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Title:Izdelava matrike prenastavljanja orodij : Izdelava matrike prenastavljanja orodij
Authors:ID CIKAJLO, IMRE (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kavčič, Andrej (Author)
Files:.pdf Andrej_Kavcic.pdf (1,23 MB)
MD5: A7DC27F995464733EC2D748B3327B0A3
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V proizvodnih procesih se stremi k čim večji izkoriščenosti strojev in zmanjšanju, časov, ki ne prinašajo dodane vrednosti. Eden izmed teh dejavnikov so tudi časi prenastavljanja strojev iz enega polizdelka na drugega. V podjetju Kolektor Sikom imamo urejen sistem metode total productive maintenance (TPM), ki se ukvarja z zmanjšanjem zastojev v procesu. Z analizo zastojev v proizvodnji programa tračnih komutatorjev (HB) je bilo ugotovljeno, da sta med največjimi postavkami zastojev menjava orodij in nastavljanje med procesom. Z namenom nižanja stroškov zastojev so v podjetju oblikovali projektno skupino, ki naj bi ugotovila dejansko stanje in definirala organizacijske ukrepe, s katerimi bomo zmanjšali obstoječe čase menjave orodij. Z izdelavo matrike prenastavljanja pa bo pripravljen optimalen vhod za planiranje. Moja naloga je bila sodelovanje v projektni skupini Optimizacija procesa menjave orodij, pripraviti smernice za izdelavo matrike prenastavljanja, ki naj bi ponazarjala medsebojna razmerja pri prenastavljanju med različnimi produkti, ki se jih izdeluje na začetnih linijah pri proizvodnji HB komutatorskega programa in izdelati matriko prenastavljanja. Ta naj bo čim enostavneje prikazovala sorodstvena razmerja med polizdelki, bila čim bolj enostavna za uporabo in primerna za nadgrajevanje glede na spremembe v proizvodnji. Matrika je bila izdelana in prikazana kot uporaben pripomoček za doseganje optimalne razporeditve polizdelkov na proizvodnih linijah za novozaposlenega planerja.
Keywords:Matrika prenastavljanja, pogojni stavek, MS Excel, proizvodni procesi, zastoji.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2230 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4218363 New window
Publication date in RUNG:11.04.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Creating a resetting chart : Creating a resetting chart
Abstract:The production processes are aiming to increase the efficency of machinery and decrease the times, that do not bring any added value. One of the factors are also times of resetting of machines from one semi-manufactured product to another. The company Kolektor Sikom has established a system, based on method total productive maintenance (TPM), which deals with the reduction of delays within the process. By analyzing delays in the production of HB tape commutator programme, it has been proved that two of the most serious causes for delays are tool replacements and changing of settings during the process. To reduce the cost of delays, a project team has been formed, to determine the actual condition and to define the organizational measures that will reduce the existing times of tool replacements. By making the resetting matrix, an optimal planning input will therefore be set. Our task was to participate in the project team Optimization of the Process of the Tool Replacements, to prepare guidelines for the preparation of the resetting matrix, intended to represent the interrelationship of the resetting between different products that are manufactured in the initial lines of the production of HB commutator program and to create the resetting matrix. The latter should in the simpliest possible way show relatedness among the semi-manufactured products, it should be simple to use and suitable for upgrading regarding the changes in the production. The matrix has been designed and has proved to be a useful tool for the freshly employed planner for optimal distribution of semi-manufactured products on production lines.
Keywords:Resetting chart, IF sentence, MS Excel, manufacturing processes, delays.
