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Title:Izbira hidravličnega cepilnika drv z večparametrskim vrednotenjem in finančno analizo
Authors:ID Bohanec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ušaj, Jernej (Author)
Files:.pdf Jernej_Usaj.pdf (2,58 MB)
MD5: 89E18602D4863621C880BEF34B3B6AF2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava izbiro hidravličnega cepilnika drv z uporabo večparametrskega vrednotenja in finančne analize. Za ogrevanje hiše uporabljamo drva, ki jih samostojno pripravljamo in ročno cepimo s pomočjo cepilne sekire. Cepljenje zahteva veliko fizične moči in časa, zato želimo investirati v hidravlični cepilnik drv. V magistrskem delu smo želeli odgovoriti na vprašanja, ali je smiselno izdelati cepilnik doma ali ga raje kupiti ter kakšnega in katerega naj izberemo v primeru nakupa. Hidravlične cepilnike drv smo razdelili na skupino cepilnikov na tritočkovni priklop in skupino mobilnih cepilnikov. Izbrali smo deset najprimernejših cepilnikov drv in jih podrobno analizirali. Z uporabo večparametrske metode DEX in računalniškega orodja DEXi smo izdelali večparametrska odločitvena modela za vrednotenje obeh skupin cepilnikov drv. Največjo težo v modelu in samem vrednotenju so imeli sledeči kriteriji: cena cepilnika, cepilne karakteristike, lastnosti cilindra in konstrukcijske lastnosti. Rezultate vrednotenja cepilnikov drv smo med seboj primerjali in podali sklepne ugotovitve. Kot najprimernejši in najmanj tvegan nakup sta se izkazala cepilnika LANCMAN ST 17C na tritočkovni priklop in mobilni cepilnik LANCMAN STAW 17. Zaradi boljših konstrukcijskih lastnosti in nižje cene smo se odločili za prvega. Izdelali smo tudi več finančnih analiz za ugotovitev upravičenosti in smiselnosti investicije v hidravlični cepilnik drv. Primerjali smo stroške samostojne izdelave cepilnika drv, nakupa izbranega hidravličnega cepilnika drv in najema mobilnega cepilnika. Kratkoročno je najprimernejša izbira najem cepilnika, dolgoročno pa zaradi nižje cene samostojna izdelava cepilnika.
Keywords:ogrevanje prostorov, hidravlični cepilnik drv, večparametrsko odločanje, večprarametrsko modeliranje, računalniški program DEXi, vrednotenje variant, finančna analiza
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2706 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4596219 New window
Publication date in RUNG:06.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Selecting a hydraulic wood splitter using multi-criteria assessment and financial analysis
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with a selection of a hydraulic wood splitter using multi-criteria assessment and financial analysis. For house heating, we use chopped wood that we, ourselves, prepare and manually split by the use of a splitting axe. Splitting requires a lot of physical strength and time; therefore, it is our wish to invest in the hydraulic log splitter. The master's thesis gives the answers about whether it is better to make the splitter at home or to buy one and in this case, which one to choose. The hydraulic wood splitters were divided in two groups: those with a three-point connection and mobile ones. We selected ten most appropriate wood splitters and analysed them in details. By the use of a multi-criteria method of DEX and the computer programme DEXi, we made two multi-criteria decision models so as to evaluate both groups of wood splitters. The most important criteria were the price of the splitter, splitting characteristics, cylinder features, and construction characteristics. The assessment results were analysed and conclusions were made. The splitter LANCMAN ST 17C with three-point connection and the mobile splitter LANCMAN STAW 17 turned out to be the most appropriate and the least risky purchase. For better construction characteristics and lower prices, we decided for the first one. In addition, we made more financial analyses to determine the eligibility and reasonableness of investment in the hydraulic log splitter. We compared the costs of self-manufacture, purchase of a splitter and renting of a mobile splitter. Short-term, it is best to rent a splitter, whereas long-term self-manufacture of a splitter is cheaper.
Keywords:room heating, hydraulic wood splitter, multi-criteria decision making, multi-criteria modelling, computer programme DEXi, assessment of alternatives, financial analysis
