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Disruptive avant-garde art of today : shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futures
Kristina Pranjić, Magdalena Germek, Peter Purg, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: imaginary, conviviality, symbiosis, cosmopolitics, defuturing, posthumanities, intermedia art
Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 571; Prenosov: 0
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To know a tree : symbiotic mutualism and artistic exploration against anthropocentric science
Peter Purg, Kristina Pranjić, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: In order to develop new symbiotic relationships and different imaginaries, it is first necessary to critically restructure the representations of forms of cooperation, which in their positive, desired version usually represent a certain romantic idea of nature and human, and the possibilities for a harmonious model and holistic structure of reality. This can be seen in both eco art and activist ecological agendas, which often play on feelings of harmony and mutual reciprocity, and actually further contribute to a distorted and extremely one-dimensional image of reality. Using the concepts of conviviality and cosmpolitics, the article aims to offer new concepts of symbiosis and symbiotic futures that face today's process of defuturing. The second point of the article is to develop a convincing and solid alternative to the neoliberal view of market-driven models based on competencies and the logic of growth. Therefore, the actual task for disruptive avant-garde art of today should be understood as the decolonization of our imaginaries that perceive nature through the logic of growth and the harmonious model in the direction of shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futures.
Ključne besede: imaginary, conviviality, symbiosis, cosmopolitics, defuturing, posthumanities, intermedia art
Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 612; Prenosov: 4
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The rupture and the connection : nonrepresentation and participation in art for socio-ecological change
Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: Exploring the relationship between the rupture caused by non-representation on the one hand and the connection fostered through active participation on the other, this contribution in environmental humanities seeks to consolidate an ecocritical perspective that includes posthumanism, new materialism, and ecological theory, particularly within the field of art and art history. The first part lays its theoretical groundwork by focusing on the concept of non-representation as developed in formalist discourse and avant-garde artistic experiments. By examining the radical defamiliarization of nature and objects, the article shows how this process enables the redefinition of normative standards and the formation of an ecological epistemology rooted in non-hierarchical perspectives as critical for achieving tangible and meaningful change. On the other end of the artistic spectrum, presented in the second part, two cases of artivist and participative practices are revealed as examples of implementing change through intersubjective experience within artistic frameworks. The recent shift in community artistic practice towards enabling subjects’ participation and reacting to societal demands includes geographical peripheries and marginalized groups. A new aesthetics of interconnectedness may show that reality is not our mirror image, but rather a gradual embracing of the manifold entanglements that need to be addressed through artistic eco-imaginaries and posthumanist inclusivity.
Ključne besede: community art, avant-garde art, abstraction, social change, ecocriticism
Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 501; Prenosov: 5
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Taming the forest : embracing the complexity of art-sci research through microhistory, bioeconomics and intermedia art
Nikita Peresin Meden, Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: An ongoing collaborative project between art and science, Taming the Forest (2022) was implemented by a team of students, artists and researchers charting an interdisciplinary project among bioeconomics, environmental history, policy and artistic practice. In this article, the project acts as a case study for researching the conflicting narratives of history and economics about biodiversity in general, and specifically about forests. It shows how different blends of methodologies in artistic-cum-scientific research can become relevant for both realms, opening new creative pathways and pedagogical registers while repeatedly returning to a specific forest’s microhistory. Moreover, the article stresses the need for a new sensibility and complex knowledge, moving beyond an objective study and becoming attentive to different dimensions of research and its outputs that emerge through the introduction of artistic thinking and methodologies. This kind of transdisciplinary approach becomes necessary in order to tackle the manifold large-scale problems such as the climate and biodiversity crises, which call for both acting decisively and transforming radically, above all with regard to how humans perceive, relate to and manage nature.
Ključne besede: biodiversity, climate crisis, environmental history, forest management, Karst, transdisciplinary, artistic thinking, artistic research
Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.07.2024; Ogledov: 560; Prenosov: 8
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Avant-garde & experiment : student exhibition
2024, razstava

Ključne besede: Ekologija, umetnost in humanistika, eksperiment, ekokritika
Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.07.2024; Ogledov: 538; Prenosov: 0
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Particulate air pollution in the heart of the European Union : lessons learned from SAFICA 2017-2018 and SAAERO 2022-2023 projects in Central and Southeast Europe
Katja Džepina, Kristina Glojek, Martin Rigler, Asta Gregorič, Matic Ivančič, Irena Ježek, Griša Močnik, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Opis: Particularly during the cold weather season, countries of the Southeast Europe are experiencing some of the poorest air quality in the world due to the extensive use of solid fuels and old vehicle fleets. The city of Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) situated within a basin surrounded by mountains. In the winter months (domestic heating season), topography and meteorology cause the pollutants to be trapped within the city basin. Countries of the Southeast Europe lack state-of-the-art atmospheric sciences research and access to sophisticated instrumentation and methodology, despite high levels of ambient pollution and position within the European Union (EU) borders, making it imperative to understand the emission sources, processing and the adverse health effects of atmospheric aerosol pollution.                This presentation will highlight the field measurements in Central and Southeast Europe during the Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2017-2018 (SAFICA) and Sarajevo Aerosol Experiment 2022-2023 (SAAERO) projects, centered at the Sarajevo Bjelave supersite. Both projects were envisioned to produce crucial, not previously available information about aerosol emission sources and atmospheric transformations through a combination of online field and offline laboratory measurements. Online measurements during a) SAFICA and b) SAAERO included, a) black carbon, particle number and size distribution, and b) carbonaceous species, elemental composition and bulk chemical composition. SAAERO online measurements also included stationary and mobile measurements of gas- and particle-phase species on board the mobile laboratory in Sarajevo and Zenica, BiH, as well as in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Zagreb, Croatia. Finally, extended SAAERO project included measurements of black carbon at three additional urban centers: Ljubljana, Zagreb, and Belgrade, Serbia, enabling the first comparison of urban air quality in Central and Southeast Europe between two EU and two non-EU capitals. During both projects, laboratory aerosol analyses determined aerosol bulk chemical composition, selected elements (Huremović et al., 2020; Žero et al., 2022) and molecular species (Pehnec et al., 2020). Aerosol chemical composition determined by aerosol mass spectrometry was further analyzed by Positive Matrix Factorization to separate organic aerosol into subtypes characteristic of specific sources and atmospheric processes. Aerosol oxidative potential was also determined to evaluate aerosol ability to generate reactive oxygen species. Sarajevo and Belgrade have high ambient loadings of aerosol and black carbon, indicative of strong and diverse combustion sources and a major public health hazard. Finally, aerosol surface concentrations will be discussed in the context of European air quality. We thank Jasminka Džepina, Magee Scientific/Aerosol, TSI and Aerodyne for support. We acknowledge the contribution of the COST Action CA16109 COLOSSAL and SEE Change Net. KDž and ASHP acknowledge the grant by the Swiss NSF (Scientific Exchanges IZSEZ0_189495), KDž, GM and ASHP European Commission SAAERO grant (EU H2020 MSCA-IF 2020 #101028909), GM Slovenian ARIS grant (P1-0385), SF Croatian HRZZ grant (BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105), and AG, MR, MI, BA and IBJ Slovenian ARIS grant (L1-4386). Pehnec, G., et al., Sci. Tot. Environ., 734, 139414, 2020. Huremović, J., et al., Air Qual. Atmos. Health, 13, 965–976, 2020. Žero, S., Žužul, S., et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 56, 7052−7062, 2022.
Ključne besede: air pollution, sources of pollution, PMF
Objavljeno v RUNG: 18.03.2024; Ogledov: 1186; Prenosov: 4
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Adamičeva Amerika, "dežela v primežu lastne temeljne neskladnosti" : Ars humana
2024, radijska ali televizijska oddaja, podkast, intervju, novinarska konferenca

Ključne besede: Moja Amerika, notranja politika, ameriška družba, ekonomska kriza
Objavljeno v RUNG: 16.01.2024; Ogledov: 1152; Prenosov: 4
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