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Taming the forest : embracing the complexity of art-sci research through microhistory, bioeconomics and intermedia art
Nikita Peresin Meden, Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: An ongoing collaborative project between art and science, Taming the Forest (2022) was implemented by a team of students, artists and researchers charting an interdisciplinary project among bioeconomics, environmental history, policy and artistic practice. In this article, the project acts as a case study for researching the conflicting narratives of history and economics about biodiversity in general, and specifically about forests. It shows how different blends of methodologies in artistic-cum-scientific research can become relevant for both realms, opening new creative pathways and pedagogical registers while repeatedly returning to a specific forest’s microhistory. Moreover, the article stresses the need for a new sensibility and complex knowledge, moving beyond an objective study and becoming attentive to different dimensions of research and its outputs that emerge through the introduction of artistic thinking and methodologies. This kind of transdisciplinary approach becomes necessary in order to tackle the manifold large-scale problems such as the climate and biodiversity crises, which call for both acting decisively and transforming radically, above all with regard to how humans perceive, relate to and manage nature.
Keywords: biodiversity, climate crisis, environmental history, forest management, Karst, transdisciplinary, artistic thinking, artistic research
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 529; Downloads: 8
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Avant-garde & experiment : student exhibition
2024, exhibition

Keywords: Ekologija, umetnost in humanistika, eksperiment, ekokritika
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 514; Downloads: 0
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Ogrevanje in prezračevanje za zeleni prehod
Henrik Gjerkeš, 2024, professional article

Keywords: trajnostno ogrevanje, toplotne črpalke, sončne elektrarne, lesna kuriva, prezračevalni sistemi
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 509; Downloads: 0
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Raziskovanje je ena poglavitnih potreb človeka
2024, interview

Keywords: CTA observatorij, lidar, daljinsko zaznavanje atmosfere
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 468; Downloads: 2
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Covalent-organic frameworks for luminescent sensors
Tina Škorjanc, Matjaž Valant, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: In summary, this chapter discussed the richness of COFs that have been utilized in luminescence-based sensing of various analytes. Literature reports were classified based on the analyte type and a section was dedicated to each explosive compounds, metal cations, biological molecules, pH, VOCs, amines and water, anions, and enantiomers. Different design strategies implemented to develop sensors for each analyte were highlighted as were the detection mechanisms and key parameters of the performance, such as LODs. In comparison to the state-of-the-art prior to 2020, we note several changes in the most recent developments of luminescent COF sensors.
Keywords: ensors, covalent organic frameworks, fluorescence, biosensor, explosives
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 532; Downloads: 2
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Self-censorship? : the transition between Latin and Cyrillic script in the personal correspondence of women writers in the era of Slovenian modernism
Primož Mlačnik, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Prispevek temelji na avtorjevem arhivskem delu in analizi pisemske korespondence v rokopisni zbirki Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (NUK). Osredotoča se na korespondenco slovenskih modernističnih pisateljic Marice Nadlišek Bartol, Zofke Kveder, Marice Strnad in Vide Jeraj, ki so gojile pisemska prijateljstva. Prispevek analizira njihovo korespondenco v kontekstu nove teorije cenzure, da bi odgovoril na vprašanje, ali lahko prehajanje med latinično in cirilično pisavo dojemamo kot obliko samocenzure. Analiza kaže, da so pisateljice v pismih večinoma prehajale iz ene pisave v drugo, ko so pisale o kontroverznih temah partnerskega zakona, ljubezni, materinstva in spolnosti, vendar pri tej praksi niso bile dosledne. Avtor to prehajanje obravnava kot obliko implicitne, produktivne in nedosledne cenzure, ki je kot poseben zgodovinski način pisanja odseval širše družbeno-politične spremembe.
Keywords: samocenzura, slovenske modernistične pisateljice, pisemska korespondenca, prehajanje med latinico in cirilico
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 566; Downloads: 6
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Kartiranje dekliške spolne želje v prozi Gelč Jontes
Katja Mihurko, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: študije deklištva, spolna želja, slovenske pisateljice, feministična geografija
Published in RUNG: 27.06.2024; Views: 545; Downloads: 0
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Strongly lensed supernovae, the past and the future : lecture at the University of Cambridge, 26. 6. 2024
Tanja Petrushevska, 2024, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: The searches and observations of supernovae (SNe) have been motivated by the fact that they are exceptionally useful for various astrophysical and cosmological applications. Most prominently, Type Ia SNe (SNe Ia) have been used as distance indicators showing that the expansion rate of the Universe is accelerating. The strong gravitational lensing effect provides another powerful tool and occurs when a foreground mass distribution is located along the line of sight to a background source. It can happen so that galaxies and galaxy clusters can act as “gravitational telescopes”, boosting the faint signals from distant SNe and galaxies. Thanks to the magnification boost provided by the gravitational telescope, we are able to probe galaxies and SNe that otherwise would be undetectable. Therefore, the combination of the two tools, SNe and strong lensing, in the single phenomenon of strongly lensed SNe, provides a powerful simultaneous probe of several cosmological and astrophysical phenomena. By measuring the time delays of strongly lensed supernovae and having a high-quality strong lensing model of the galaxy cluster, it is possible to measure the Hubble constant with competitive precision. In this talk, I will present some of the past and recent results that have been possible due to the observations of strongly lensed supernovae and anticipate what we can expect in the future from the upcoming telescope surveys, such as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Nancy G. Roman Space Telescope.
Keywords: supernova, strong lensing, Hubble constant
Published in RUNG: 26.06.2024; Views: 477; Downloads: 8
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Enhancing optical biosensing : comparing two physical treatments for GPTES chemical functionalization of cyclo-olefin copolymer foil
Barbara Ressel, Jurij Urbančič, Marco Beltrami, Erik Betz-Güttner, Cinzia Cepek, Martina Conti, Ayesha Farooq, Patrizia Melpignano, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Cyclo-olefin-copolymer (COC) transparent films are currently the best choice for micro-fluidic bio-sensors for point-of-care diagnostic applications using optical signal detection. However, while the optical and mechanical properties of this polymer are extremely good, the adhesion of the bio-probes on this surface is not optimal, due to its chemical structure, that presents only saturated carbon bonds. The deposition of organo-silane molecules on the COC surface is one of the most effective ways to overcome this problem. But, for the surface functionalization, a surface physical treatment is necessary before the chemical modification of the COC surface. In this paper a comparison of the effectiveness of two different physical treatments, oxygen plasma and UV-ozone, is reported. In particular, the exposure time of the UV-Ozone treatment has been selected to avoid the problem of auto-fluorescence of the modified COC surface, that was observed also for relatively short UV exposure (around 10 minutes). An investigation of the reactive radicals created on the surface after the physical treatments and the following chemical modification with the organo-silane molecule (GPTES) has been performed using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The surface energy and morphology of the films have been also measured by contact angle and optical profilometry. Finally, the bio-probes adhesion performances of the COC surfaces obtained with the two physical treatments and the chemical modification were tested in a fluorescence-based assay, using an organic light emission diode to excite the fluorescence. We observed that the UV-ozone treatment allows to obtain a siloxane network with some reactive epoxy radicals on the COC surface, however, their quantity and distribution are less important and homogeneous than in the oxygen plasma treated surfaces.
Keywords: cyclo-olefin-copolymers, organo-silane, oxygen plasma, UV-ozone, XPS, OLED
Published in RUNG: 26.06.2024; Views: 653; Downloads: 6
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Tunable emissive ▫$CsPbBr_3 /Cs_4PbBr_6$▫ quantum dots engineered by discrete phase transformation for enhanced photogating in field-effect phototransistors
Han Xiao, Siyuan Wan, Lin He, Junlong Zou, Andraž Mavrič, Yixi Wang, Marek Piotrowski, Anil Kumar Bandela, Paolo Samorì, Zhiming M. Wang, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Precise control of quantum structures in hybrid nanocrystals requires advancements in scientific methodologies. Here, on the design of tunable CsPbBr3/Cs4PbBr6 quantum dots are reported by developing a unique discrete phase transformation approach in Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals. Unlike conventional hybrid systems that emit solely in the green region, this current strategy produces adjustable luminescence in the blue (450 nm), cyan (480 nm), and green (510 nm) regions with high photoluminescence quantum yields up to 45%, 60%, and 85%, respectively. Concentration‐dependent studies reveal that phase transformation mechanisms and the factors that drive CsBr removal occur at lower dilutions while the dissolution–recrystallization process dominates at higher dilutions. When the polymer‐CsPbBr3/Cs4PbBr6 integrated into a field‐effected transistor the resulting phototransistors featured enhanced photosensitivity exceeding 105, being the highest reported for an n‐type phototransistor, while maintaining good transistor performances as compared to devices consisting of polymer‐CsPbBr3 NCs.
Keywords: crystallization mechanisms, dilution-induced kinetic trapping, photogating effect, phototransistors, quantum dots
Published in RUNG: 26.06.2024; Views: 639; Downloads: 9
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