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Title:Kritični dogodki pri delu učitelja vožnje
Authors:ID Marković, Rajko (Author)
ID Sabadin, Argio (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Naloga je zasnovana tako, da raziskujemo kritične dogodke, ki se pojavljajo pri delu učitelja vožnje. V uvodnem delu naloge opišemo trenutno situacijo v avto šolah ter opredelimo namen in cilj teme preučevanja. Namen naloge je prikazati probleme pri delovanju avto šol ter skozi analizo kritičnih dogodkov ovrednotiti prednosti in slabosti teh dogodkov. Cilj naloge je ugotoviti vse ovire, ki se pojavljajo pri delu učitelja vožnje ter podati predloge za izboljšanje pogojev dela. V nadaljevanju se osredotočimo na opis delovnega mesta, pogojev dela, stila vodenja in motivacije zaposlenih kot tudi same vloge učitelja vožnje pri tej dejavnosti. Sledi izvajanje ankete in obdelava rezultatov ankete ter analiza vseh kritičnih dogodkov, katere so opisali učitelji vožnje. Delo zaključimo s predlogi, ki bi izboljšali delo učitelja vožnje. Na delo učitelja vožnje vpliva več dejavnikov, med katerimi so najpomembnejše individualne razlike, značilnosti njegovega dela ter organizacijska praksa v avto šolah, kakor tudi dobri odnosi s sodelavci in kandidati, ter dobri delovni pogoji. Njihovo delo je stresno, naporno in zahtevno ter predvsem odgovorno tako, da bi analiza kritičnih dogodkov lahko bistveno olajšala izvajanje tega dela. Delo učitelja vožnje ne pritegne večje pozornosti. Naloga opozarja, da imamo učitelje vožnje, ki so skozi svoje dolgoletno uspešno delo naučili čez tisoč ljudi varno voziti avto, pa vseeno niso ustrezno nagrajeni za opravljeno delo.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, inštruktorji in inštrukcije, avto šole, kakovost izdelkov in storitev, delovno okolje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:R. Marković
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:VII, 85, [7] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1042 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:537595 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this assignment the research is directed towards critical events that occure during the work of a driving instructor. Firstly, in the introduction the present situation is described and the goals of the research are defined. The goal is to point out and specify the problem that occure and to criticaly evaluate these events. Also, the goal is to specify the obsticles that a driving instructor has to face at his work, and to suggest some changes that could improve the conditions of the work. Secondly, the focus is on the working position of an instructor, the conditions of his work, the description of leadership, the motivation at work as well as the role of an instructor itself. Thirdly, the questionary and the statistics gained by it are explained. Then, the analisis of the critical events is given. Finaly, there are some suggestions to improve the work of an instructor. Different factors influence the work of an instructor. Mainly, there are individual differences between people, relations between instructors and candidates, organising practisis, the conditions of work. The work of an instructor is stressfull and demands a great responsibility. The analysis of critical events could contribute a great deal to improve the quality of their work. In general, the work of a driving instructor does not attract a lot of attention. It is suggested in this assignment that an instructor that theaches thousands of people how to drive safely is not rewarded properly.
