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Use of color in animation : diploma thesis
Maja Grčki, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Color is a powerful tool that helps us set the mood, however, its importance is often left unnoticed while watching any form of media (movies, photography, commercials, books, etc.). Both art theory and human psychology show evidence that color and lighting have a large impact on the perception of the viewer which is why this thesis will focus on exploring what impact color and correct lighting of a scene have on people's minds and how it can be used in animation to convey the correct emotions and enhance the viewer’s experience. Throughout this thesis we will cover topics related to color theory, light and how animation studios work on their films in terms of color and lighting. Each chapter will help understand and learn about different uses of color, such as color psychology and symbolism of colors, color scripts, and lighting, and in the end, a case study to conclude everything mentioned before. To do so, this thesis will take a look at Pixar and Disney and their movies such as Coco (Pixar, 2017), Tangled (Walt Disney, 2010) and Finding Nemo (Pixar, 2003) as well as different color theory studies. We will also use the example of the practical part of the diploma work, animated music video Crystal Clear, to see how the colors were used and what the thought process behind it was.
Keywords: Color, Animation, Mood, Psychology, Light, Pixar, Disney, ColorScript
Published in RUNG: 22.02.2022; Views: 2480; Downloads: 130
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Barve v filmu
Alen Dolšak, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V pričujočem diplomskem delu sem predstavil potek celotnega postopka barvne obdelave filma, orodja, ki jih uporabljamo pri tem postopku, ter osnovno znanje, ki ga potrebujemo za barvno obdelavo filma. Poleg tega sem se dotaknil teorije barve ter razumevanja, kako barve delujejo kot pripovedovalno sredstvo na podzavestno (čustveno) raven. Opis procesov je razdeljen na dva dela, in sicer na opis procesa, ki izvaja večina študentov, ter opis procesa, ki sem ga sam uporabljal zaradi posebnih ciljev, ki sem si jih zadal za svoj praktični del diplomske naloge. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge sem opisal cilje svojega praktičnega dela, filma z naslovom Preden odideš, kako sem jih dosegel ter težave, na katere sem naletel med montažo filma.
Keywords: barvna korekcija, barvni prostor, LUT, logaritmični zapis, HDR, video montaža
Published in RUNG: 20.12.2021; Views: 2128; Downloads: 83
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Dismorfija in vpliv lepotnih standardov na ustvarjanje risanih junakov : diplomsko delo
Amadeja Kirbiš, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Lepotni standardi so v družbi prisotni že od začetka človeštva, konstantno se spreminjajo in razvijajo. Različne kulture po svetu imajo raznovrstne ideale, ki se nam morda zdijo neprivlačni, nanje pa močno vplivajo in se odražajo v njihovi umetnosti. Tudi v naši družbi opazujemo in spremljamo podoben trend. Vpliv idealov na naše mentalno stanje je pri tem zelo pomemben, obenem pa tudi védenje, kako dojemamo ne samo sebe, ampak tudi druge. Pričujoče diplomsko delo se sicer ukvarja z omenjenimi socialnimi težavami, ampak v kontekstu animiranih filmov in risank. Vse bolj je očitno, da smo pod močnim vplivom korporacij, ki s svojimi lovkami pohlepa vse bolj segajo po nas, saj je njihov edini namen, da nas ohranjajo nesrečne, zato da bi kupovali njihove izdelke. Prav to dejstvo je poglaviten razlog za nastanek tega dela. V njem se sprva posvetimo razlagi telesne dismorfije in anoreksije nervoze, nato še moji osebni izkušnji v spopadanju z njima in nazadnje izboljšavi zdravstvenega stanja. V poglavju »Lepotni standardi v animaciji« si na primerih nekaterih animiranih junakov iz zahodne in vzhodne animacije oblikujemo mnenje o tem, ali lepotni standardi resnično vplivajo na to, kaj gledamo. Ob tem predstavimo tudi pomembnost likovne terapije in njeno uporabo pri izboljšavi mentalnega stanja in samopodobe. Del diplomskega dela je kratek animirani film Dismorfija, ki izhaja iz teoretičnega dela diplome. Ugotovili smo, da se lepotnim idealom ne moremo izogniti in se z njimi srečujemo na vsakem koraku. Zato je zgolj naša odgovornost in poslanstvo, da se naučimo imeti radi in ostanemo prizemljeni, z realnimi pričakovanji.
Keywords: animacija, telesna dismorfija, anoreksija, lepotni standardi, risani liki, diplomske naloge
Published in RUNG: 13.10.2021; Views: 2436; Downloads: 145
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Winning wars with films : (storytelling for artistic activism)
Sagar Gahatraj, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: This study mainly examines the prospect of utilizing the power of cinema to resolve humans’ conflicts. The research begins by analysing the psychology of human brain; how human brain functions, how belief systems are created, and most importantly, what is the cause of human disputes. The thesis then investigates the possibilities and pattern of psychological change. After uncovering how psychological change works, the research paper dives into comparing human psychology with the psychology of storytelling. The findings from this comparison are used to determine if storytelling can induce psychological change. At this point, the study is confronted by historical evidences, where the power of storytelling was exploited to control and manipulate people. However, upon further investigation on this issue, the duel power of storytelling is discovered, which suggest that story can be both propaganda and cure for propaganda. With these findings in hand, the research continues on its main pursuit; finding out if films can resolve conflicts. To do so, the thesis presents the history of film-making and its association with storytelling from its beginning. The research also looks into the power of film-making, and question if the power of film-making can be combined with the power of storytelling for artistic activism. The first part of thesis concludes by summarizing the findings of the study. The second part of the thesis analyses a short film, In The Nation Of Car Lovers, which was a practical part of the Master’s thesis. Finally, the thesis concludes by comparing the findings of the theoretical part to its utilization in the practical part of the thesis.
Keywords: Human Brain, Psychological change, Storytelling, Propaganda, Film-making, Activism
Published in RUNG: 13.10.2021; Views: 2500; Downloads: 119
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Kraljica Vida : a legend from a border land
Pietro Cromaz, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Culture is one of the fundamental aspects of human existence. Because of that, it is necessary to preserve little aspects of it that make a particular community unique. Popular traditions and local habits are important to create and maintain one's own identity in the context of a vaster society. This research aims to enhance the folk culture of Benečija and to contribute to building a more concrete proof of the existence of this culture. The paper analyzes the history of this border land, focusing on its literature and on a particular legend titled ''Kraljica Vida,” which has been transcribed by the pen of many authors of both Benečija, and elsewhere. Through the comparison of these texts, it is possible to recognize the influence of different cultural currents, that have always characterized the identity of Benečija.
Keywords: folk culture, folklore, legend, Benečija, border land, Friuli Venezia Giulia, #Kraljica Vida, Atilla, San Giovanni d'Antro
Published in RUNG: 13.10.2021; Views: 2950; Downloads: 119
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Uncovering the life of a transgender person in Pakistan : diploma thesis
Reeba Sufyan, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Documentary photography is the narrative based on facts and records of events in a report format. Although racial injustice and biased differences were common initially, the underlying objectivity of this thesis involves the main aim to display the utmost reality. It is a way to report stark realities that come into perspective with images of persons, places, or events. On the other hand, it is a form of representation from the photographer’s point of view. Although, there is no denying that a picture represents a thousand words and displays several perspectives. As a source of revealing the importance of documentary photography in the Indian subcontinent, this thesis will help to expose the sore point of a country that belittles a community of transgender persons. This photography documentary is showing the cruelty that is confronted by transgender persons in Pakistan. Based upon the timeline of nine months, the comparative study of two transgender persons reflects the complexity of their survival. My photography documentary has captured and frozen the instances from the daily existence of transgender persons, focusing on their lifestyle, living conditions, community environment, and personal life. Transgender identity, by birth or by choice, is a chilling fact marginalizing a person to a community where existence is difficult.
Keywords: Photography, Story, Documentary, Transgender, Pakistan, Narrative, Picture, Life, Documentary photography
Published in RUNG: 09.09.2021; Views: 2492; Downloads: 143
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The epistemological investigation about the meaning of life in The bus : diploma thesis
Parisa Zaeri, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: The history of human life since the creation of human beings shows the extension of concerns about man`s physical existence and natural survival to his social, mental, psychological and spiritual life. While existence was the main and only challenge of primitive beings, it does not meet the challenges of the present-time of human life. Existence needs an essence to satisfy the present, intellectual man; otherwise, it will leave human beings lost in the world. Therefore, the current study is a dramatic presentation and epistemological discussion of some problems of the existential crisis in animation art and letter and how they can come to resolution through meaning-making in one`s life. The framework of the current study is the existential psychotherapy as a dynamic approach to therapy which focuses on concerns that are rooted in the individual's existence.
Keywords: Animation Art, Epistemology, Human Existence, Existential Psychotherapy, Logotherapy
Published in RUNG: 22.07.2021; Views: 2277; Downloads: 133
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Mourning process of family bereavement in Italian cinema : theory and practice behind the making of "EDEN" diploma film
Elisabetta Gessi, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: This work is a study of the mourning process of family bereavement during the development of Italian cinema. The theoretical and practical part are extremely interconnected: starting from emblematic Italian films regarding death, this study further develops on pointing out how Italian authors put the mourning process into image. Moreover, three Italian films of the last decade are taken into account in the analysis: we underline the main characteristics and recurring themes of these aforementioned films. This thesis considers the theory and practice behind the making of EDEN, Diploma Film. In the last chapters we underline the whole process behind this short film, including the storyline, the meaning behind it, pre-production, production, and post production.
Keywords: film, smrt, žalovanje, postopki, čustva, italijanska kinematografija, diplomske naloge
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2021; Views: 2142; Downloads: 74
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PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE NARRATIVE : How stories are told through the photographic medium
Tiziano Biagi, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Some of the earliest pieces of evidence in art history show how people told stories with pictures and, throughout the centuries, this habit developed with the introduction of new techniques, themes, and tools. Given the value of authenticity that has often been ascribed to photography since its invention, this medium had to overcome criticism before its value as fine art was recognised. This diploma thesis analyses in which ways photography is capable to carry narratives. It also analyses the roles that the viewer, the photographer, and the image itself play in this process. To do so, this work examines notable theories on the topic, the intentions behind the photographers’ creative process, and the visual components of images. By focusing both on ideas introduced by scholars and on photographic works – including my diploma project Dune Mosse – the thesis underlines the importance that social and cultural contexts have in the narration of a story.
Keywords: Narrative, Storytelling, Interpretation, Context, Intention, Viewer, Image, Photographer, Photographic genres, Personal documentary photography
Published in RUNG: 13.10.2020; Views: 3482; Downloads: 132
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Obrazni izrazi v svetu animiranega filma
Anja Resman, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V tem diplomskem delu predstavljam podrobno analizo obraznih izrazov v animiranem filmu. Najprej se sprehodimo skozi osnovno znanje in razumevanje animacije, ter poglobje spoznamo tri večje tehnike izdelave animiranih filmov. Človeški obraz opišemo z različnimi proporci glave. Podrobno raziščemo tudi štirinajst glavnih mišic anatomije obraza, ter jih povežemo skupaj, da prikažemo šest osnovnih obraznih izrazov. Pri tem si pomagamo z znanjem iz medicine, ki predstavlja temelj osnovnega razumevanja. Podrobno analiziramo posamezne dele obraza, kot so oči, veke, obrvi in usta. Sproti nadgrajujemo razumevanje njihovega medsebojnega delovanja na različnih primerih. V zadnjem delu diplome sledimo mojemu osebnemu pristopu k izdelavi glave lutke in obraznih izrazov. Po vrstnem redu podrobno opišem celoten proces svoje izdelave obraznih izrazov za lutko Naluja. Cilj diplomske naloge je bila podrobna analiza in razumevanje posameznih mišic, njihovega medsebojnega delovanja in sestavljanja različnih obraznih izrazov. Želela sem razumeti perspektivo opazovanja gibanja človeškega obraza, odzivnosti na določeno dogajanje, nastale posledice, kako sploh pristopiti k razumevanju obraznih izrazov in kako gibanje narediti čim bolj realistično in gledalcu nemoteče.
Keywords: animirani film, stop animacija, anatomija obraznih mišic, obrazni izrazi, animacija obraza, izdelava glave lutke
Published in RUNG: 07.10.2020; Views: 3782; Downloads: 171
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