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Authors:ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Marolt, Simon (Author)
Files:.pdf Simon_Marolt.pdf (6,50 MB)
MD5: E7E12247A0F58AC7A217CD3A34B1949B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Ni skrivnost, da prav vsak, ki ima kapital, lahko ustanovi podjetje ter kupi opremo in stroje, ne more pa kupiti delovne klime in znanja, saj slednje v podjetje prinesejo ljudje, ki se tam zaposlijo, zato mora vodstvo poskrbeti, da se njegovi zaposleni na svojih delovnih mestih dobro počutijo in s svoje strani na ta način podjetju doprinesejo največ, kar lahko. Prav gotovo drži, da je delovna klima povezana tudi z absentizmom in fluktuacijo. Iz letnih poročil podjetja Mineralka, d. o. o., je izhajalo, da se med obema enotama kažejo velika odstopanja, kar vpliva tako na kvaliteto izdelkov kot na cenovno politiko, ima pa lahko negativen vpliv tudi na druge dejavnike poslovanja družbe kot celote. Zato smo se odločili preveriti delovno klimo v obeh enotah, tako v matični družbi Sloveniji kot tudi v avstrijski podružnici. V diplomski nalogi najprej na kratko spoznamo teoretična izhodišča absentizma in fluktuacije, sledi predstavitev matične slovenske družbe in avstrijske podružnice. Da bi ugotovili vzroke za absentizem in fluktuacijo, se v nadaljevanju izvede konkretna raziskava obeh pojavov za obdobje dveh poslovnih let, potem pa vsem zaposlenim v obeh podjetjih razdeli anketne vprašalnike, da bi tudi na podlagi njihovih odgovorov ugotovili, kakšne so razlike med podjetjema oz. kateri dejavniki v največji meri vplivajo na oba omenjena pojava kot tudi na splošno zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. V zadnjem delu naloge so predstavljeni rezultati ankete, predlogi za izboljšanje delovne klime in ukrepi, za katere delodajalec pričakuje, da bodo zmanjšali pojavljanje absentizma in fluktuacije v obeh podjetjih.
Keywords:absentizem, fluktuacija, delovna klima, vprašalnik, analiza, promocija zdravja
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2572 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4507387 New window
Publication date in RUNG:27.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of fluctuation and absence from work at selected companies
Abstract:It is not a secret that everybody who has the money can start a business and buy equipment and machinery; however, nobody can buy the working atmosphere in the enterprise and knowledge, because only the people who are employed there can bring those to the company. Therefore, the management must ensure that their employees feel well at their workplace so that in this way the employees can give their best to the company from their side. It is certainly the truth that the working atmosphere is connected with absenteeism and fluctuation. From the annual reports of the company MINERALKA d.o.o. it could be sees that between the two units there are significant differences, which affect both the quality of the products and the pricing policy, and also have a negative impact on other factors of the company's business as a whole. Therefore, it was decided to examine the working climate in both companies, the parent company in Slovenia and in the Austrian branch. The thesis first briefly presents the theoretical frameworks of absenteeism and fluctuation, and then follows a presentation of the Slovenian parent company and its Austrian branch. In order to determine the causes of absenteeism and fluctuation, a specific observation of both in two business years was carried out and then questionnaires were distributed to all employees in both companies. Their answers helped us to see the differences between the two companies, which factors have the greatest effect on both discussed phenomena, and what the general level of employees’ satisfaction is. The last part of the paper presents the results of the questionnaire survey, proposals for improving the work climate and the measures for diminishing the emergence of absenteeism and fluctuation in both companies.
Keywords:absenteeism, fluctuation, work climate, questionnaire, analysis, health promotion
