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AIMS mathematics

Published in RUNG: 15.07.2024; Views: 794; Downloads: 2
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Studentite kao aktivni učesnici vo procesot na učenje
Veronika Piccinini, 2024, other component parts

Keywords: visoko šolstvo, izobraževanje, univerze, študij
Published in RUNG: 12.07.2024; Views: 729; Downloads: 2
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Empirical observations on the interpretation of the Macedonian articles : master's thesis
Metodi Efremov, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis investigates the use and the interpretation of three alleged definite articles in Macedonian from a formal perspective. It is concerned with the following questions: (i) does Macedonian indeed have a definite article? (ii) are all three articles in Macedonian definite articles or demonstratives? (iii) what are the formal features that distinguish among these items and how are they licensed in different semantic contexts? The thesis provides evidence that Macedonian has only one definite article – the t-root one – as it presupposes uniqueness and does not have a deictic feature. The other two items – the v- and n-root articles – are at the intersection of a definite article and a demonstrative: they have a deictic feature but do not presuppose uniqueness or non-uniqueness. In addition, it is demonstrated that Macedonian has a set of three demonstratives that have a deictic feature and presuppose non-uniqueness.
Keywords: master's thesis, semantics, definite articles, demonstrative, uniqueness, deixis, reference
Published in RUNG: 12.07.2024; Views: 699; Downloads: 17
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Pesem o Nibelungih

Published in RUNG: 12.07.2024; Views: 606; Downloads: 0

Numerical calculations of the kinetic model of a potentiometric enzymatic sensor
Karen Simonyan, Artem Badasyan, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: Michaelis-Menten kinetics, steady state, potentiometric enzymatic sensor, urease sensor
Published in RUNG: 09.07.2024; Views: 619; Downloads: 0

Kako se približati umetninam, umetnicam in umetnikom, umetnosti?
Aleš Vaupotič, 2023, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Razstava z naslovom Od blizu - Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, 22. 12. 2022-2. 4. 2023 - je drugačna od običajnih razstav v Moderni galeriji, od razstav v galerijah nasploh, saj na njej niso predstavljena samo umetniška dela, ampak predvsem postopki ohranjanja teh del v muzejih. Slike, kipi, tudi videi in prostorske postavitve, vse to se sčasoma spreminja ali celo poškoduje. Pose- bej usposobljene strokovnjakinje in strokovnjaki z zelo širokega področja umetniških, humanističnih in naravoslovnih disciplin si zato s svojim raziskovalnim in zahtevnim strokovnim delom pri- zadevajo ta dela čim dlje ohraniti v stanju, da jih lahko gledamo in doživljamo na razstavah.
Keywords: Moderna galerija, dostopnost razstav, restavratorstvo, konservatorstvo
Published in RUNG: 08.07.2024; Views: 587; Downloads: 5
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Structural and chemical analysis of Na-ion batteries with X-ray Raman scattering spectroscopy
Ava Rajh, Matej Gabrijelčič, Alen Vižintin, Klemen Bučar, Iztok Arčon, Marko Petric, Robert Dominko, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: X-Ray Raman, Na-ion batteries
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2024; Views: 690; Downloads: 3
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XAS analysis of bifunctional Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts
Iztok Arčon, Hue-Tong Vu, Goran Dražić, Janez Volavšek, Gregor Mali, Nataša Zabukovec Logar, Nataša Novak Tušar, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: In a bifunctional Ni/ZSM-5 zeolite type catalyst, catalytic properties are usually tuned via varying Al and Ni contents [1]. Here we present a systematic structural study of the Ni/ZSM-5 materials by Ni K-edge XANES and EXAFS analyses, to monitor the changes of local structure and chemical state of Ni species in the catalysts as a function of Al and Ni content. A series of Ni/ZSM-5 type zeolites with different Al to Si and Ni to Si molar ratios were synthesized by a “green”, template free technique [2]. With a combination of XAS, XRD and TEM we resolved the changes in the local environment of Ni species induced by the different Al contents in the Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts. Ni species in Ni/ZSM-5 exist as NiO nanocrystals and as charge compensating Ni2+ cations. The Ni K-edge XANES and EXAFS results enabled the quantification of Ni-containing species. At a low Al to Si ratio (nAl/nSi < 0.04), the NiO nanoparticles predominate in the samples and account for over 65% of Ni phases. However, NiO is outnumbered by Ni2+ cations attached to the zeolite framework in ZSM-5 with a high Al to Si ratio (nAl/nSi = 0.05) due to a higher number of framework negative charges imparted by Al. The obtained results show that the number of highly reducible and active NiO nanocrystals is strongly correlated with the framework Al sites present in Ni/ZSM-5 zeolites.
Keywords: Ni EXAFS, XANES Ni/ZSM-5 catalyst
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2024; Views: 650; Downloads: 3
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Non-oxidative calcination enhances the methane dry reforming performance of ▫$Ni/CeO_{2−x}$▫ catalysts under thermal and photo-thermal conditions
Kristijan Lorber, Vasyl Shvalya, Janez Zavašnik, Damjan Vengust, Iztok Arčon, Matej Huš, Andraž Pavlišič, Janvit Teržan, Uroš Cvelbar, Blaž Likozar, Petar Djinović, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: We analyzed the effect of the calcination atmosphere and visible-light contribution to an accelerated reaction rate and improved H2 selectivity over 2 wt% Ni/CeO2−x nanorod catalysts. Spectroscopic and structural characterization was performed by operando DRIFTS, in situ Raman, UV-vis and XAS techniques, which were complemented by DFT calculations. Calcination in an argon or H2 atmosphere yields 15% more active catalysts in the thermally driven reaction, which are also more susceptible to light-induced rate acceleration compared to the catalyst calcined in air. The most active 2Ni/CeO2 catalyst calcined in hydrogen converts methane with a rate of 7.5 mmol (gcat min)−1 and produces a H2/ CO ratio of 0.6 at 460 °C when stimulated by a combination of visible light and thermal energy. In the absence of visible light illumination and at an identical catalyst temperature, the achieved methane rate was 4.2 mmol (gcat min)−1 and the H2/CO ratio was 0.49. The non-oxidative calcination improves nickel dispersion and the formation of subnanometer sized Ni clusters, together with a higher abundance of surface and bulk oxygen vacancies in ceria nanorods. The Ni–Ov–Ce3+components constitute the catalytically active sites under visible light illumination, which enable the DRM reaction to proceed with an Ea value of 20 kJ mol−1. Visible light also induces the following changes in the 2Ni/CeO2−x catalyst during the DRM reaction: (1) decomposition and desorption of carbonates from the nickel–ceria interface sites, (2) reduced population of nickel surface with carbonyl species and (3) promoted adsorption and dissociation of methane.
Keywords: methane dry reforming performance, calcination
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2024; Views: 743; Downloads: 16
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