171. Transparent vanadium doped titania-silica films : structural characterization and self-cleaning propertiesAndraž Šuligoj, Nejc Povirk, Ksenija Maver, Andraž Mavrič, Urška Lavrenčič Štangar, Angelja Kjara Surca, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: photocatalysis, TiO2-SiO2, vanadium, film, Raman spectroscopy Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.09.2024; Ogledov: 466; Prenosov: 7 Celotno besedilo (9,47 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
172. Search for a signal from dark matter sub-halos with the galactic plane survey of CTA Observatory : master's thesisZoja Rokavec, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Dark matter (DM), known to be a dominant matter component in the Universe,
has been searched for extensively, yet remains undetected. One of the promising
avenues of detecting a DM signal is to observe the so called ’DM sub-halos’ within
our galaxy. These sub-halos, which are numerous within the Milky Way, are formed
by the clustering of DM, as predicted by cosmological simulations, and most of
them lack baryonic matter counterparts, making them challenging to detect. How-
ever, the annihilation or decay of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs),
a leading candidate for DM, within these sub-halos is expected to produce very
high-energy (VHE) photons (called gamma-rays) at TeV energies, offering possible
indirect DM detection.
In this thesis, we focus on the Galactic Plane Survey (GPS) of the Cherenkov Tele-
scope Array Observatory (CTAO), an upcoming ground-based gamma-ray obser-
vatory, which promises unprecedented sensitivity and resolution in the detection
of cosmic gamma-ray sources in the ∼ 30 GeV to ∼ 100 TeV energy range. As
dark sub-halos are expected to appear as unidentified (point) sources in the CTAO
GPS data, we employ a machine learning (ML)-based approach, the AutoSour-
ceID framework, leveraging U-shaped networks (U-Nets) and Laplacian of Gaus-
sian (LoG) filter, for automatic source detection and localization, and apply it to
simulated GPS data. We establish detection thresholds for U-Nets trained on dif-
ferently scaled counts (counts, square root or log of counts) and identify which
approach offers best results (in terms of flux sensitivity and location accuracy).
Our findings suggest that using log-scaled counts yields a factor of 1.7 lower flux
threshold compared to counts alone. In addition, we compare our ML outcomes
with traditional methods; however, this comparison is not straightforward, as ML
and traditional approaches fundamentally differ in their methodologies and un-
derlying assumptions. Nevertheless, The flux threshold obtained using log-scaled
counts is comparable to that of the traditional likelihood-based detection method
implemented in the Gammapy library, although further study is needed to estab-
lish a more definitive comparison. These preliminary results also suggest that the
flux threshold for detecting 90% of true sources with the ML approach is approx-
imately two times lower than the sensitivity reported for the GPS in the CTAO
publication. Although these results are not directly comparable due to differences
in methodology, they hint that ML methods may offer superior performance in
certain scenarios. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of our results on the
sensitivity to DM sub-halos, improving it by a factor of 4, highlighting the possi-
bility of detecting at least one sub-halo with a cross section approximately ⟨σv⟩ =
2.4 × 10−23 cm3 /s. Ključne besede: Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, dark matter, sub-halos, machine learning, gamma-rays, master's thesis Objavljeno v RUNG: 06.09.2024; Ogledov: 518; Prenosov: 11 Celotno besedilo (5,39 MB) |
173. Kako je razvoj novih tehnologij vplival na filmsko industrijo : diplomsko deloStaš Zupanc, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: Rast in napredek filmske industrije sta se skozi leta skokovito širila. Očetje filma, kot so Edison, Muybridge in brata Lumiere, so že pred več kot 100 leti ustvarili temelje, na katerih gradimo še danes. Razvoj novih tehnologij, kot so uporaba zvoka v filmu, barvne slike ter kasneje še računalniško ustvarjenih vidnih učinkov, je imelo in še ima zelo močan pozitivni vpliv na celotno filmsko industrijo. Digitalne filmske kamere in digitalna video montaža sta precej poenostavili produkcijo filmov ter režiserjem odprla popolnoma nova obzorja idej. Meja za takšne ali drugačne presežne izjemnosti v filmih je postala le avtorjeva ustvarjalnost. Finančni in logistični problemi so se zmanjšali, celotna proizvodnja avdio vizualnih vsebin pa je postala dostopna tudi širši javnosti. Kljub vsej tehnologiji in trenutni zlati dobi filma, pa se z uporabo umetne inteligence stalen razvoj filmskega sveta še dolgo ne bo ustavil. Ključne besede: zgodovina filma, filmska industrija, filmski trak, digitalizacija, filmske kamere, montaža, ustvarjalnost, umetna inteligenca, pametni telefoni, spletne podlage, diplomske naloge Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 554; Prenosov: 8 Celotno besedilo (2,45 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
174. GasesAlojz Kodre, Iztok Arčon, Jana Padežnik Gomilšek, 2024, znanstveni sestavek v slovarju, enciklopediji, leksikonu Opis: X-ray absorption spectroscopy of gases is seldom used for structural analysis,
except in as much as the extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS)
signal is used to monitor some specific molecular process. Gas spectroscopy,
however, has been the main tool in the systematic study of higher-order
photoabsorption processes, multielectron photoexcitations (MEEs), which were
introduced with an experiment at the K edge of argon. Along with noble gases,
where MEEs are studied in the pure form, free of the structural signal,
measurements have been extended to monatomic metal vapours, although at the
cost of considerable experimental difficulties. Several types of absorption cells
have been devised, among them the ceramic double cell and the heat-pipe cell
for experiments in the low-energy region. In a high-temperature oven with
considerable technical refinement, edge profiles of nonvolatile metals were
measured up to 2500 K. Edge profiles and MEEs, which are strongly dependent
on electron correlation, provide sensitive tests of the theory of atomic and
molecular structure. Ključne besede: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, absorption cells, gas and vapour samples, multielectron photoexcitation, effects of electron
correlation Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 526; Prenosov: 4 Povezava na datoteko Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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180. Predstavitev zbirke pravljic Kako so rože prišle na svet : Knjižnica Kamnik, 14. 3. 2023Barbara Pregelj, 2023, druga izvedena dela Opis: Pravljice je zbrala in priredila Breda Podbrežnik Vukmir, druga prirediteljica pa je bila pisateljica, pesnica in prevajalka Klarisa Jovanović. Zbirka je izšla pri založbi Malinc pod skrbnim uredniškim vodstvom dr. Barbare Pregelj. Ilustracije je prispevala Mojca Fo.
Povod za nastanek knjige je Križnikov pravljični festival, za enega od njih smo namreč zbirali in iskali pravljice o drevesih in gozdovih, saj smo skupaj z Gozdarskim inštitutom pomen biodiverzitete in ohranjanja gozdov prikazali prav s pripovedovanjem takšnih pravljic. »Ob tematskim in motivnem iskanju po svetovni zakladnici sem odkrivala pravljice o drevesih, mnoga od njih so sveta in povezujejo med seboj različne svetove, ter o rastlinah, ki so imele različne pomene v različnih kulturah, posebej pa o rožah. Koliko barv, oblik, skrivnosti in pravljic skrivajo rože, ki rastejo na travnikih, pod drevesi, v senci ali na soncu, po gorskih pobočjih ali na angelskih gredicah!« pravi Breda Podbrežnik Ključne besede: pravljice, zbirke, predstavitve, rože Objavljeno v RUNG: 30.08.2024; Ogledov: 485; Prenosov: 3 Povezava na datoteko Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |