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Title:Preverjanje učinkovitosti izvajanja direktiv v okviru Nature 2000
Authors:ID Debeljak, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kokalj, Jerneja (Author)
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Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Natura 2000, katere sestavni del sta Direktiva o ohranjanju prostoživečih ptic in Direktiva o ohranjanju habitatov, je z letom 2014 začela novo programsko obdobje. Hkrati pa je podvržena drobnogledu Evropske unije. 1. novembra 2014 je namreč dobil evropski komisar za pomorske zadeve in ribištvo Karmenu Vella s strani predsednika Evropske komisije Jeana-Clauda Junckerja nalogo, da poskrbi za celovito oceno učinkovitosti izvajanja Nature 2000 (Fitness Check). Namen tega ukrepa je oceniti uspešnost, učinkovitost, relevantnost, skladnost in dodano vrednost Direktiv Nature 2000. Cilj je na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov prilagoditi, zmanjšati, združiti ali pa celo prenoviti zakonodajo o varovanju okolja na področju držav članic Evropske unije, in sicer tako, da bi bili cilji Direktiv doseženi ob nižjih stroških implementacije. S tem namenom smo v diplomskem delu izdelali evalvacijski model, ki 32 vprašanj iz vprašalnika Evropske komisije za preverjanje učinkovitosti Direktiv Nature 2000 hierarhično integrira v posamezne vsebinske sklope. Pri tem smo uporabili metodo DEX, model pa je izdelan s pomočjo računalniškega programa DEXi za večparametrsko odločanje. Poleg odločitvenega modela smo izvedli še analizo izdanih publikacij o Naturi 2000 v obdobju med leti 2000 in 2015, s katero smo želeli prikazati raziskovalno in strokovno aktivnost na področju Nature 2000 v Sloveniji. Na osnovi odgovorov vprašalnika smo z modelom integrirali odgovore Slovenije (MOP in DOPPS) in Velike Britanije (DEFRA). Ocene modela smo nato primerjali na državni ravni, torej MOP in DOPPS, ter na meddržavni ravni med Slovenijo (MOP) in Veliko Britanijo (DEFRA). Iz pridobljenih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da bi implementacijo ukrepov Nature 2000 izboljšali z učinkovitejšim razpolaganjem razpoložljivih sredstev, s stalnim in doslednim monitoringom stanja, katerega rezultati bi bili dostopni širši javnosti, ter z izboljšanjem skladnosti sektorskih politik z zakonodajami o varovanju narave, kar bi pripomoglo k nižanju stroškov in skrajšanju časa, potrebnega za uveljavitev ukrepov direktiv Nature 2000. Ob primerjanju ocen Slovenije smo ugotovili, da obstajajo razlike med ocenami odgovorov MOP in DOPPS, pri čemer je DOPPS podal bolj kritično celostno oceno kot MOP. Primerjava Slovenije in Velike Britanije prav tako razkriva razlike o stanju učinkovitosti implementacije Nature 2000 in pokaže, da je Velika Britanija ocenila stanje kot slabo, Slovenija pa kot srednje.
Keywords:Natura 2000, Direktiva o ohranjanju habitatov, Direktiva o ohranjanju prosto živečih ptic, Fitness Check, integracijski model
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1988 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4045563 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.09.2015
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Abstract:Natura 2000 is an EU-wide network of nature protection areas under the Directive on the conservation of wild birds and the Directive on the conservation of habitats. In 2014 the network entered a new programming period. It has also fallen under intense scrutiny by the European Union. On the 1st November 2014, the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella was given a task by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to arrange for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of Natura 2000 (Fitness Check). The purpose of this measure is to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and added value of the Directives of Natura 2000. Based on the results obtained, it is the objective of this evaluation to adjust, reduce, combine or even recast legislation on environmental protection in the Member States of the European Union. The goal is to achieve the objectives of the Directives at a lower cost. In light of the direction the EU is taking, we have developed a decision-making model, which is based on 32 questions combined in the questionnaire of the European Commission enabling the verification of the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 Directives. Using this model, the questions from the questionnaire are distributed into various hierarchically organized substantive parts. The model was created using the DEXi computer program for multi-attribute decision-making and the DEX method. In addition to the multi-attribute decision-making model, we performed an analysis of the publications issued in relation to Natura 2000 between the years 2000 and 2015 presenting research and professional activity in the area of Natura 2000 in Slovenia. Regarding the responses to questions from the questionnaire, we used the model for the integration of responses provided by Slovenia (MOP and DOPPS –Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning and DOPPS BirdLife Slovenia) and the UK (DEFRA). The individual ratings were then compared on the national level (MOP and DOPPS) and on the international level (Slovenia (MOP) vs. UK (DEFRA)). Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the implementation of the measures for Natura 2000 can be improved by more efficient use of available resources, with constant and rigorous monitoring of the situation, the results of which would be accessible to the general public, and by improving compliance of sectoral policies with the laws on protection of nature, which would help lower costs and reduce the time required for implementing measures of Natura 2000 Directives. By studying the responses provided by Slovenia, there were different ratings discovered on the national level, as DOPPS was more critical in its assessments than MOP. The comparison of the Natura 2000 implementation efficiency between Slovenia and the UK also shows differences in terms of the efficiency of implementation of Natura 2000 directives, as UK has rated its implementation as “low”, while Slovenia has given its implementation of the Natura 2000 directives a “medium high” rate.
Keywords:Natura 2000, Directive on the conservation of the habitats, Directive on the conservation of wild birds, Fitness Check, integration model
