avtor upodablja v svojih delih, ter preučiti, kako se ti odražajo v kontekstu takratnega družbenega in kulturnega okolja. Metodološki okvir raziskave temelji na kritičnih študijah moških in moškosti, ki izhajajo iz feministične epistemologije. To omogoča kritičen pristop k tradicionalnim predstavam o moškosti ter razumevanje družbenih konstrukcij in norm, ki oblikujejo moško spolno identiteto. V uvodnem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljeni temeljni teoretični koncepti kritičnih študij moških in moškosti, stičišča študij spolov in literarne vede ter problem reprezentacije. Sledi kritičen prikaz znanstvenih del, ki pristopajo k Cankarjevemu literarnemu delu z vidika študijev spolov, kar postavlja temelje za to raziskavo. Osrednji del magistrske naloge predstavlja analiza treh Cankarjevih romanov: Tujci (1901), Martin Kačur (1906) in Novo življenje (1908). Romani so izbrani zato, ker v središče zgodbe postavljajo moške like, kar zagotavlja plodovito polje za raziskovanje različnih reprezentacij moškosti. Skozi analizo so preučeni različni vidiki moškosti, vključno z odnosi med moškimi liki, odnosi med moškimi in ženskimi liki, pojmom očetovstva, politično moškostjo ter položajem marginalizirane moškosti v družbenem okolju. V zaključku raziskave so povzete glavne ugotovitve analize, ki nakazujejo, da Cankar v svojih romanih izrisuje kompleksne in raznolike reprezentacije moške identitete. S primerjanjem je bilo ugotovljeno, da vsi trije analizirani romani temeljijo na spopadu med tradicionalno hegemono moškostjo po eni strani in neustrezno, obrobno ali soudeleženo moškostjo po drugi.
Keywords: reprezentacije, moškosti, družbeni spol, Ivan Cankar, roman
Published in RUNG: 27.10.2023; Views: 951; Downloads: 16
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Od ʹsužnjeʹ na kmetiji do hišne posestnice v Ljubljani
Katja Mihurko, 2023, popular article

Published in RUNG: 12.10.2023; Views: 798; Downloads: 7
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Podnebne spremembe v vinogradih: prilagajanje na sušni stres : predavanje na 61. mednarodnem kmetijsko-živilskem sejmu Agra, 29. 8. 2023, Gornja Radgona
Jan Reščič, Alain Deloire, Anne Pellegrino, Katja Šuklje, 2023, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: S posledicami podnebnih sprememb se že nekaj časa soočamo tudi v slovenskem vinogradniškem prostoru. In čeprav vinska trta, zaradi globokega koreninskega sistema, velja za precej dobro prilagodljivo rastlino na pomanjkanje vode oziroma sušo, je za rast, rodnost in kakovost grozdja zelo pomembno kdaj, v kateri razvojni fazi se pojavi sušni stres ter koliko časa pomanjkanje vode traja. Prav tako, ni vsak sušni stres nujno škodljiv.
Keywords: vinska trta, sušni stres, podnebne spremembe, ukrepi
Published in RUNG: 04.09.2023; Views: 892; Downloads: 0
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Rubin Observatory's survey strategy performance for tidal disruption events
Katja Bricman, S. Van Velzen, M. Nicholl, Andreja Gomboc, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: Rubin Observatory, legacy survey time, tidal disruption event, legacy survey of space
Published in RUNG: 29.08.2023; Views: 927; Downloads: 8
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ʺNemoralno samo po sebiʺ : gledališka cenzura in vzgoja nravi v dolgem 19. stoletju
Katja Mihurko, 2023, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: gledališče, cenzura, morala
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2023; Views: 1050; Downloads: 12
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