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Evaluation of policy and technical factors for the protection of karst aquifers
Katarina Kosič Ficco, 2019, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Karst aquifer protection remains inchoate. National and international legally-binding mechanisms rarely consider implementation of karst-specific measures for their evaluation and protection. Although developing suitable protection measures for karst aquifers is challenging because their variable character hampers implementation of generalized methods, it is not impossible. As presented in this dissertation, consideration of scientific aspects and inclusion of karst-specific evaluation methods is of great importance. However, the additional inclusion of socio-political aspects is also crucial for advances in karst aquifer protection. Analyses of current European Union and United States of America policies performed in this study have shown that they can provide valuable input regarding the topic. It is also clear that accounting for the interests of affected entities, such as policy-makers, stakeholders and the public, is critical. Satisfying their needs, and assuring their understanding of karst aquifers, can ease and improve implementations of adopted measures. By recognizing these aspects, an interdisciplinary framework for karst aquifer protection was developed, and is presented in this study. The so-called K-framework, developed as a checklist, assures implementation of necessary steps for comprehensive karst aquifer evaluation and management. It further defines how each entity can contribute to the process by providing their knowledge, and allocates responsibilities of each sphere. An important attribute of the proposed framework is that it can be used on varying karst terrains and for various impacts that might threaten karst aquifers. Additionally, it is cost- and time-efficient, while still considering important aspects of karst and insuring the inclusion of important affected parties.
Ključne besede: aquifer, groundwater, karst, protection, environmental legislation, confined animal feeding operation, vulnerability mapping
Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.06.2019; Ogledov: 4397; Prenosov: 147
.pdf Celotno besedilo (11,63 MB)

Proposals for integrating karst aquifer evaluation methodologies into national environmental legislations
Katarina Kosič Ficco, 2015

Opis: Characterization of karst aquifers in order to reduce the impacts of human activities on these vital groundwater resources poses a significant challenge for scientists, land managers and policy makers. Methods and criteria for improvement of karst management have been suggested by the scientific community in order to assure the preservation of karst groundwater resources. However, these methods are rarely integrated into national groundwater protection policies. A case-based study of a swine confined animal feeding operation sited on mantled karst terrain in the southern Ozark Highlands in the State of Arkansas, United States of America helped illustrate why karst-specific evaluation methods should be implemented in national legislation. Through the review of the area’s geomorphology and hydrogeology, dye tracer test results, and existing state and federal legislation and permitting processes for confined animal feeding operations, proposed improvements to existing legislation for confined animal feeding operations were developed. The study provides an example of how integrating science into policy-making can enhance protection of valuable groundwater resources. The original publication is published in Sustainable Water Resources Management, Springer, ISSN 2363-5037 Volume 1 Number 4, in 2015. The final publication is available at
Ključne besede: Karst aquifers, Vulnerability, Groundwater protection, Legislation, CAFO
Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.07.2017; Ogledov: 4789; Prenosov: 0
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