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Title:Earthen architecture, tradition and modernity: Local self construction through building tradition and technological innovation opportunities in Chiapas, Mexico
Authors:ID Bertagnin, Mauro (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Sánchez Torres, Karla (Author)
Files:.pdf Karla_Sanchez_Torres.pdf (34,58 MB)
MD5: 77EBED06E416644EB3F5E3610263C22F
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:Earthen architecture represents a long building tradition of numerous indigenous communities in Mexico, in particular in the state of Chiapas, where a significant number of examples represent a rich historical tradition of earthen architecture and a valuable source of information, hence a fertile ground for a deeper investigation on its potential significance and, more broadly, for a greater understanding of sustainable building today. Despite the fact that the relevance of earthen architecture is widespread all over the world, traditional earthen architecture in Chiapas is scarcely documented, it lacks systematic research projects aimed at preserving this important tradition of these indigenous groups who often live in precarious conditions. Hence, this research highlights not only the widespread employment of earth as a traditional building material for the indigenous groups of Chiapas, but also its additional function as being an authentic expression of the architectural legacy of indigenous culture and thus a key potential factor for the development of the self construction. The first part of the dissertation introduces a general overview and prevailing knowledge on earthen architecture, mainly through investigating the bibliographic, historical and technical sources as well as the particular studies on earthen architecture in Mexico. The second part discusses the results of the field studies related to the specific conditions of earthen architecture in Chiapas through sampling, testing, photographic reference and interviews. On analysing the results of the field studies it can be established that the local population has shown a particular interest in the continuity of the earthen building tradition, in spite of this period of far-reaching globalisation building trends. For this reason the final part of dissertation propooses the manual. The main objective of the manual is to improve the traditional earthen building system by introducing a number of minor variations to the building technologies and new sustainable suggestions for the management of the living space, without sacrificing the flair and simplicity found within the local building tradition, thus giving new opportunities for the development of local populations through the preservation of the earthen building tradition.
Keywords:earthen architecture, indigenous, self-construction, manual, tradition, local communities
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2034 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Ilovnata arhitektura, tradicija in sodobnost: lokalno samo-graditeljstvo skozi stavbno tradicijo in tehnološko inovacijske priložnosti v Chiapasu, Mehika
Abstract:Ilovnata arhitektura predstavlja dolgo gradbeno tradicijo številnih avtohtonih skupnosti v Mehiki, predvsem v zvezni državi Chiapas, kjer obstaja veliko število primerov, ki predstavljajo bogato zgodovinsko tradicijo ilovnate arhitekture, dragocen vir informacij ter plodna tla za poglobljeno raziskavo o potencialu njenega pomena v perspektivi razumevanja trajnostni stavb tudi danes. Kljub dejstvu, da je pomen ilovnate arhitekture razširjen po vsem svetu, je tradicionalna ilovnata arhitektura v Chiapasu komajda dokumentirana, brez primernih sistematičnih raziskav, ki bi bile namenjene ohranjanju te pomembne tradicije teh avtohtonih skupnosti, ki pogosto živijo v ogroženih razmerah. Ravno zato raziskavalno delo poudarja, ne le široke uporabe ilovnate zemlje kot tradicionalni gradbeni material avtohtonih skupin Chiapas, temveč tudi njeno dodatno funkcijo kot verodostojni izraz arhitekturne zapuščine avtohtone kulture, kot ključni potencialni dejavnik za razvoj samograditeljstva. Prvi del disertacije predstavlja splošen pregled in prevladujoče znanje o ilovnati arhitekturi, predvsem prek pregleda bibliografskih, zgodovinskih in tehničnih virov, kakor tudi specifične študije ilovnate arhitekture v Mehiki. Drugi del obravnava rezultate raziskav terenskega dela v zvezi s specifičnostjo ilovnate arhitekture v Chiapasu prek vzorčenja, testiranja, fotografskih referenc in intervjujev. Analize rezultatov terenskega dela kažejo, da je lokalno prebivalstvo pokazala poseben interes za kontinuiteto ilovnate gradbene tradicije, navkljub daljnosežnosti globalizacijskih gradbenih trendov.Ravno zato, zaključni del disertacije predstavlja priročnik. Glavni cilj priročnika je izboljšava tradicionalnih gradbenih sistemoov ilovnate arhitekture preko uvedbe številnih manjših variacij gradbenih tehnologij in sugestij za trajnostno upravljanje bivalnega prostora, brez da bi se žrtvoval pridih in preprostost lokalne gradbene tradicije, kar daje nove možnosti za razvoj lokalnega prebivalstva skozi ohranjanje lončeno gradbene tradicije.
Keywords:ilovnata arhitektura, avtohtono, samo-graditeljstvo, priročnik, tradicija, lokalne skupnosti
