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Authors:ID Knežević Hočevar, Duška (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Janko Spreizer, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Đorđević, Miodrag (Author)
Files:.pdf Miodrag_Dordevic.pdf (657,26 KB)
MD5: 0B4D62578F58E624563F284014C10D0A
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:In 2009, a Drop in centre for street children - MARA was established in Niš, Serbia. The purpose of the project was to provide health protection of adolescents, who lived in structural disadvantages, was exposed to the risk of HIV, and who have not been addressed by the institutional social care system. Once on the streets, children have difficulty meeting their basic needs such as obtaining food, clothes or shelter. Therefore, they employ a range of survival strategies. Begging, car washing, collecting secondary resources, borrowing money, and dealing drugs are common ways how to provide subsistence. Perhaps the most dangerous survival strategy pertains to exchanging sex services for food or money. Drug and alcohol use are common practices among street children. The main goal of this thesis was to obtain new knowledge about these young people in order to achieve a better understanding of their behaviours in the framework of social marginalization, their coping strategies and their own contributions to social exclusion. To provide better social, health and educational services for street children in Niš a qualitative approach is necessary to understand their survival strategies and their several needs as the persons at risk in certain social contexts. The main approach was ethnography encompassing participant observation during the fieldwork in Drop in centre in Niš. Following methods were employed: Review of the scientific literature on the issue and analytical reading; Review and analysis of existing documents and archive materials: UN/NGO/Government documents, and the documentation on the projects from Drop in centre; Participant observation in the group of MARA; Semistructured interviews with MARA; An ethnographic diary and ethnographic fieldnotes of fieldwork in the Drop in centre in Niš. This thesis was focused on the following research questions: What is the relationship between social stereotypes about MARA and MARA’s behaviour? Are the stereotypes affecting MARA’s identities, behaviour and appearance or vice versa? How do MARA act within their several environments? How MARA relate to each other? How “street groups” influence MARA’s risky behaviour? What are interactions within these groups? What are the commonly shared values among the members of the groups? My research will explore more in detail common values in the groups of drug users and sex workers. How MARA understand the risk of drug use and commercial sex? What is the social context of risk perception? Do they have any ideas how to prevent the risk? Did they have any concepts about the risk? And how their concept coincides with the mainstream, project concepts? Discussing all above research questions, the main expected result refers to obtaining new knowledge in order to find better solution to their problems compared to existing practices and understandings by several actors. Therefore, this work will fight against poorly informed images and understandings of adolescent Roma and street children, which are as a rule seen and understood within ideological, commonsensical, racial and stereotypical considerations. Roma studies have little academic research on at risk adolescent children, especially in the Western Balkans. The originality of this study is related to the unique material collected in the ethnography through participant observation and fieldwork with appropriate techniques of data collection with adolescent street children in Niš. The study was carried out on the territory of former Socialist Yugoslavia, in Central Serbia, Niš. No similar studies on structural inequality, marginality and Roma has been conducted in this region. Finally,concepts of structural inequality, marginality, street children, which have been coined and developed by several authors in the contexof the Western capitalist system, will be now reflected in the context of transition and postsocialist radical social changes.
Keywords:Roma, marginality, childhood, street children, risky behaviour, stereotypes
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2541 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4496123 New window
Publication date in RUNG:16.09.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:Leta 2009 je bil v Nišu v Srbiji ustanovljen Center-Zatočišče za otroke ulice – MARA. Namen projekta - ustanovitve Centra - je bil mladostnikom, ki so izpostavljeni tveganju za HIV in so nevidni za uradni zdravstveni in socialni sistem, oz. živijo v okoliščinah strukturne prikrajšanosti, zagotoviti zdravstveno zaščito. Otroci ulice ne zmorejo uresničevati temeljnih potreb, ki se nanašajo na redno prehranjevanje, oblačenje ali zatočišče; zatorej se poslužujejo številnih strategij preživetja. Mladostniki se poslužujejo prosjačenja, pranja avtomobilov, zbiranja različnega materiala, izposoje denarja, preprodaje drog, da bi si zagotovili preživetje. Najnevarnejša preživetvena strategija so prav gotovo spolne usluge v zameno za hrano ali denar. Zloraba drog in alkohola sta običajni praksi otrok ulice. Poglaviten cilj naloge je pridobiti nova znanja o teh mladostnikih, da bi lahko bolje razumeli njihova obnašanja v okoliščinah socialne marginalizacije, da bi bolje razumeli njihove strategije spoprijemanja z vsakdanom ter njihov lastni prispevek k socialni izključenosti. Da bi otrokom ulice iz Niša lahko zagotovili boljše socialne, zdravstvene in izobraževalne storitve, je nujno izpeljati kvalitativno raziskavo, s pomočjo katere lahko dobimo globlji vpogled in razumevanje v njihove strategije preživetja in številne potrebe kot oseb, ki so izpostavljene tveganju v določenih socialnih kontekstih. Poglaviten pristop tu predstavljene raziskave je etnografija, ki zajema opazovanje z udeležbo v času izvajanja terenskega dela, ki je potekalo v samem Centru-Zatočišču. Pri tem sem uporabil naslednje metode: analitično branje - pregled znanstvene literature; pregled in analizo obstoječih dokumentov in arhivskega gradiva: opazovanje z udeležbo skupine MARA; polstrukturirane intervjuje z MARA; vodenje etnografskega dnevnika in etnografskih terenskih zapiskov v niškem Centru. Magistrska naloga se je osredotočila na naslednja raziskovalna vprašanja: Kakšen je odnos med družbenimi stereotipi o MARA in obnašanjem oseb MARA? Ali ti stereotipi vplivajo na njihove identitete, obnašanja, pojavnosti in nasprotno? Kako MARA delujejo v svojih različnih okoljih? Kako se MARA povezujejo in v kakšnih odnosih so med sabo? Kako »ulične skupine« vplivajo na tvegana obnašanja MARA? Kakšne so interakcije v teh skupinah? Katere so deljene vrednote med članicami teh skupin? Kako MARA razumejo tveganje zlorabe drog in komercialni seks? Kakšen je socialni kontekst zaznave tveganja? Ali imajo MARA kakršnokoli predstavo o preprečevanju tveganja? Ali imajo kakršnekoli koncepte o tveganju? Kako njihovi koncepti sovpadajo z mainstrimovskimi koncepti projekta? V presoji vseh navedenih raziskovalnih vprašanj se poglavitni pričakovani rezultat nanaša na pridobitev novih znanj, da bi našli boljše rešitve za njihove težave v primerjavi z obstoječimi praksami in razumevanji s strani številnih akterjev. Pričujoče delo je kritični odziv na slabo obveščene in razumljene podobe adolescentnih Rominjov in otrok ulice, ki so praviloma gledani in razumljeni skozi ideološke, zdravorazumske, rasne in stereotipne obravnave. Študije o Romih se akademsko ne ukvarjajo z odraščajočimi otroki, ki so izpostavljeni tveganjem, še posebno ne na področju zahodnega Balkana. Izvirnost raziskave se nanaša na enkratno gradivo, ki je bilo s primernimi tehnikami zbiranja podatkov zajeto v etnografijo z opazovanjem z udeležbo tekom terenskega dela z odraščajočimi otroki ulice v Nišu. Raziskava je bila izpeljana na ozemlju nekdanje socialistične Jugoslavije, v osrednji Srbiji, v Nišu. V tej regiji ni izpeljane podobne raziskave o strukturni neenakosti, marginalnosti in Romih. Navsezadnje, so koncepti strukturne neenakosti, marginalnosti, otroci ulice, ki so jih oblikovali številni avtorji v kontekstu zahodnega kapitalističnega sistema, zdaj premišljeni v kontekstu »tranzicije« in postsocialističnih radikalnih družbenih sprememb.
Keywords:Romi, marginalnosti, otroštvo, otroci z ulice, tvegano vedenje, stereotipi
