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Title:Opekarska terminologija v vasi Bilje
Authors:ID Zuljan Kumar, Danila (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ferfolja, Lea (Author)
Files:.pdf Lea_Ferfolja.pdf (4,27 MB)
MD5: 6396C3676E865C4CEB53E2E6A10E8EEF
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Diplomsko delo predstavlja jezikovno analizo govora vasi Bilje in slovar opekarskega izrazja te vasi. Opekarstvo je bilo v spodnji Vipavski dolini skozi zgodovino ena glavnih gospodarskih panog, ki se je ohranila vse do devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. V prvem delu diplomskega dela so najprej predstavljene zgodovinske in geografske značilnosti vasi Bilje, sledi opis razvoja opekarn in dela v opekarni. S pomočjo vprašalnice za Slovenski lingvistični atlas (SLA), objavljene v Vodniku po zbirki narečnega gradiva za Slovenski lingvistični atlas (SLA) Francke Benedik (1999) sem analizirala govor na vseh jezikovnih ravninah (glasoslovni, oblikoslovni, besedotvorni in skladenjski). Z metodo avdio snemanja vodenega govora sem posnela pogovor z dvema narečnima govorcema ter v nadaljevanju v fonetični transkripciji zapisala njun govor. Drugi del diplomskega dela je slovar opekarskega izrazja. Pripravljen je po vprašalnici, ki sem jo za opekarsko izrazje sestavila sama. Vprašalnica je diplomskemu delu dodana kot priloga. Pri izdelavi slovarskih gesel sem se zgledovala po načelih slovenskega narečnega slovaropisja oziroma metodologiji, ki jo je v svojem delu Shranli smo jih v bančah: slovenski prispevek k poznavanju oblačilne kulture v Kanalski dolini = Contributo lessicale alla conoscenza dell'abbigliamento in Val Canale uporabila Karmen Kenda-Jež (2007).
Keywords:jezikoslovje, dialektologija, primorska narečna skupina, kraško narečje, Bilje, narečni slovar, opekarsko izrazje, opekarne
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2626 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4514555 New window
Publication date in RUNG:29.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Brickmaking Terminology in the Village of Bilje
Abstract:This thesis represents the analysis of the local dialect spoken in the village of Bilje and the brickmaking process glossary from the same village. Throughout the history the brickworks were the main economic industry in the area of the lower part of the valley of Vipava, which remained until the nineteen-nineties. In the first part of the thesis, the historical and geographical characteristics of the village of Bilje are explained. In addition the evolution of brickworks is represented and the brickmaking process is being described. With the help of the questionnaire which was made for Slovenski lingvistični atlas (SLA), published in the Vodnik po zbirki narečnega gradiva za slovenski lingvistični atlas (SLA) by Francka Benedik (1999), I made an in-depth analysis of the dialect on every linguistic level (phonetics, morphology, word formation and syntax). Using the method of guided interview I have recorded the speeches of two native informants. I made the phonetic transcription of their speeches. In the second part of my thesis the glossary of the brickmaking process is presented. The glossary is made on the basis of questionnaire that I made for this purpose. This questionnaire is attached at the end of the thesis as an appendix. The glossary is composed by the principles of the Slovenian dialect dictionary writing or more specifically by the methodology introduced by Karmen Kenda-Jež in her work Shranli smo jo v bančah; slovenski prispevek k poznavanju oblačilne kulture v Kanalski dolini = contributo lessicale alla conoscienza dell'abbigliamento in Val Canale (2007).
Keywords:linguistics, dialectology, Littoral dialect group, Karst dialect, Bilje local dialect, dialectal dictionary, brickmaking glossary, brickworks
