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Multi-messenger astrophysics with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Massimo Mastrodicasa, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to ultra-high energy neutral particles, such as photons, neutrinos, and neutrons, and can take part in Multi-Messenger searches in collaboration with other observatories. Photons and neutrinos are searched by exploiting the design of the Pierre Auger Observatory and profiting from the different properties of the induced showers caused by different particles. Diffuse and point source fluxes of photons and neutrinos are searched for. Furthermore, photon and neutrino follow-ups of the gravitational wave events observed by the LIGO/Virgo Collaboration are conducted. The Pierre Auger Observatory is also used to search for neutrons from point-like sources. In contrast to photons and neutrinos, neutrons induce air showers that cannot be distinguished from those produced by protons. For this reason, the search for neutrons from a given source is performed by searching for an excess of air showers from the corresponding direction. All these searches have resulted in stringent upper limits on the corresponding fluxes of the considered particles, allowing, together with the results obtained by other experiments, to shed some light on the most energetic phenomena of our Universe. An overview of the Multi-Messenger activities carried out within the Pierre Auger Collaboration is presented.
Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, UHE photons, UHE neutrinos, UHE neutrons, Pierre Auger Observatory, multi-messenger astrophysical studies
Published in RUNG: 04.10.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 0
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Probing hadronic interactions using the latest data measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Caterina Trimarelli, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world’s largest ultra-high energy cosmic ray observatory. Its hybrid detection technique combines the observation of the longitudinal development of extensive air showers and the lateral distribution of particles arriving at the ground. In this contribution, a review of the latest results on hadronic interactions using measurements from the Pierre Auger Observatory is given. In particular, we report on the self-consistency tests of the post-LHC models using measurements of the depth of the shower maximum and the main features of the muon component at the ground. The tensions between the model predictions and the data, considering different shower observables, are reviewed.
Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, hadronic interactions, extensive air showers, maximum depth, EAS muon content, Pierre Auger Observatory, post-LHC hadronic interaction models
Published in RUNG: 04.10.2024; Views: 67; Downloads: 0
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Sequence disorder-induced first order phase transition in confined polyelectrolytes
V. Stepanyan, Artem Badasyan, V. Morozov, Yevgeni S. Mamasakhlisov, Rudolf Podgornik, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: We consider a statistical mechanical model of a generic flexible polyelectrolyte, comprised of identically charged monomers with long-range electrostatic interactions and short-range interactions quantified by a disorder field along the polymer contour sequence, which is randomly quenched. The free energy and the monomer density profile of the system for no electrolyte screening are calculated in the case of a system composed of two infinite planar bounding surfaces with an intervening oppositely charged polyelectrolyte chain. We show that the effect of the contour sequence disorder, mediated by short-range interactions, leads to an enhanced localization of the polyelectrolyte chain and a first order phase transition at a critical value of the inter-surface spacing. This phase transition results in an abrupt change of the pressure from negative to positive values, effectively eliminating polyelectrolyte mediated bridging attraction.
Keywords: polyelectrolyte, Anderson localization, Poisson-Boltzmann equation, phase transitions, electrostatics, polyelectrolytes, Edwards equation, nonlinear schrodinger equation, nucleic acids
Published in RUNG: 04.10.2024; Views: 57; Downloads: 0
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The thread : master's thesis
Anastasija Kojić, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis explores combination and intersection of activism and art through creative project that addresses issues of gender-based violence, precisely verbal abuse. The project was done in several phases, beginning with photography. Selection and photographing model, followed up by participating in the exhibition where women and girls wrote answers to main question on printed photographs. To gain a broader perspective, three focus groups with participants of different ages were held, additionally more insights were obtained by online conversations with selected participants. Inspired by the work of Chiharu Shiota, a red thread is used in the embroidery of photographic canvases, symbolizing resilience and reclaiming identity. Final installation was displayed in a way to encourage visitors to interact with embroidered canvass. This thesis advocates the idea that art can serve as a powerful vehicle for social commentary and healing, creating a platform for voices and encouraging dialogue on key social issues.
Keywords: art, activism, gender based violence, artistic research, feminist art, embroidery, photography
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 108; Downloads: 0
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Dreamer : live coding, algorave and the artistic exploration of dreams
Lazar Mihajlović, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Observing the developments and intersections between music, graphics, video, code and club culture in the music scene around the year 2010, primarily based in England, a new cultural movement known as ”Algorave” has emerged, reshaping the boundaries of new artistic expression. While the practices of live and creative coding had been present on the global stage for some time, the “Algorave” scene emerges as a unique blend of these artistic directions, combining various elements and offering a distinctive sound-visual artistic expression. Unlike traditional music performances, artists of this movement openly share their live coding processes with the audience, guiding them through the entire process of the performance. By utilizing live coding as the primary artistic tool and integrating it with artificial intelligence, the work Dreamer demonstrates a fusion of these two approaches. It visually explores dreams using images generated by AI technology. These images are then manipulated through live coding techniques, creating a visual narrative that is accompanied by ambient-electronic sounds. The sound complements the visual elements, achieved through the use of various synthesizers, samplings and granular synthesis, a technique that fragments sound into small grains to create complex sound textures. Beyond its practical execution, Dreamer addresses dreams as something unknown and undisclosed. It raises the question of whether dreams can be considered insights into our parallel lives, or are they merely products of our imagination? Should we explore them rather than just observe them? Based on these questions, the work examines dreams through programming and technology, seeking new possibilities for artistic expression.
Keywords: code, sound, algorithm, visual art, algorave, technology, master's thesis
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 79; Downloads: 0
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Can you feel it : exploration of anxiety through artistic practices
Tamara Kostrevc, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Anxiety is described in psychiatry as a mental disorder that manifests itself in an unpleasant state of excitement, tension due to a sense of threat, fear without a real external reason. This short definition does not cover its many forms. Given that anxiety is present all over the world, and that almost everyone experiences it nowadays, it would be necessary and important to talk more about it. Can You Feel It is an installation that visually and sonically illustrates the levels of anxiety and encompasses both the mental and physical changes an individual experiences. It illustrates the battle with this psychological condition through the artistic practice of an interactive audiovisual installation.
Keywords: anxiety, interactive installation, sound elements, visuals, pulse sensor
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 86; Downloads: 0
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Močerad : vloga alkohola in alkoholizem v filmu
Domen Sajovic, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Pričujoča diplomska naloga opisuje proces izdelave študentskega animiranega filma ustvarjen v zvrsti stop animacija in tehniki animacija lutk ter probleme in ovire, s katerimi se lahko pri ustvarjanju takega projekta soočamo, obenem pa zaradi teme filma raziskuje vlogo alkohola in alkoholizma v filmu in animaciji. Delo na animiranem filmu z naslovom Močerad je predstavljeno skozi refleksijo, ki opisuje celoten proces ustvarjanja animiranega filma, z raziskovanjem literature o obravnavi alkohola v filmski industriji pa se animacija, kjer je tema alkoholizma tudi prisotna, s tematiko poveže in primerja z ostalimi filmskimi deli. Ugotovitve diplomske naloge so, da je delo na lutkovnem stop animiranem filmu v študentskih okoliščinah izredno zahteven podvig z nemalo težavami, ki pa obenem prinaša pomembne izkušnje in znanje, ki bi jih bilo težko pridobiti na drug način, hkrati pa omogoči sodelovanje z veliko različnimi ljudmi, ki ustvarjajo na različnih področjih. Alkoholizem v filmu je že od samega začetka nepogrešljiva tematika in motiv alkohola izredno pogost, filme s to tematiko pa večinoma ločimo na posmehljive fizične komedije o pijanstvu in na družbenokritične drame z glavnim likom, ki trpi. Z zgodbo in scenarijem v filmu Močerad sem poskusil ujeti razmerje med tema dvema poloma. Namen diplome je natančno prikazati proces izdelave lutkovnega stop animiranega filma na študijski ravni z upanjem, da bi bilo delo kot priročnik uporabno tudi drugim študentom in animatorjem, prav tako pa, da ljudi osvešča o vplivu alkohola na filmsko industrijo, splošno javnost in gledalce in posledice tega.
Keywords: animirani film, stop animacija, lutke, močeradovec, močerad, študijski filmi, alkohol, alkoholizem, filmska industrija, diplomske naloge
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 110; Downloads: 1
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Arachnophobia : three types of claymation
Melita Sandrin, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: My thesis is an observation of the creative process of an animated stop-motion film project, with a focus on claymation. Everything is examined through my experience of working on a diploma film Arachnophobia. This short dwells on the theme of irrational fears through comedic and expressive narrative. It is a personal project that functions as a self-critique by implementing a character which deals with an exaggerated perspective on the fear of spiders. From the 2-year experience of making and crafting the project, emphasizes the properties of clay as a medium. Other than the main medium, I thoroughly brush through the preparation, production, animation and finalization of the project, including all issues, challenges and solutions that were dealt with as an artistic student. This research introduces the wider topic of animation by looking into the mechanics of claymation as well as the creative decisions that influence the result.
Keywords: stop-motion, claymation, plasticine, arachnophobia, puppets, stratacut, diploma thesis
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 92; Downloads: 1
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Expected performance of the Auger Radio Detector
Felix Schlüter, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The Auger Radio Detector (RD) will increase the sky coverage and overall aperture for mass- sensitive measurements of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory. The installation of over 1600 dual-polarized short aperiodic loaded loop antennas (SALLAs) on an area of about 3000 sq. km will enable the detection of highly inclined air showers via the emitted electromagnetic radiation in coincidence with the Auger water-Cherenkov detector array (SD). The combination of complementary information from both detectors yields a strong sensitivity to the mass composition of cosmic rays. We will present the expected performance of the RD to detect and reconstruct inclined air showers. This study features comprehensive sets of Monte-Carlo generated air showers, utilizes a complete description of the instrumental response of the radio antennas, and in-situ recorded background. The estimation of an energy- and direction-dependent aperture yields an expectation of about 3900 events with energies above 10[sup]19 eV being detected during 10 years of operation. From a full event reconstruction, we quantify the achievable energy resolution to be better than 10% at and beyond 10[sup]19 eV. With this at hand, the potential to measure the number of muons and discriminate between different cosmic-ray primaries in combination with the SD using inclined air showers is presented. The discrimination between proton- and iron-induced air showers yields a figure-of-merit of 1.6.
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, extensive air showers, Auger Radio Detector, Auger water-Cherenkov detector array, mass-sensitive UHECR measurements
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 117; Downloads: 0
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The depth of the shower maximum of air showers measured with AERA
Bjarni Pont, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is an array of 153 radio antennas spanning an area of 17 sq. km, currently the largest of its kind, that probes the nature of ultra-high energy cosmic rays at energies around the transition from Galactic to extra-galactic origin. It measures the MHz radio emission of extensive air showers produced by cosmic rays hitting our atmosphere. The elemental composition of cosmic rays is a crucial piece of information in determining what the sources of cosmic rays are and how cosmic rays are accelerated. This composition can be obtained from the mass-sensitive parameter Xmax, the depth of the shower maximum. We reconstruct Xmax with a likelihood analysis by comparing the measured radio footprint on the ground to an ensemble of footprints from Monte-Carlo CORSIKA/CoREAS air shower simulations. We compare our Xmax reconstruction with fluorescence Xmax measurements on a per-event basis, a setup unique to the Pierre Auger Observatory, and show the methods to be compatible. Furthermore, we extensively validate our reconstruction by identifying and correcting for systematic uncertainties. We determine the resolution of our method as a function of energy and reach a precision better than 15 g/cm[sup]2 at the highest energies. With a bias-free set of around 600 showers, we find a light to light-mixed composition at energies between 10[sup]17.5 to 10[sup]18.8 eV, also in agreement with Auger fluorescence measurements.
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, extensive air showers, UHECR mass composition
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 111; Downloads: 0
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