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* old and bologna study programme


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Model of general equilibrium in multisector economy with monopolistic competition and hypergeometric utilities
Vasily M. Goncharenko, Alexander Shapoval, Larisa V. Lipagina, 2020, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: general equilibrium, monopolistic competition
Published in RUNG: 07.04.2021; Views: 2401; Downloads: 72
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Modeling of necessity entrepreneurship via general equilibrium approach
Maria Fomenko, Alexander Shapoval, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: necessity entrepreneurs, occupational choice, general equilibrium mode
Published in RUNG: 07.04.2021; Views: 2186; Downloads: 63
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Self-organized criticality on self-similar lattice : exponential time distribution between extremes
Dayana Mukhametshina, Alexander Shapoval, M. Shnirman, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: sandpile, power-law, waiting time distribution
Published in RUNG: 07.04.2021; Views: 2473; Downloads: 57
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Vlijanie struktury sprosa i razmera rynka na bezrabotitsu, neravenstvo dohodov i obščestvennoe blagosostojanie
V. M. Goncharenko, Alexander Shapoval, 2018, original scientific article

Published in RUNG: 24.03.2021; Views: 2523; Downloads: 0
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Observational evidence in favor of scale-free evolution of sunspot groups
Alexander Shapoval, Jean-Louis Le Mouël, M. Shnirman, Vincent Courtillot, 2018, original scientific article

Keywords: sunspots, sun, magnetic fields, data analysis
Published in RUNG: 23.03.2021; Views: 2572; Downloads: 57
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Valence influence in electoral competition with rank objectives
Alexander Shapoval, Shlomo Weber, Alexei Zakharov, 2019, original scientific article

Keywords: valence, candidates, electoral games, rank objectives, electoral equilibrium, distribution of ideal points
Published in RUNG: 23.03.2021; Views: 2653; Downloads: 0
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Industry equilibrium and welfare in monopolistic competition under uncertainty
Alexander Shapoval, V. M. Goncharenko, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper offers a new theory that describes the influence of uncertainty on economic fundamentals. This theory posits that uncertainty can improve social welfare. We argue that in an economy, where spending of the customers for the differentiated good correlates with larger substitutability of its varieties, the equilibrium output decreases and the prices increase when uncertainty appears. Alternatively, if such spending and substitutability anti-correlate, the predictions for the price and output changes are reversed. The arguments are based on general equilibrium modeling with the monopolistic competition of firms which produce varieties of the differentiated good under limited information regarding the consumer demand. The impact of uncertainty on the equilibrium is assessed by using the relationship between the weighted elasticity of substitution between varieties, the elasticity of the consumer utility, and the income share spent on the differentiated good.
Keywords: monopolistic competition, uncertain demand, general utility, consumer welfare
Published in RUNG: 22.03.2021; Views: 2526; Downloads: 0
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Reconstruction of the coupling between solar proxies : when approaches based on Kuramoto and Van der Pol models agree with each other
Anton Savostianov, Alexander Shapoval, M. Shnirman, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to establish that algorithms, which reconstruct the coupling between solar proxies based on the properties of the Kuramoto equations, and algorithms, based on the van der Pol equations, might produce similar estimates. To this end, the inverse problem is formulated as follows: reconstruct the coupling based on the solutions of the corresponding equations. For either system of the equations we construct an algorithm solving the inverse problem and establish that there exists a range of moderate values of the correlation such that the algorithms produce practically identical coupling within the established range. The lower boundary of this range is dependent on the half-difference of the oscillators’ frequencies. Then, we apply the two reconstruction algorithms to solar index ISSN and the geomagnetic index aa, which are proxies to the toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields of the Sun respectively. Their correlation belongs within the range that yields the proximity of the coupling reconstructed with all solar cycles from 11 till 23 except 20 and, possibly, 21. Our finding relate the reconstruction of characteristics of solar activity inferred by Blanter et al [Sol. Phys. 2014, 289, 4309; Sol. Phys. 2016, 291, 1003] from the Kuramoto model to the state of the art solar dynamo theory based on the magnetohydrodynamic equations.
Keywords: coupled oscillators, synchronization, solar activity
Published in RUNG: 22.03.2021; Views: 2486; Downloads: 0
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