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Title:Zaprtozančno vodenje več-conske peči za kaljenje jeklenic
Authors:ID Kocijan, Juš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gabrijelčič, Matej (Author)
Files:.pdf Matej_Gabrijelcic.pdf (1,31 MB)
MD5: C2EB7037F9DF0BDF51E72D15DB476511
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Več-conske peči za kaljenje jeklenic se v jeklarstvu uporabljajo za izboljševanje mehanskih lastnosti jeklenic. Peč je sestavljena iz več con, v teh spreminjamo temperature z odprtostjo ventilov dovoda energenta za ogrevanje in tako sledimo predpisanim temperaturam iz diagrama procesa kaljenja. Če odprtost ventila za ogrevanje posamezne cone peči vodimo ročno, se lahko zaradi zunanjih motenj pojavi problem pri medsebojnem vplivu sprememb temperatur v conah. To povzroči slabe mehanske lastnosti jeklenic, strošek segrevanja peči se poveča, ob tem pa imamo zagotovljeno tudi slabo varnost ročno vodenega procesa. Opisane slabosti ročno vodenega procesa rešimo z avtomatsko regulacijo. Izbrali in ovrednotili smo metodo vodenja več-conske jeklarske peči za kaljenje jeklenic in pokazali ekonomsko upravičenost avtomatske regulacije. Ugotovili smo, da avtomatsko voden proces sledi zahtevam po ustrezni temperaturi v posamezni coni peči − glede na diagram kaljenja jeklenic −, je varnejši od ročno vodenega, strošek njegove vpeljave pa se povrne v kratkem časovnem obdobju. Zaključimo lahko, da je ustrezno voden proces zanesljiv in velikokrat ponovljiv, predstavlja tisti proces, ki pošilja ustrezne informacije regulatorju procesa preko povratne zanke o tem, kaj se dogaja v posamezni coni peči za kaljenje jeklenic.
Keywords:več-conska peč, kaljenje, jeklenica, zaprtozančno vodenje, dinamični sistem, metoda Monte Carlo
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2707 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4596731 New window
Publication date in RUNG:06.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Closed-loop control of multi-zone furnace for heat treatment of steel ropes
Abstract:Multi-zone furnaces for heat treatment of steel ropes are in steel industry used in order to improve mechanical properties of steel ropes. The furnace contains several zones, where given temperature settings from diagram of annealing process have to be maintained by changing fuel rate. As no automatic control of fuel rate is used, there is a high probability of zone temperature interactions that become exposed with external disturbances. Those interactions cause bad mechanical properties of steel ropes, higher operating costs of the furnace and lack of safety. The problem can be solved by automatic control of fuel rate. The close-loop control of the multi-zone furnace has been chosen and evaluated, the economic viability is shown. We have found out that the controlled-process output is following the requested temperatures from diagram of annealing process in each zone. The process safety is at a much higher level than in manual controlled-process. Investment in automatic control is returned in short time period. We conclude that properly controlled process gains on reliability and is highly repeatable. The process relies on a closed-loop data system to control each heat zone.
Keywords:multi-zone furnace, heat treatment, steel rope, closed-loop control, dynamic system, Monte Carlo method
