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Title:Optimiranje zalog nepovratne embalaže
Authors:ID Rejec, Valter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Frančeškin, Uroš (Author)
Files:.pdf Uros_Franceskin.pdf (1,21 MB)
MD5: 7A8656F6666CC2807652CEB4A34253FF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi je opisana optimizacija zalog nepovratne embalaže v podjetju Mahle Letrika d.o.o. Največjo težavo predstavlja sama prostorska stiska in neustrezni način skladiščenja embalaže. Zaradi tega je bilo treba poiskati ustreznejšo dolgoročno rešitev. V prvem delu diplomske naloge so podrobneje predstavljene zvrsti embalaže in njeni dobavitelji. Sledi pregled planiranja porabe, naročanja in dobav nepovratne embalaže. V osrednjem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljenih več izboljšav, ki so pripomogle k boljšemu obračanju zalog ter reševanju prostorske stiske. S pomočjo analize zalog nepovratne embalaže je bila izbrana najprimernejša velikost prostora za novo skladišče ter najprimernejša lokacija za njegovo postavitev. Rezultat ukrepov so zmanjšane količine naročenega materiala in skrajšani dobavni roki. Uvedeno je bilo izdajanje materiala po FIFO (ang. first in – first out) sistemu. Zaradi naročanja manjših količin embalaže se je zmanjšala končna zaloga materiala v skladišču. Z optimizacijo zalog nepovratne embalaže se je izboljšal koeficient obračanja zalog.
Keywords:embalaža, optimiranje, SAP, logistična nalepka, lokacija, skladišče
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1991 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4048635 New window
Publication date in RUNG:05.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of non-returnable packaging stock
Abstract:The thesis deals with stock optimization of non-returnable packaging at the company Mahle Letrika d.o.o. For years, the biggest problem in the field of non-returnable packaging at this company has been shortage of suitable space and inappropriate warehousing of the packaging. Therefore, a good long term solution of the problem had to be found. In the first part of the thesis a detailed presentation of various kinds of packaging as well as the list of their suppliers is given. Then a survey of planning, ordering and supplying the non-returnable packaging is outlined. In the main part of this work we present several improvements, aiming to sorting out the problem of space shortage and better inventory throughput. By analyzing the content of non-returnable packaging stock, the most appropriate size and location for the new warehouse has been decided. As a result, the quantities of the materials orders have been reduced, and the supply times have been shortened. The FIFO (first in – first out) system, for the delivery of packaging from the warehouse, has been selected. Due to the reduced quantities of orders the final stock of material in the warehouse has been reduced. By optimizing the non-returnable packaging stock the inventory turnover indicator has been improved.
Keywords:Packaging, optimization, SAP, logistic label, location, warehouse
