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Strategies to overcome particle size limitations in covalent organic frameworks for bioimaging and delivery : lecture at the 9th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds (MOF2024), Singapore, 15th-19th July 2024
Tina Škorjanc, 2024, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Particle size is an important physical parameter in any nanomaterial designed for biomedical applications. It critically influences the biological fate of nanoparticles. It is generally believed that a range between 10 and 200 nm is most relevant to physical and biochemical targeting through both intravascular and site-specific deliveries.1 High porosity, purely organic nature, structural tunability and the ability to gradually release therapeutically-relevant cargo have rendered covalent organic frameworks (COFs) promising materials in biomedical research. While several COF-based drug delivery systems have been reported, particle aggregation and the associated particle size pose a significant barrier to real-life implementation of these systems.2 In the current talk, two strategies to address these issues will be presented as they have been applied to biosensing and delivery applications. Firstly, prolonged ultrasonication has proven an effective method of reducing the COF particle size while maintaining the material’s chemical properties.3 A fluorescent COF, that was post-synthetically modified to incorporate a hypoxia-targeting nitroimidazole moiety, was exposed to prolonged ultrasonication which effectively reduced the particle size from several µm to <170 nm.4 The ultrasonication treatment did not significantly hamper the material’s physical or chemical properties, such as crystallinity, and it even enhanced its fluorescence signal by overcoming aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ). The material and its constituent building blocks were shown to have minimal or no cytotoxicity. The COF’s internalization was monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy, and it preferentially accumulated in cells exposed to hypoxic environment, thus serving as a fluorescent biosensor for hypoxia. Another strategy of limiting the COF particle size is to grow the material on nano-sized substrates. Silver nanowires (AgNWs) have been shown as effective intracellular sensors5 and single-cell endoscopic tools.6 We have prepared AgNWs with diameters below 200 nm and have employed various synthetic methods to coat them with thiol-functionalized COFs. Favorable coordination bonds that form between Ag and the thiol functional group in the COF linkers drive the assembly process. Both bottom-up synthetic approaches, where the COF is grown on the surface of AgNWs, and top-down strategies, where pre-synthesized COF particles are attached onto AgNWs surface have been successful. The inorganic-organic hybrid materials were characterized by various techniques, including electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and powder X-ray diffraction. All characterizations combined suggest that the diameter of the COF-coated AgNWs remains well in the nanometer-size regime. References: (1) Hickey, J. W.; Santos, J. L.; Williford, J.-M.; Mao, H.-Q. Control of Polymeric Nanoparticle Size to Improve Therapeutic Delivery. J. Control. Release 2015, 219, 536–547. (2) Esrafili, A.; Wagner, A.; Inamdar, S.; Acharya, A. P. Covalent Organic Frameworks for Biomedical Applications. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2021, 10 (6), 2002090. (3) Skorjanc, T.; Heinrich, J.; Makuc, D.; Kulak, N.; Valant, M. Sustained Delivery of Cu(II)-Based DNA Intercalators by Nanometer-Sized Cyclodextrin-Based Porous Polymers. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6 (22), 21162–21168. (4) Skorjanc, T.; Shetty, D.; Kumar, S.; Makuc, D.; Mali, G.; Volavšek, J.; Bergant Marušič, M.; Valant, M. Nitroreductase-Sensitive Fluorescent Covalent Organic Framework for Tumor Hypoxia Imaging in Cells. Chem. Commun. 2023, 59 (38), 5753–5756. (5) Zhang, Q.; Inose, T.; Ricci, M.; Li, J.; Tian, Y.; Wen, H.; Toyouchi, S.; Fron, E.; Ngoc Dao, A. T.; Kasai, H.; Rocha, S.; Hirai, K.; Fortuni, B.; Uji-i, H. Gold-Photodeposited Silver Nanowire Endoscopy for Cytosolic and Nuclear PH Sensing. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4 (9), 9886–9894. (6) Ricci, M.; Fortuni, B.; Vitale, R.; Zhang, Q.; Fujita, Y.; Toyouchi, S.; Lu, G.; Rocha, S.; Inose, T.; Uji-I, H. Gold-Etched Silver Nanowire Endoscopy: Toward a Widely Accessible Platform for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Based Analysis in Living Cells. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93 (12), 5037–5045.
Keywords: covalent organic frameworks, imaging, delivery, nanoendoscopy, nanowire
Published in RUNG: 22.07.2024; Views: 696; Downloads: 2
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Agreement switch in verb-echo answers : evidence for distributed ellipsis
Gesoel Mendes, Marta Ruda, Jana Willer-Gold, Boban Arsenijević, Bojana Ristić, Nermina Čordalija, Nedžad Leko, Frane Malenica, Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article, we claim that syntactic objects undergoing ellipsis can be targeted by both narrow syntactic and PF operations. We base this conclusion on experimental evidence from the interaction between single conjunct agreement and verb-echo answers in South Slavic, which we show to be derived via verb-stranding VP ellipsis. Adopting the view that Vocabulary Insertion replaces Q-variables on lexical heads (Halle 1991) and ellipsis is a syntactic operation which deletes Q-variables (Saab 2022), we demonstrate that constituents properly included in the ellipsis site can undergo Internal Merge in the narrow syntax, and can participate in PF processes from the derived position. The interaction between ellipsis, Internal Merge and Agree-Copy that accounts for these patterns of data follows naturally within the Distributed Ellipsis approach.
Keywords: ellipsis, agreement, South Slavic, syntax, verb
Published in RUNG: 19.07.2024; Views: 750; Downloads: 14
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"Materni jezik ni nujno jezik matere" : sodelovanje v oddaji Radiosfera, Prvi program Radia Slovenija, 21. 2. 2024
Maja Melinc Mlekuž, 2024, radio or television event

Abstract: Leta 1999 je Unesco 21. februar dan razglasil za mednarodni dan maternih jezikov, ki letos poteka pod geslom “Večjezično izobraževanje je steber medgeneracijskega učenja”. V tokratni Radiosferi smo zato pri dr. Maji Melinc Mlekuž, raziskovalki na Centru za kognitivne znanosti jezika in predavateljici na Fakulteti za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici, preverili, ali lahko materinščino pozabimo in ali lahko naenkrat osvojimo dve.
Keywords: prvi jezik, drugi jezik, večjezičnost
Published in RUNG: 18.07.2024; Views: 730; Downloads: 3
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The solar share : Xcenter, Nova Gorica, 9. maj 2024
2024, exhibition

Abstract: Produced by: GO!2025 (PostMobilnost / PostMobilità / PostMobility) DISNOVATION.ORG THE SOLAR SHARE Kurator / Curatore / Curated by: pETER Purg Conception and realization: / Koncept in izvedba: DISNOVATION.ORG PARTNERS / PARTNERJi: Co-designed with / Sooblikovanje: Katharina Ammann Co-produced with / Koprodukcija: with IFT Paris Co-commissioned by / Sonaročnik: Hac Te Supported by / S podporo: ICFO & STARTS program ( European Union / Evropska unija)
Keywords: umetnost, post-rast, odrast, ekologija, solaren
Published in RUNG: 17.07.2024; Views: 695; Downloads: 0
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AIMS mathematics

Published in RUNG: 15.07.2024; Views: 784; Downloads: 2
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Studentite kao aktivni učesnici vo procesot na učenje
Veronika Piccinini, 2024, other component parts

Keywords: visoko šolstvo, izobraževanje, univerze, študij
Published in RUNG: 12.07.2024; Views: 716; Downloads: 2
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Empirical observations on the interpretation of the Macedonian articles : master's thesis
Metodi Efremov, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis investigates the use and the interpretation of three alleged definite articles in Macedonian from a formal perspective. It is concerned with the following questions: (i) does Macedonian indeed have a definite article? (ii) are all three articles in Macedonian definite articles or demonstratives? (iii) what are the formal features that distinguish among these items and how are they licensed in different semantic contexts? The thesis provides evidence that Macedonian has only one definite article – the t-root one – as it presupposes uniqueness and does not have a deictic feature. The other two items – the v- and n-root articles – are at the intersection of a definite article and a demonstrative: they have a deictic feature but do not presuppose uniqueness or non-uniqueness. In addition, it is demonstrated that Macedonian has a set of three demonstratives that have a deictic feature and presuppose non-uniqueness.
Keywords: master's thesis, semantics, definite articles, demonstrative, uniqueness, deixis, reference
Published in RUNG: 12.07.2024; Views: 693; Downloads: 17
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Pesem o Nibelungih

Published in RUNG: 12.07.2024; Views: 591; Downloads: 0

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