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"V meni vse gori" : reprezentacije ženske spolne želje v delih Josipa Stritarja
Katja Mihurko, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: erotika, slovenska književnost, ženski liki, ljubezen, spolna želja
Published in RUNG: 24.06.2024; Views: 520; Downloads: 0
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Analiza 90 slovenskih romanov in opusa Ivana Cankarja z računalniško stilometrijo
Ivana Zajc, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Članek predstavi oddaljeno branje slovenske književnosti iz obdobij slovenskega literarnega realizma in moderne. Prvi del članka vsebuje prikaz rezultatov računalniške stilometrične analize korpusa 90 slovenskih romanov iz omenjenih obdobij, izvedene v programskem okolju R s paketom Stylometry with R. Analiza je pokazala, da je ključni signal, po katerem se vključeni romani medsebojno razlikujejo, avtorski, pri čemer najbolj izstopajo romani Pavline Pajk in Ivana Cankarja. Ker je izstopanje najbolj izrazito pri Pavlini Pajk, članek predstavi tudi stilometrično raziskavo besedišča, ki je za njene romane najznačilnejše. Na tej podlagi članek ponudi sklep, da k specifičnosti njenih romanov med drugim prispeva žanr sentimentalnega ljubezenskega romana, ki zaznamuje njen opus. V drugem delu članka je z isto metodo analiziran Cankarjev literarni opus, v korpus pa so poleg romanov vključena tudi njegova druga dela iz različnih ustvarjalnih obdobij. Iz rezultatov analize sta razvidna obdobni in žanrski razvoj Cankarjevega literarnega sloga.
Keywords: slovenski roman, oddaljeno branje, računalniška stilometrija, digitalna humanistika
Published in RUNG: 24.06.2024; Views: 561; Downloads: 6
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Veliki podatki, male literature : (predgovor)
Lucija Mandić, Ivana Zajc, 2024, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: digitalna humanistika, digitalni obrat, digitalna literarna veda, književnost
Published in RUNG: 24.06.2024; Views: 615; Downloads: 5
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Analize omrežij v elektronski zbirki Pisma : vidik metapodatkov in semantičnih povezav besedišča
Katja Mihurko, Ivana Zajc, Darko Ilin, Mila Marinković, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Članek predstavlja elektronsko zbirko Pisma, procese njenega nastajanja in izzive, s katerimi se je raziskovalna skupina na Raziskovalnem centru za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici soočala pri zbiranju in organiziranju več kot 1.600 pisem iz 19. in 20. stoletja, ki jih zbirka trenutno obsega. Članek izpostavlja vlogo metapodatkov tako za orientiranje po tej zbirki kakor za računalniško podprto oddaljeno branje v literarni vedi nasploh. Sistematična klasifikacija pisem skupaj z obsežnimi metapodatki ponuja številne možnosti raziskovanja. Spletna stran zbirke omogoča iskanje številnih tem pa tudi posameznikov in posameznic ter poljubnih izrazov iz njihovih pisem. Z metodo digitalne analize omrežij, ki je eden od tipov oddaljenega branja zgodovinskih dokumentov, članek prikaže računalniške analize različnih tipov omrežij z vidika povezav med tokovi različnih korespondenc v zbirki. Poleg tega predstavlja tudi z delotokom Clowdflows podprto analizo semantičnih povezav besedišča, povezanega z intimnim čustvom ljubezni v pismih avtoric slovenske moderne.
Keywords: slovenski pisatelji, pisemska korespondenca, ljubezen, metapodatki, analiza omrežij, digitalna humanistika
Published in RUNG: 24.06.2024; Views: 568; Downloads: 6
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Not only is he a pederast, but he is socially unacceptable : queer masculinities under state-socialism in Pavle Zidar’s literary works
Darko Ilin, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: slovene literature, queer, masculinities, socialism
Published in RUNG: 24.06.2024; Views: 460; Downloads: 4
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A characterization of normal injective and normal projective hypermodules
Ergül Türkmen, Burcu Nİşancl Türkmen, Hashem Bordbar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This study is motivated by the recently published papers on normal injective and normal projective hypermodules. We provide a new characterization of the normal injective and normal projective hypermodules by using the splitting of the short exact sequences of hypermodules. After presenting some of their fundamental properties, we show that if a hypermodule is normal projective, then every exact sequence ending with it is splitting. Moreover, if a hypermodule is a normal injective, then every exact sequence starting with it is splitting as well. Finally, we investigate the relationships between semisimple, simple, normal injective, and normal projective hypermodules.
Keywords: short exact sequence, normal injective hypermodule, normal projective hypermodule
Published in RUNG: 20.06.2024; Views: 557; Downloads: 4
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Hungarian speakers use morphological dependencies in inflecting novel forms
Guy Tabachnick, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Theories of morphology must account for lexicalized variation: lexical items that differ unpredictably in their inflection must be memorized individually and differ in their stored representation. When tested on such cases, adult speakers usually follow the Law of Frequency Matching (Hayes et al. 2009), extending gradient phonological patterns from the lexicon. This paper looks at lexicalized variation in the Hungarian possessive: first, I show that a noun’s choice of possessive is partially predicted by its plural form as well as its phonological shape. Then, using a novel nonce word paradigm, I show that Hungarian speakers productively apply this cooccurrence pattern between the plural and possessive. I handle lexicalized variation with diacritic features marking lexical entries and propose that Hungarian speakers have learned a gradient cooccurrence relation between diacritic features indexing their plural and possessive forms, extending the sublexicon model of Gouskova et al. (2015). In this proposal, morphological knowledge is distributed across rules in a generative grammar, individual lexical items indexed for their morphological properties, and pattern-matching grammars storing generalizations over those indexed lexical items.
Keywords: frequency matching, diacritic features, inflectional paradigms, productivity, wug test, Hungarian
Published in RUNG: 18.06.2024; Views: 717; Downloads: 4
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