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Title:Water salinity and the efficiency of constructed wetlands
Authors:ID Katz, Sidney (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vrhovšek, Danijel (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Karajić, Milana (Author)
Files:.pdf Milana_Karajic.pdf (6,15 MB)
MD5: 615A5E2F50F636DDA32388CE547026F2
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Raziskava teze je bila osredotočena na vpliv slanosti na učinkovitost rastlinske čistilne naprave. Raziskava je bila izvedena na rastlinski čistilni napravi Dragonja ki se nahaja na Jadranski obali, na jugo-zahodu Slovenije in na pilotskem modelu rastlinske čistilne naprave. Rezultati raziskave sugerirajo, da povečanje slanosti negativno vpliva na učinkovitost skoraj vseh spremljanih parametrov (amonijaka, fosfata, nitrata, nitrita, COD in BOD5), ampak korelacija ni bila signifikantna. Majhni koeficienti korelacije pomenijo, da koncentracije kloridov in prevodnost lahko razložijo majhen delež variabilnosti učinkovitosti rastlinske čistilne naprave Dragonja. Mogoče ima prisotnost različnih koncentracij drugih polutantov v izcedni vodi, ki jih nismo spremljali v nalogi, inhibitorni vpliv na mikroorganizme v rastlinski čistilni napravi in tako negativno vpliva na učinkovitost rastlinske čistilne naprave Dragonja. Za raziskavo procesa čiščenja slane odpadne vode so bili v substratu pilotskega modela rastlinske čistilne naprave inokulirani halotolerantni mikroorganizmi in spremljana učinkovitost čiščenja odpadne vode. Vpliv slanosti na učinkovitost, preživetje in uporabo halotolerantnih mikroorganizmov je bil preverjen pri 0%, 1,5% in 3,0% NaCl v odpadni vodi. Prav tako smo raziskali vpliv aeracije ter vpliv aeracije z dodano saharozo (2g/l) v sintetični odpadni vodi. V substratu pilotskega modela peščenega filtra rastlinske čistilne naprave smo spremljali spremembe v pH, prevodnosti, redoks potencialu, koncentraciji kisika, amonijevih ionov, kloridnih ionov, fosfatnih ionov, KPK, BPK5 in ETS aktivnosti, koncentraciji CO2 v vodi in koncentraciji CO2. Ugotovili smo, da je na učinkovitost pilotskega modela, inokuliranega s halotolerantnimi mikroorganizmi, večji vpliv imela aeracija in prisotnost saharoze (kot organskega izvira ogljika), kot spremembe v slanosti vode.
Keywords:rastlinske čistilne naprave, slana odpadna voda, halotolerantni mikroorganizmi
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2032 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4098043 New window
Publication date in RUNG:22.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Slanost vode in učinkovitost rastlinskih čistilnih naprav
Abstract:The focus of the thesis research was to investigate the influence of salinity on constructed wetland (CW) wastewater treatment. The thesis research was conducted at sub-surface flow (SSF) CW Dragonja which is situated on the Adriatic Coast, South-West Slovenia, and in the sand - gravel filter pilot plant for the treatment of a simulated saline wastewater. Results of this research suggested that increasing salinity at CW Dragonja negatively influenced the removal efficiency of almost all of the physical and chemical parameters investigated (ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, COD and BOD5), but the correlations were not significant. These weak coefficients of correlation mean that chloride ion concentration and conductivity can explain only small percent of the variability in removal efficiency of CW Dragonja. The possible presence of varying concentrations of pollutants in the landfill leachate, other than those investigated, may have had inhibitory influences on the microbiotic community in the CW Dragonja, and these inhibitory influences may have negatively impacted the treatment efficiency of CW Dragonja. To investigate the process of saline wastewater treatment in the CW halotolerant microorganisms were innoculated into the substrate of the pilot plant, and the efficiency of wastewater treatment in the pilot plant was monitored. In order to investigate applications, survival and efficiency of halotolerant microorganisms in the pilot plant, the influence of 0%, 1.5% and 3% NaCl was investigated. The influences of aeration and aeration with 2 g/l of saccharose in synthetic wastewater were also investigated. Changes of pH, conductivity, redox potential, oxygen concentrations, concentrations of ammonium ions, chloride ions, phosphate ions, COD, BOD5 and ETS activity, CO2 concentrations in water and CO2 concentrations in soil of the pilot plant were measured. It was found that removal efficiency of the pilot plant inoculated with halotolerant microorganisms was more influenced by aeration and the presence of saccharose (as organic carbon source) than by the variations in the salinity of the wastewater.
Keywords:constructed wetlands, saline wastewater, halotolerant microorgnisms
