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Kongresnik John Blatnik v boju za državljanske pravice v ZDA
Milan Mrđenović, Matjaž Klemenčič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Avtorja v prispevku obravnavata delovanje Johna Blatnika, ameriškega kongresnika slovenskega porekla v predstavniškem domu, med letoma 1963 in 1964, ko so sprejemali temeljni zakonski predlog o državljanskih pravicah, ki je odpravil formalno diskriminacijo temnopoltih Američanov. V prispevku je povzeta korespondenca med Blatnikom in volivci 8. kongresnega okraja v Minnesoti, kjer je živelo veliko slovenskih Američanov. Avtorja na kratko povzameta tudi zgodovino rasne diskriminacije v ZDA.
Keywords: zakon o državljanskih pravicah, predstavniški dom, peticija za odpoklic, odbor za poslovnik, obstrukcija
Published in RUNG: 01.08.2024; Views: 714; Downloads: 5
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Understanding the in-situ transformation of ▫$Cu_xO$▫ interlayers to increase the water splitting efficiency in NiO/n-Si photoanodes
Chao Feng, Zhi Liu, Huanxin Ju, Andraž Mavrič, Matjaž Valant, Jie Fu, Beibei Zhang, Yanbo Li, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The buried interface tens of nanometers beneath the solid-liquid junction is crucial for photocarrier extraction, influencing the overall efficiency of photoelectrochemical devices. Precise characterization of the interfacial properties is essential for device optimization but remains challenging. Here, we directly probe the in situ transformation of a CuxO interlayer at the NiO/n-Si interface by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It is found that Cu(I) in the CuxO interlayer gradually transforms to Cu(II) with air exposure, forming an energetically more favorable interface and improving photoanode’s efficiency. Based on this finding, a reactive e-beam evaporation process is developed for the direct deposition of a CuO interlayer, achieving a half-cell solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 4.56% for the optimized NiO/CuO/n-Si heterojunction photoanode. Our results highlight the importance of precision characterization of interfacial properties with advanced hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in guiding the design of efficient solar water-splitting devices.
Keywords: photo anode, energy harvesting, nickel oxide, interface
Published in RUNG: 01.08.2024; Views: 742; Downloads: 8
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Another look at *numeral N-lAr : lecture at the Boğaziçi University, Department of Linguistics, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11th 2024
Elena Guerzoni, 2024, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: In this talk I will present work in progress that I am conducting in collaboration with Furkan Dikmen and Penka Stateva. In this study, we develop a novel account for the ban of Turkish -lAr with numerals. This view builds on the pragmatic theories of the interpretation of the plural as an anti-singularity inference (see Sauerland 2003, Spector 2007, and Sauerland 2008) and presents the following advantages over Martí (2020)’s and Scontras (2022)’s previous accounts: it preserves the “at least” interpretation of Turkish numerals and at the same time it predicts the lack of plurality inferences in DE contexts, first reported in Sağ 2019. Research funded by the ARIS project J6-3130- PI Prof. Artur Stefanov, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia References Martí, L. 2020. Numerals and the theory of number. Semantics and Pragmatics 13. Sağ, Y. 2019. The Semantics of Number Marking: Reference to Kinds, Counting, and Optional Classifiers. Rutgers University Doctoral Dissertation. Sauerland, U. 2003. A new semantics for number. In Young, R. and Zhou, Y. (eds.) Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 13. Sauerland, U. 2008. Implicated presuppositions. In Steube, A. (ed.), The Discourse Potential of Underspecified Structures, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 581-600. Scontras, G. 2022 On the semantics of number morphology, Linguistics and Philosophy 45.5. Spector, B. 2007. Aspects of the pragmatics of plural morphology: On higher-order implicatures. In Stateva, P. and Sauerland, U. (eds.) Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics.
Keywords: Turkish, Number Marking
Published in RUNG: 31.07.2024; Views: 640; Downloads: 3
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When tense shifts expressive presuppositions: hani and monstrous semantics : lecture at the Department of Comparative and General Linguistics, Linguistic Circle, University of Ljubljana, June 3rd 2024
Furkan Dikmen, Elena Guerzoni, Ömer Demirok, 2024, other performed works

Abstract: I will present a study I conducted with Furkan Dikmen and Ömer Demirok on the semantic and pragmatic properties of the Turkish ‘discourse partıcle’ hani. On the one hand, the function of hani is merely pragmatic, on the other hand, it is subject to the truth-conditional effect of other constituents at LF. In this study, we introduce the first formal semantic and pragmatic treatment of clauses containing hani. Unlike previous accounts (see Erguvanlı-Taylan (Studies on Turkish and Turkic languages; proceedings of the ninth international conference on Turkish linguistics, 133–143, 2000), Akar et al. (Discourse meaning, 57–78, 2020), and Akar and Öztürk (Information-structural perspectives on discourse particles, 251–276, 2020), we claim that hani can have one of the following two major pragmatic functions: making salient a proposition in the Common Ground or challenging one in a past Common Ground, therefore requiring a Common Ground revision. Despite its variety of occurrences, we argue that hani has a uniform interpretation and provide a compositional analysis of the different construals that it is associated with. Furthermore, we show that a formally explicit and accurate characterization of hani-clauses requires operating on indexical parameters, in particular the context time. Therefore, if our proposal is on the right track, hani clauses may provide indirect empirical evidence in favour of the existence of “monstrous” phenomena, adding to the accumulating cross-linguistic evidence in this domain (see Schlenker in Linguistics and Philosophy 26(1):29–120, 2003 and much work since then). The definition of monsters is intended as in Kaplan (Themes from Kaplan, 481–563, 1989).
Keywords: Semantics, Turkish, Discourse Particle, Temporal Shift
Published in RUNG: 31.07.2024; Views: 637; Downloads: 0
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Stress and morphology in the Italian verbs
Elena Guerzoni, 2024, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: In this paper I present an analysis of stress in Italian verbs. A preliminary observation reveals that inflection affects stress position on verbs in an apparently unpredictable fashion. Although, at first sight, the variability of stress placement in Italian verbs seems to preclude a systematic account, this paper shows that once the morphological complexity of verbs is factored in, it is in fact the one and the same algorithm that assigns stress in this entire word class.
Keywords: Italian verb, tense, stress, phonology, morphology
Published in RUNG: 31.07.2024; Views: 607; Downloads: 0
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Vodenje humanoidnega robota NAO v okolju Choregraphe : vaje pri izbirnem predmetu Robotika v magistrskem študijskem programu Gospodarski inženiring
Mihael Simonič, 2024, other educational material

Abstract: Gradivo za vaje je sestavljeno iz štirih delov, ki se navezujejo na različne izzive v humanoidni robotiki.
Keywords: humanoidna robotika, simulacija robotske platforme, bločno programiranje
Published in RUNG: 23.07.2024; Views: 685; Downloads: 0
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Functional characterisation of surfactant protein A as a novel prophylactic means against oncogenic HPV infections
Sinead Carse, Tim Reid, Jens Madsen, Howard Clark, Artur Kirjakulov, Martina Bergant Marušič, Georgia Schäfer, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection poses a significant health challenge, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), where limited healthcare access and awareness hinder vaccine accessibility. To identify alternative HPV targeting interventions, we previously reported on surfactant protein A (SP-A) as a novel molecule capable of recognising HPV16 pseudovirions (HPV16-PsVs) and reducing infection in a murine cervicovaginal HPV challenge model. Building on these findings, our current study aimed to assess SP-A’s suitability as a broad-spectrum HPV-targeting molecule and its impact on innate immune responses. We demonstrate SP-A’s ability to agglutinate and opsonise multiple oncogenic HPV-PsVs types, enhancing their uptake and clearance by RAW264.7 murine macrophages and THP-1 human-derived immune cells. The SP-A opsonisation of HPV not only led to increased lysosomal accumulation in macrophages and HaCaT keratinocytes but also resulted in a decreased infection of HaCaT cells, which was further decreased when co-cultured with innate immune cells. An analysis of human innate immune cell cytokine profiles revealed a significant inflammatory response upon SP-A exposure, potentially contributing to the overall inhibition of HPV infection. These results highlight the multi-layered impact of SP-A on HPV, innate immune cells and keratinocytes and lay the basis for the development of alternative prophylactic interventions against diverse HPV types.
Keywords: surfactant protein A, SP-A, human papillomavirus, HPV, pseudovirus, cervical cancer, HPV prophylactic, low- and middle-income countries, LMIC
Published in RUNG: 22.07.2024; Views: 654; Downloads: 7
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