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Title:Depression between biomedicine and Ayurvedic medicine : a case of patient experiences in Slovenia
Authors:ID Šprah, Lilijana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Potrata, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kolarević, Maja (Author)
Files:.pdf Maja_Kolarevic.pdf (1,85 MB)
MD5: EEC98EE5A40E8D59ED897252356EF20C
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:The present work explores the "major depression", which falls in a psychiatric categorization of mental disorders in the spectrum of mood disorders. The subject of the research was the (de)construction of scientific knowledge of depression in terms of Indian medicine: Ayurveda and biomedicine /psychiatry, and the understanding of treatment, accompanied by an example of these two medical systems from the points of view of the patients in Slovenia, diagnosed with major depression. This dissertation represents multi-layered content analysis highly relevant to the field of mental health – to cope and deal with the depressive mood disorder, as one of the most common forms of mental health problems. To this end the following was conducted: (1) a comparison between the conceptualization and treatment of major depressive disorder in psychiatric and Ayurvedic theory, (2) an examination of Ayurveda practice transferred to a different cultural environment, i.e. in Slovenia, in comparison with the environment from which it comes, i.e. in India, (3) an identification of key factors that prompt them to undergo Ayurvedic or psychiatric practice, (4) an analysis and a comparison of the course and the outcome of the treatment using both approaches, and (5) a comparison of participants understandings of depression from the psychiatric and the Ayurvedic aspects using narrative approach. The purpose of this research was to examine the differences between the two approaches of treatment for depression arising from the different concepts of understanding its causes, its course and consequently its therapeutic intervention. The main focus lies on the advantages / disadvantages of compared practices as experienced by patients with depression. This issue is particularly important because, according to health statistics, depression today ranks among one of the most common forms of mental disorders, and its incidence is on the rise. This is not necessarily a reflection of the increased cases as such, but might also be attributed to the better recognition and greater awareness of depression by healthcare professionals and the general public. The effects of Ayurvedic practice as treatment of mental disorders are still relatively poorly examined, as well as the transfer of Ayurvedic medicine into a different cultural environment. Studies on the treatment of mental disorders with Ayurvedic medicine from the perspective of a European patient experience are few and there is a major gap in this research field. In my opinion, the dissertation would immensely contribute to the enormous research gap on the treatment of major depressive disorders with Ayurvedic practice in Slovenian territory. From the scientific point of view, the results of this research represent a significant development in our current understanding of the still prevailing concepts of medical theories and practices in the field of mental health.
Keywords:major depression, psychiatry, Ayurvedic medicine, medicalization, paramedicalization
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2036 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4094459 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Depresija med biomedicino in ajurvedsko medicino : primer izkušnje pacientov v Sloveniji
Abstract:Pričujoče delo raziskuje »veliko depresijo«, ki se uvršča v psihiatrični kategorizaciji duševnih motenj v spekter motenj razpoloženja. Predmet raziskovanja je (de)konstrukcija znanstvene vednosti depresije z vidika indijske medicine – ajurvede in biomedicine/psihiatrije na eni strani in razumevanje ter zdravljenje z omenjenima medicinskima praksama v Sloveniji v luči pacienta z diagnosticirano veliko depresijo na drugi strani. Naloga predstavlja vsebinsko večplastno obravnavo izjemno aktualnega področja duševnega zdravja – soočanja in spoprijemanja z depresivno motnjo razpoloženja, kot eno izmed najbolj razširjenih oblik težav z duševnim zdravjem. Pri tem sem (1) primerjala konceptualizacijo in zdravljenje velike depresivne motnje med psihiatrično in ayurvedsko prakso, (2) proučila ajurvedsko prakso preneseno v drugo kulturno okolje, t.j. v Slovenijo v primerjavi z okoljem iz katerega izhaja, t.j. v Indiji, (3) skozi pripovedi pacientov opredelila ključne dejavnike, ki so jih spodbudili k zdravljenju v okviru ajurvedske oz. psihiatrične prakse, (4) analizirala in primerjala potek ter izid zdravljenja z obema pristopoma ter (5) skozi pripovedi udeležencev raziskave preverila razumevanje depresije iz vidika psihiatrične in ajurvedske prakse. Namen raziskave je tudi preučiti razlike med obema pristopoma zdravljenja depresije, ki izhajata iz različnih konceptov razumevanja vzrokov, poteka in posledično terapevtskih intervenc. Zanimalo me je, kaj bi lahko bile prednosti / pomanjkljivosti primerjanih praks, kot jih doživljajo pacienti z depresijo. To vprašanje je zlasti pomembno zato, ker depresijo danes uvrščamo med eno najpogostejših oblik duševnih motenj, njena pojavnost pa je glede na zdravstvene statistike v porastu. To seveda ni nujno odraz povečevanja obsega motnje kot takšne, ampak tudi boljšega prepoznavanja, večje ozaveščenosti stroke in prebivalstva. Učinki ajurvedske prakse na področju obravnave duševnih motenj so še vedno relativno slabo raziskani, prav tako prenos ajurvedske medicine v drugo kulturno okolje. Študije o zdravljenju duševnih motenj z ajurvedsko medicino v luči izkušnje evropskega uporabnika pa trenutno še vedno predstavlja veliko praznino v raziskovalnem polju. Zato ocenjujem, da bo predlagana naloga pokrila veliko vrzel, ki vlada na področju raziskav zdravljenja velike depresivne motnje razpoloženja z ajurvedsko prakso v našem okolju. Iz znanstvenega vidika bodo rezultati predlagane raziskave zagotovo predstavljali pomembno nadgradnjo aktualnega razumevanja pri nas še vedno prevladujočih konceptov medicinskih teorij in praks na področju duševnega zdravja.
Keywords:velika depresija, psihiatrija, ajurvedska medicina, medikalizacija, paramedikalizacija
