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Ecological niche relations of indigenous and invasive crayfish (Astacoidea) in Slovenia
Martina Jaklič, 2016, doktorska disertacija

Opis: In this study, realised and fundamental niches were combined between studied ICS (Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803), Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858), Astacus astacus (Linnaeus, 1758)) and NICS (Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852), Orconectes limosus (Rafinesque, 1817), Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868)). The realised niche was described by population characteristics. P. leniusculus showed similar annual cycle than ICS, but on the other hand it showed higher population density, shorter breeding period, and better individual condition (estimated with SMI) comparing to the ICS. These are its advantages over ICS, which increase its potential for the invasiveness. The most pronounced this threat is to A. astacus, with which it has the most similar/ overlapping realised niche. Similar was observed comparing the ICS and NICS fundamental niches presented by selected physiological measurements (maximal food (Cmax) and oxygen consumption (Rn), concentration of haemocyanin in haemolymph (Hc), electron transport system (ETS) activity and potential growth scope (PGS). As a result of higher plasticity and adaptation to varied environmental conditions, NICS expressed different physiological response to temperature at cellular (ETS activity) and organism (Cmax, Rn, PGS) level. Similar fundamental characteristics (expressed with thermal optimums) were found between P. leniusculus and ICS, while optima for O. limosus and C. quadricarinatus were more narrow and higher (above 22 °C and 30 °C). Modelling of thermal niches showed differences mostly among species on cellular level (in ETS activity). This was a new approach and support for better estimation of success and proliferation of new invaders. Furthermore, C. Quadricarinatus, found for the first time as established population in temperate climate of Europe (in Slovenia in 2009), was used in this study, as a model organism, to show that the combination of fundamental and realised thermal niche, as well as ecophysiological and field research can constitute an important input to the model for estimating the risk associated with C. quadricarinatus. It is rarely possible to observe the development of new invaders in the new environment, therefore monitoring of the C. quadricarinatus through the three growth period (1-lag phase, 2-log phase, 3-stable phase), was unique example in the invasive biology. After extremely increasing the population in 2011 and 2012 (for 7.7 - 10.1 % per month) the population developed and stabilised in March 2012. Based on these high numbers of field and lab data, the TIRI (Thermal Invasive Risk Index) was developed to produce instant results that may be satisfactory for evaluation of different degrees of invasiveness. We found that the oxbow lake Topla had no lethal days (no. of days when water temperature is below or above temperature of death) in comparison with the adjacent rivers where the number of lethal days probably constitutes an important barrier for species spreading. Therefore, we concluded that C. quadricarinatus could potentially reproduce in the adjacent rivers, but survival of the brood is doubtful, especially due to previous results concerning critical min/max temperatures.
Ključne besede: potočni raki, jelševec, koščak, koščenec, signali rak, trnavec, rdečeškarjevec, sezonska dinamika, termalna toleranca, temeljna ekološka niša, realizirana niša, potencialna invazivnost
Objavljeno v RUNG: 24.11.2016; Ogledov: 5443; Prenosov: 345
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Hydrogeological and speleological research of the spring cave Slatinski Izvor and its recharge are (Republic of Macedonia)
Biljana Gichevski, 2016, doktorska disertacija

Opis: This thesis represents a comprehensive study, giving first extensive information on the hydrogeological and speleological characteristics of the spring cave Slatinski Izvor and its catchment area. The researched spring is located in the Poreče basin of West-Central Macedonia, in the river valley of Slatinska Reka. The wider area around the spring belongs to two tectonic units. The Slatinski Izvor spring is situated on the Pelagonian horst anticlinorium, which is composed of carbonate rocks. The second is the Western Macedonian zone, and it is composed of non-carbonate rocks. The spring represents a significant potential for water supply for the settlement Slatina. Prior to this research only some basic information about the karst aquifer in Precambrian dolomite marbles was available. Therefore, my goal was to ensure better understanding of the functioning of the karst system in the recharge area of the spring, assessment of its vulnerability to various pollution sources, as well as study of karst development of the area. Because karst aquifers have unique hydrogeological characteristics and specific nature, they also require specifically adapted investigation methods. In order to reach the main goal, speleological investigations, hydrological methods, hydrochemical methods and tracer test were used. A monitoring network was combined with regular samplings for major and trace elements analysis, which enabled considerable advances in understanding the functioning of the karst system. The data from two-year period (December 2011 – November 2013) was compared and analyzed. The controlling of the karst development in the study area mostly depends on the tectonic and geologic conditions. Incision of Slatinska Reka is the main controlling factor in cave development by lowering the base level of karst terrains. All investigated caves (Gorna Slatinska, Slatinska II, Ovčarska Peštera, Puralo, Slatinski Izvor) have “normal” epigenic karst development. Slatinski Izvor is the youngest cave. The Slatinski Izvor spring serves as a cave entrance for the same cave and, represents the outflow of groundwater from the karst system. A conceptual model of the karst system of the study area was developed. The Slatinski Izvor spring has typical karst hydrological regime. The karst system is well developed by conduits and rains infiltrated into vadose zone flow rapidly towards the spring. The travel time of low mineralized water within the system corresponds well with the results from an artificial tracer test. Performed artificial tracer test confirmed that the Slatinski Izvor spring is recharged by allogenic stream. The dominant apparent flow velocity of 250 m/h, a single peak of the tracer breakthrough curve and more than 87% of tracer recovered indicate a rapid conduit flow and high vulnerability of the observed drinking water source. Analysis of spatial and temporal variations of physical and chemical parameters show that waters in the study area had different origin and were transmitted along different flow paths. The origin of the water of the Slatinski Izvor spring is from non-carbonate area, but the influence of mixed limestone-dolomite sequence in the carbonate area is significant. The results point out to short residence time of the water in the karst aquifer. The anthropogenic impact in the study area is insignificant which is reflected in the good water quality. In order to preserve it, land surface zoning was performed in terms of groundwater and spring water vulnerability to pollution according to the hydrogeological research. A comprehensive research with a combined use of various research tools presents an innovative approach and a new contribution to the Macedonian karstological science. Applied methods proved to be successful for to study of the karst system. Finally, the results of the study have clear applicative significance in terms of drinking water management.
Ključne besede: karst hydrology, cave, speleological investigation, hydrochemistry, tracer test, spring Slatinski Izvor
Objavljeno v RUNG: 14.10.2016; Ogledov: 30183; Prenosov: 158
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Transformacija antičnih motivov v slovenski književnosti devetnajstega in dvajsetega stoletja
Urša Prša, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Antična mitologija že stoletja navdihuje evropski prostor ter se v njem na različne načine transformira in interpretira v različnih vrstah umetnosti. Antični motivi so odmevali v slovenski književnosti od srednjega veka pa vse do sodobnosti. Slovenska literatura jih je v različnih fazah svojega razvoja sprejemala ali zavračala ter iz njih oblikovala svoje motivno-tematske zasnove. Posebna pozornost te doktorske disertacije je posvečena tipom literarne recepcije, ki se je udejanjila v slovenskem slovstvu romantike in v dvajsetem stoletju, ko so antični liki in motivi postali simboli in prispodobe moderne subjektivnosti. Po krajšem pregledu tuje in domače znanosti o mitologiji s poudarkom na teoretski obravnavi mita v literaturi sledi opazovanje recepcije antične motivike v slovenskem in evropskem literarnem prostoru od antike naprej. Posebna pozornost bo namenjena motivom Medeje, Odiseja in Orfeja v izbranih delih slovenske književnosti 19. in 20. stoletja, saj je vsak lik s svojo univerzalnostjo in enkratnostjo pomembno vplival na slovensko literaturo. Ob pomoči medbesedilne metode so analizirani namen avtorjeve uporabe izbranega antičnega motiva, njegova vloga, interpretacija in morebitna transformacija ali aktualizacija.
Ključne besede: antični motivi, transformacija, slovenska književnost, Medeja, Odisej, Orfej
Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.10.2016; Ogledov: 5478; Prenosov: 431
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Megi Rožič, 2016, doktorska disertacija

Opis: People have travelled and migrated since the early periods of history and the phenomenon of migration, defined as “the movement of large numbers of people, birds or animals from one place to another” (Oxford Advanced Dictionary, 7th ed.) has a history of hundreds of years (Pourjafari, Vahidpour, 2014) and is by no means new. But the way of travelling, migrating and mobility in contemporary reality does have many specific aspects and recently it has been studied in new ways, with new concerns. The experience of migration in the contemporary world is a fundamental characteristic of human societies. “It is a system in which the circulation of people, sources and information follows multiple paths. The energy and barriers that alter the course or deflect the contemporary patterns of movement have both obvious and hidden features. While nothing is utterly random, the consequences of change are often far from predictable” (Papastergiadis, 2000: 1). This unpredictability and multidirectionality has led to changes in approaches to the study of migration in recent decades. In the last few decades the study of migration has increasingly been accompanied by a tendency to study it on the individual level − at the level of personal life stories (Milharčič Hladnik, 2007). These are also markedly expressed in the medium of literature. The present dissertation presents literary oeuvres of seven women writers, who thematise the autobiographical experience of migration, it offers an individually, woman-centred experience and view of migration. In selected oeuvres personal views are expressed on that experience, different strategies of coping with life in new realities and regarding relationships in these environments. The thematisation of the experience of migration in selected oeuvres is also connected with a problematisation of other concepts: the concepts of belonging, borders, nation-state, culture and language. It is also vitally connected with the personal identity construction of the lyrical subjects and literary characters and also because of the autobiographical character of selected literary works of the literary artists themselves. The experience of migration in selected literary works leads to unique identity formations, which in themselves combine elements of different cultural backgrounds and traditions. In their literary works these selected women writers also shape their relationship toward time and space dimensions, tradition and interpersonal relationships through the experience of migration. The experience of migration, the relocation of the subject and a change of the geographical area in selected oeuvres, does not only represent a change of the geographical position: it also allows a deviation from other rigid and seemingly fixed and unvarying patterns and virtual realities that accompany human life. Migration can also present an alienation effect from traditionalisms and determinants that define human lives. In the literary oeuvres of these selected women writers, migration is only in part tied to the traditional concepts related to migrants, with the loss of roots and rupture with the place of origin. In the selected literary oeuvres, migrants are rarely considered to be uprooted and unable to find their anchor or confidently start a new chapter in their lives in a new environment. Migration is mostly connected with the possibility of expanding the horizon of insights and perspectives of looking at life, with the acceptance of its complexities, ambiguities and incompleteness. Mostly, the experience of migration is seen as a new, creative option, which opens and examines the wide range of other issues and dilemmas. The condition of uprooted loss has traditionally negative connotations, but in the selected oeuvres vagueness and fluidity allow a real insight into the real, complex nature of life and human existence.
Ključne besede: The experience of migration, women writers, Maruša Krese, Ifigenija Zagoričnik Simonović, Brina Švigelj-Mérat − Brina Svit, Gabriela Babnik, Stanislava Chrobáková Repar, Erica Johnson Debeljak, Lidija Dimkovska, literary polysystem, nomadic entity, locational feminism, fluid identity, transnationalism, transculturalism
Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.10.2016; Ogledov: 6900; Prenosov: 473
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General framework for the conservation of historical rural landscape. Case study of Qadisha Valley in Lebanon.
Bachir Zarif Keyrouz, 2016, doktorska disertacija

Opis: The international community has reacted to the challenges faced by historic cities and cultural landscapes. In 2011, UNESCO adopted the international recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in order to draw the attention of governments and local communities to the need to improve the management of historic urban areas. The aim of the present dissertation is to expand the UNESCO definition to Historic Rural Landscapes, and to explore how the proposed methodology could be applied to the management of rural areas. The dissertation takes the Qadisha Valley in Lebanon as an example, where some elements have already been recognised for their outstanding universal value. It is considered however that these historic-cultural elements are part of the larger context of the Qadisha Valley, which has its specificity and its qualities that merit being recognised. It is also considered that the management of the elements already recognised by UNESCO can only be successfully safeguarded if the management is understood in the context of the entire valley. Consequently, the thesis is articulated taking into account the following parameters: 1. UNESCO has already set the restoration plan to solve the problems of Qadisha Valley. Based on this plan, the question can be raised whether or not the rural planning in Qadisha is well managed at the present? 2. In case Qadisha Zone is not well conserved, what improvements could be brought about and implemented in order to safeguard the cultural heritage and historical rural landscape, and what should be the guiding policies of restoration? 3. Once a restoration plan is implemented in Qadisha Zone, what management plan should be brought up and implemented to safeguard its cultural heritage and historical rural landscape? 4. How can conservation of cultural heritage in Qadisha Zone be done culturally and in a socially acceptable way? 5. What sectors of the nation are to be involved in the Management plan? How can the MP preserve and restore Qadisha Zone? The aim of the dissertation has been to examine the possibilities of involvement of the local community and relevant authorities in a more structured management of their properties within the context of the entire valley and its exceptional historic and landscape qualities. It is hoped that the study can generate more interest in the management of the rural context within the increasingly globalising society, and draw attention to the qualities of historic rural landscapes as the setting for an improved quality of life.
Ključne besede: Historic Rural Landscape, Qadisha World Heritage, Heritage Community, Sustainable Tourism, Strategic Urban Management, Outstanding Universal Values & Conservation Process.
Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.10.2016; Ogledov: 6053; Prenosov: 127
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Building the shared dimension of the rural landscape: tools, principles and methods : An integrated approach to conservation and management of the rural landscape in Venice and its Lagoon
Caterina Groli, 2016, doktorska disertacija

Opis: This research investigates the rural landscape of the lagoon of Venice and its surrounding territory focusing on the forms of exploitation of its natural resources, the transformations that occurred throughout the course of history and the consequent formation of its primary economical sector. New economic sectors, new agricultural policies and other spatial and sectorial drivers transformed the primary sector itself which changed and adapted its productive schemes to the main economic patterns, heavily affecting the former rural asset of the landscape of the lagoon by changing its demographic, economic activities and land use practices. The study carries out a systematic and detailed analysis of all economic, cultural and social features that have interacted and impacted this specific landscape, relying mainly on the comparison of historical and current land-use maps through three different historical spans: 1823-1840 (pre-industrialization phase), 1933-1966 (industrializing process, considered as a determining factor of the transformation of this landscape) and 2013 (present post-industrialized condition). The maps, combined with relative data, are compared with the aid of the Geographical Information System (GIS) computer software. As a result, a set of new maps has been obtained, which point out the historical landscape permanencies, defined through in situ surveys on the territory. A multitude of other archival documents from direct and indirect sources have been examined in order to build up a sound and detailed socio-economic context and the overall historical background. Resources, goods and services provided by the rural landscape and its development are an important part of regional and EU policy instruments and also an essential factor of identity and growth for local communities. The consumption of resources, their availability and maintenance over time and accessibility through property regulations are all factors that shape the common and public dimension of the rural landscape, which represents another study challenge of this work. This study proposes the establishment of the rural park of the lagoon of Venice, through the implementation of the multi-functional role of agriculture, for the fulfilment of two fundamental conditions of the peri-urban rurality: the need of safeguarding the landscape and its significance, by preserving the authenticity and integrity of the rural characters and the dynamism of the primary sector, which is strictly related to the survival of the rural landscape.
Ključne besede: Rural landscape of the lagoon of Venice, UNESCO Management Plan 2012–2018, European Landscape Convention, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Italian Constitution, Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, authenticity and integrity of the rural heritage, intangible heritage, landscape evaluation, land-use cartography, Geographical Information System (GIS), fish-farming, multifunctional agriculture, new rural community, common pool resources, public goods, club goods, property rights, rural park
Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.10.2016; Ogledov: 5351; Prenosov: 211
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Lucija Raspor Dall'Olio, 2016, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Scyphozoa with symbionts have an advantage in oligotrophic environments due to the additional source of nutrients provided by their symbiontic algae, just as corals have benefits from their symbionts. The literature, however, has thus far devoted far less attention to the association between scyphozoan hosts and Symbiodinium sp. than it does to corals. This thesis investigated the identity of symbionts from scyphozoan medusae (Cotylorhiza tuberculata, Phyllorhiza punctata and Cassiopea xamachana) using a phylogenetic approach. Two scyphozoan species, P. punctata and C. tuberculata, were sampled over the Mediterranean Sea, while Cassiopea xamachana was sampled in the Atlantic Ocean. Symbionts were identified from live medusae and their identity and phylogenetic relationships were determined by analysing two nuclear markers, ITS2 and 28S rDNA, from symbionts. Symbiodinium sp. sequences belong to clades A, B, and C based on markers ITS2 and 28S rDNA. Moreover, individual medusae host only one type Symbiodinium (A, B or C). Host species from the Mediterranean Sea hosted Symbiodinium from clade A and B (C. tuberculata) or only from clade A (Phyllorhiza punctata), while the host from the Atlantic Ocean (C. xamachana) hosted Symbiodinium from clade B or C. The phylogeography of C. tuberculata medusae was analysed using mtCO1. All the haplotypes sampled over the Mediterranean Sea were clustered together without any sign of phylogeographic structuring.
Ključne besede: Scyphozoa, Cotylorhiza tuberculata, Symbiodinium sp., symbiosis, Mediterranean Sea, phylogeography, CO1, 28S rDNA, ITS regions
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.10.2016; Ogledov: 6191; Prenosov: 370
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Gradivo ima več datotek! Več...

Sebastijan Rep, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: Parathyroid scintigraphy is based on the different accumulation and distribution of radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-MIBI (MIBI) in parathyroid and adjacent tissues. Different scintigraphic techniques can be used: subtraction scintigraphy is a combination of MIBI and 99mTc-pertehnetate (pertehnetate) scintigraphy; SPECT can be performed after intravenous injection of MIBI or in the combination with low-dose computerized tomography (SPECT/CT) which allows precise anatomical localization of enlarged parathyroid glands (EPG). The objectives of our study were: to assess diagnostic performance of preoperative localization of EPG (adenomas and hyperplasia) of the early, delayed and combined SPECT/CT and of subtraction scintigraphy in patients with biochemically proven primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP); to determine whether size of EPG, serum parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) correlate with successful localization; to assess radiation exposure of patients with early and late SPECT/CT and subtraction scintigraphy The study included 41 patients in whom early, delay SPECT/CT and subtraction scintigraphy were performed. For all scintigraphic methods sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were calculated. Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis was used to express relationship between scintigraphy results and size of the EPG and serum Ca, P and PTH levels. ImPACT CT Patient Dosimetry Calculator and weighting factors for radiopharmaceuticals (MIBI and pertechnetate) were used for calculating patient expose dose. Sensitivity and specificity were 51.1% and 98.3 for subtraction scintigraphy, 65.1% and 97.5% for early SPECT/CT and 65.1% and 95.5% for delay SPECT/CT. In combined early and delay SPECT/CT sensitivity and specificity were 74.4% and 95.1%.Only size of the EPG correlated with successful localization in our study (AUC of 0.791-0.810). The highest average ED per patient had subtraction scintigraphy (7.37±0.40 mSv), which was statistically significant higher in comparison to combined early and delayed SPECT/CT (6.81±0.44 mSv). The most sensitive and most accurate method of preoperative localization of EPG in patients with PHP is combined early and delayed SPECT/CT. Only size of the EPG correlates with successful localization. The highest radiation exposure is after subtraction scintigraphy.
Ključne besede: Enlarged parathyroid glands, early SPECT/CT, delayed SPECT/CT, combined SPECT/CT, subtraction scintigraphy, 99mTc-MIBI, 99mTc-pertechnetate, effective dose, serum parathyroid hormone, calcium, phosphate
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.10.2016; Ogledov: 6469; Prenosov: 252
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Slavica Ilc, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: Slovenia is the third most forested country in Europe. Nevertheless, in the last twenty five years this natural wealth did not get the adequate role in national development strategies, which unnecessary reduced their sustainability potential and lead the Slovenian forest-wood industry in a very bad situation. The forest-based sector in Europe is in a period of profound structural changes, which requires reassessment of the wood-chain products outlook. In the master’s thesis, the importance of integration of forestry and wood industry has been evaluated with the meaningful connection of different analytical methods: material flow analysis (MFA), SWOT analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA). With comparison of the roundwood and sawnwood material flow in Slovenia, Italy and Austria, the critical points in the Slovenian forest-wood chain were identified. In contrast to Austria and Italy, where wood is intensively reworked, Slovenia exports large amounts of untreated roundwood. As a consequence, the gross value added (GVA) per employee of wood sector in Slovenia reaches only 40 % of GVA in Austria and 50 % of GVA in Italy. Not only MFA, but also the SWOT and LCA analyses show, that wood processing into finished products is important both in terms of the value added and the environmental impact, as well as for more decisive shift of the economy towards a low-carbon society. Slovenian economy could take advantage of its sustainable development potential to a great extent by increasing the level of raw material self-sufficiency and energy independency. It is essential to re-establish forest-wood processing chain, to rework wood at home into products with the highest added value, and to use wood residues as renewable feedstock in green chemistry industry and for transformation into energy with novel technologies. Slovenian vision of sustainable economy has great potential, but requires enhanced cross-sectoral integration of forestry, wood processing, construction, chemistry and energy.
Ključne besede: sustainability, forest-wood processing chain, development potential, material flow analysis (MFA), SWOT analysis, life cycle assessment (LCA)
Objavljeno v RUNG: 30.09.2016; Ogledov: 7598; Prenosov: 278
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Mojca Novak, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: The hospital water system can be a causative agent for acquiring hospital-acquired infection. Many microorganisms can be detected in potable water and one of this is Legionella spp. These bacteria live also in nature, but are usually present in low numbers. When entering into the buildings and their water supply, Legionella finds ideal conditions to multiply, especially if this systems are extensive and old. To control the conditions in the levels that cannot harm humans, many procedures – physical and chemical – have been established. All of them have advantages as well as limitations. According to these facts, in University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik we tried to reestablish the protocols that would keep us on the safe side and be environmentally and health friendly as well. We have been trying to use the protocol without added chemicals – just with maintaining proper temperatures, heat disinfection and flushing for many years now. With this study we wanted to extend our knowledge of our hospital water system, so we intensified the sampling and introduced extended measures. We found out that the presence of Legionella in water system is connected to moderate temperatures and it is present more frequently in high risk zones (inappropriate temperatures, dead legs, water stagnation). With constant measures, the Legionella can be controlled but not eradicated. To contain it on a safe level, the group of experts must work together and introduce procedures that will provide safe environment for the patients and employees.
Ključne besede: Legionella spp., hospital water system, prevention, temperature, flushing.
Objavljeno v RUNG: 30.09.2016; Ogledov: 6117; Prenosov: 276
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