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Fenomen slovenske kriminalke : sodelovanje na Okrogli mizi na Festivalu slovenske kriminalke Alibi 2.1, Maribor, 25. sep. 2021
Petra Vidali, Mirt Komel, Aljoša Harlamov, Primož Mlačnik, 2021, other performed works

Abstract: Primož Mlačnik je na okrogli mizi predstavil svoja razmišljanja o uspehu sodobnih slovenskih kriminalk, o tujih vplivov na slovensko kriminalko, o možni tipologiji slovenskih kriminalk in o kubanski socialistični kriminalki. Predstavil je nekatera izvirna raziskovalna opažanja glede slovenskih detektivov, morilcev in žrtev.
Keywords: Sodobna slovenska kriminalka, Sergej Verč, Avgust Demšar, Tadej Golob, detektivska triada, družbeni kontekst
Published in RUNG: 03.11.2021; Views: 2282; Downloads: 0
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Apstraktni dinamički ambijent Avgusta Černigoja i tršćanske konstruktivističke grupe
Kristina Pranjić, 2021, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The article presents the Trieste Constructivist Cabinet (1927) by Slovenian avant-gardist Avgust Černigoj and his Constructivist group, as one of the significant events in the context of abstract artistic ambient of historical avant-garde. El Lissitzky’s Proun is pointed out as the greatest influence on this artwork, while at the same time presenting the thesis of its original contribution, in the sense of dynamization of the cabinet using Stepančič’s levitation constructions. The kinetic potential of these hanging constructions draws the visitor into a two-way communication, a permanent feedback loop. It is this continuum, the duration i.e. process nature that such an installation allowed, i.e. produces, that is placed in the forefront, alongside space and motion. In addition to this pinnacle of Slovenian avant-garde being placed in the context of European historical avant-garde, the work of the Slovenian constructivists is also contextualized within the framework of the Yugoslav avant-garde movements. Special attention is paid to the Tank magazine (1927), which started being published in Ljubljana after the ban on the publication of Zenit in 1926, in an attempt to maintain continuity in the publication of Yugoslav avant-garde periodicals. It is a known fact that Černigoj’s avant-garde art was based on constructivist principles, while the article also points out his concurrent use of subversive Dadaist principles: the process of destruction of old meanings using methods of isolation and relocation of artistic material, in the sense of ready made or objet trouvé; similarly, desemantization is carried out in the linguistic material (“g”, “jublj”); use of mass produced materials (fragments of slogans that the artist transposes into artistic rhetoric); the performative nature of the entire event / exhibition. Also presented are the close ties between Slovenian constructivism and Micić’s Zenitism and Dragan Aleksić’s Dadaism, as well as the shift in the sense of forming an original program and establishing an own avant-garde formation, whose most important and most representative work is precisely the Trieste Constructivist Cabinet, which represents a characteristic synthesis of the Yugoslav and the European avant-garde tendencies at the time.
Keywords: Avgust Černigoj, slovenski konstruktivizem, Tržaški konstruktivistični ambient, revija Tank, El Lissitzky, Edvard Stepančič, instalacija v umetnosti, abstraktni ambient, zenitizem, dadaizem
Published in RUNG: 04.10.2021; Views: 2273; Downloads: 0
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Prešeren - ranjeni labod ali bistrovidni orel? : Predavanje v okviru literarnih druženj (Ubesedovanja)
Zoran Božič, other performed works

Abstract: Predavanje prinaša prikaz razlogov za Prešernov bivanjski pesimizem, primerjavo s Koseskim, problematizacijo prevrednotenja v vedrega pesnika, prikaz zahtevnosti Prešernovih verzov in njihove aktualnosti, predstavitev Mahničevega odnosa do Prešernove ljubezenske poezije, problematizacijo Prešernovega pesniškega upada in pogled na Zdravljico kot državno himno.
Keywords: France Prešeren, Julija Primic, Jovan Vesel Koseski, Valentin Vodnik, Anton Mahnič, Ana Jelovšek, Ernestina Jelovšek, Janko Kos, Avgust Žigon, Ivan Prijatelj, Boris Paternu, Anton Slodnjak, Dimitrij Rupel, Janez Janša, Alenka Bratušek, Fran Malavašič
Published in RUNG: 13.02.2019; Views: 4211; Downloads: 0
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Between Fact and Fiction: Zofka Kveder as a Feminist icon in the Writings of her Contemporaries
Katja Mihurko, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: In the article, the process of a development of a female writer Zofka Kveder (1878-1926) into a feminist icon of the early 20th century in Croatian, Czech, Slovenian, Serbian, and Austrian space will be discussed. Kveder’s oeuvre consists of prose, plays, literary and theatre reviews, as well as feminist writing in the Slovenian, Czech, Croatian, and German language. Due to her status of a feminist and cultural icon, she has never been an overlooked or forgotten author. However, although the Slovenian, Croatian, Czech, and Serbian literary histories have intensively dealt with her work and personality in the last two decades, the strategies of her “canonization” have never been properly reflected upon. As a literary figure, Kveder first appears in the poems and sketches of her husband, Croatian decadent poet Vladimir Jelovšek, namely, in his collection Simfonije (Symphonies, 1900), dedicated to her (“To my Sonja”). In it, she appears as a nervous young woman who transforms in the relationship with her beloved man (the lyrical subject) from the inexperienced, frightened, childish sincere but warm person (who is physically and psychically totally subjected to the lyrical subject) into an emancipated young writer. In the magazine Čas, Czech modernist writer J.S. Machar describes her as one of the most beautiful and pure souls. Kveder’s Czech period (1900-1906) inspired her friend Zdenka Hasková as well. She reflected upon their first meetings in the poem Věnovani (Dedication) in the collection Cestou (The Way, 1920). Slovenian author is idolized; her luminous personality and creative geniality are exposed. Háskova also wrote an article about their friendship (Jihoslovanské přátelství, Yugoslavian friendship) and published it in 1923. A lengthy biographical text was written by Slovenian feminist and Kveder’s friend Minka Govekar. In the German speaking space, Austrian politician Martha Tausk, another one of Kveder’s close friends, wrote about her. In the collection of novellas Fernambuk und anderes (Fernambuk and the Other, 1930) she portrayed Kveder in a memorial text Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft (The Story of a Friendship). In all these works, Kveder’s positive character dominates. A completely different image is presented in the novel Bjegunci (Fugitives, 1933), written by Avgust Cesarec. In this novel with a key, Kveder is presented through the character of the protagonist’s mother and does not have a single positive trait. Diverse representations and attempts of constructing Zofka Kveder as a cultural icon of the South-Slavic space open questions about strategies of glorifying the author’s role in different literary systems and concealing the truth about certain personality features, which were not in line with the positive image of Kveder as a feminist role model for younger generations. These strategies testify the positive aspirations and aporias of the early feminist icon- and role-model building. In the presentation, narrative and discursive strategies of writing a story about a female writer, a feminist, and a New Woman Zofka Kveder will be revealed.
Keywords: Zofka Kveder, biografija, Vladimir Jelovšek, Martha Tausk, Zdenka Haskova, J.S. Machar, Minka Govekar, Avgust Cesarec
Published in RUNG: 23.12.2016; Views: 6046; Downloads: 0
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