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Title:Slavna revolucija 1688 in jakobiti
Authors:ID Grdina, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Budihna, Polona (Author)
Files:.pdf Polona_Budihna.pdf (1,50 MB)
MD5: EE296D391522BF75AFC30C6EFB8FF1BE
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem najprej predstavila vzroke za angleško »slavno revolucijo« leta 1688 ter klasične historiografske poglede nanjo. V ospredju je vprašanje, ali drži, da Angleži svojo revolucijo (1688) imenujejo državljanska vojna, državljansko vojno (1642–1651) pa revolucija. To pomeni, da sem v diplomskem delu poskušala odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali je »slavna revolucija« prava revolucija v smislu širšega, predvsem evropskega pojmovanja revolucije, ali gre v bistvu za državni udar in tujo intervencijo pod vodstvom nizozemskega državnega namestnika Viljema Oranskega. V nadaljevanju sem se posvetila predvsem posledicam in razpletu dogajanj leta 1688 in 1689. S tem v mislih sem se najprej osredotočila na izdajo Listine pravic (Bill of Rights) ter na gibanje jakobitov, ki si je zastavilo za cilj restavracijo stuartovske dinastije. S svojim delom sem tudi poizkušala ugotoviti, ali je jakobitsko gibanje bilo posledica oziroma odgovor na revolucijo ali le težnja k neodvisnosti škotske države. Poleg tega sem predstavila ideologijo jakobitskega gibanja ter njihov vpliv na zgodovinsko dogajanje.
Keywords:Slavna revolucija, revolucija, leto 1688, jakobiti, jakobitstvo, jakobitski upori
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2014 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4144379 New window
Publication date in RUNG:24.02.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Glorious Revolution of 1688 and Jacobites
Abstract:In this thesis I first presented the reason that lead to the English Revolution in 1688 and the classical historiographical views on it. At the forefront is the question of whether it is true that the British call the Revolution (1688) a Civil War, and the Civil War (1642-1651) a revolution. This means that I tried to answer the question whether the Glorious Revolution was a real revolution in terms of the wider European revolutionary concept or it is in fact a coup and foreign intervention, led by the Dutch sovereign William of Orange. Below I have focused mainly on the effects and outcome of events in 1688 and 1689. With this in mind, I first focused on the issue of the Bill of Rights and the Jacobite movement which has set itself on the objective to restore the Stuart dynasty. Through my work I also tried to determine whether the Jacobite movement was the result of, or a response to a revolution, or a tendency of Scottish people to re-establish independent Scottish state. In addition, I presented the ideology of the Jacobite movement and their impact on historical events.
Keywords:Glorious Revolution, Revolution, year 1688, Jacobites, Jacobite risings
