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Title:Odnos med vodji in zaposlenimi v sobi za igro poker
Authors:ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Leban, Grega (Author)
Files:.pdf Grega_Leban.pdf (1,17 MB)
MD5: 572FFB16B58C32B5E4BB4D6D59C2F41D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni rezultati in ugotovitve, vezani na raziskavo odnosa med vodji in zaposlenimi v sobi za igro poker, ki smo jo izvedli z anketiranjem uslužbencev igralniško zabaviščnega centra Perla, podjetja Hit d.d.. Sama preučitev medsebojnega odnosa med vodji in zaposlenimi na delovnem mestu je tudi predstavljala cilj diplomskega dela. V ta namen sta bili pripravljeni dve vrsti anketnih vprašalnikov, vprašalnik, ki so ga rešili vodje (tako imenovani floormani) ter vprašalnik, ki so ga rešili zaposleni (tako imenovani krupjeji). Izpolnjenih je bilo 71 anket, od tega 59 s strani zaposlenih in 12 s strani vodij. Po opravljenem anketiranju smo podatke, pridobljene iz rešenih vprašalnikov, strnili v grafe. Ti kažejo odziv vodij in zaposlenih na trditve, vezane na medsebojni odnos na delovnem mestu ter na zadovoljstvo z delom, ki ga opravljajo tako eni kot tudi drugi, in hkrati predstavljajo rezultate te raziskave. Temu je sledila temeljita analiza podatkov, po kateri smo izluščili ključne ugotovitve opravljene raziskave. Izkazalo se je, da se mnenje vodij in zaposlenih glede njihovega odnosa ne razlikuje bistveno, hkrati pa smo prišli do spoznanja, da so oboji, vodje in zaposleni, zadovoljni z odnosom, ki ga imajo v sobi za igro poker oziroma so mnenja, da je ta relativno dober.
Keywords:medosebni odnosi na delovnem mestu, odnos med vodji in zaposlenimi, soba za igro poker, floorman, krupje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2582 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4506875 New window
Publication date in RUNG:27.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between supervisors and employees in the poker room
Abstract:The undergraduate thesis presents the results and findings linked to the research study of the relationships between supervisors and employees in the poker room, which was conducted by using a questionnaire filled in by the staff of Perla Gaming and Entertainment Centre, Hit d.d.. The examination of the relationships between the supervisors and employees at the workplace itself was the main aim of the thesis. For this purpose we designed two types of questionnaires: the questionnaire compiled by the supervisors, also called floormen, and the questionnaire compiled by the employees, also called croupiers. 71 questionnaires were filled in, 59 by the employees and 12 by the supervisors. After conducting the survey, we assembled the data obtained from the questionnaires and summarized them graphically. The graphs show the supervisors’ and employees’ response to the statements related to interpersonal relationships at the workplace and to their job satisfaction, thus representing the results of this research. After a thorough analysis of the data we extracted the key findings of the study. It turned out that the supervisors’ and employees’ opinions regarding interpersonal relationships do not differ significantly. We also concluded that both, supervisors and employees, have positive feelings about interpersonal relationships in the poker room or they think that they are relatively good.
Keywords:interpersonal relationships at workplace, relationship between supervisors and employees, poker room, floorman, croupier
