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Title:Anaerobna obrada industrijskih otpadnih voda iz prehrambene industrije: opravdanost i iskustva
Authors:ID Panjicko, Mario, CROTEH, Sustainable Technologies Development Centre Ltd (Author)
ID Zupančič, Gregor Drago, CROTEH, Sustainable Technologies Development Centre Ltd (Author)
ID Šelo, Gordana, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek (Author)
ID Franjo, Mladen, Brodarski institute Ltd (Author)
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Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:U radu je prikazana opravdanost primjene anaerobne obrade otpadnih voda iz prehrambene industrije na primjeru pivarske i mljekarske industrije. Otpadne vode prehrambene industrije većinom se ispuštaju u javni kanalizacijski sustav ili obrađuju aerobnim biološkim metodama. Porastom cijena energije i popularizacijom obnovljivih izvora, sve se više razmatra anaerobna obrada otpadnih voda prehrambene industrije, obzirom na visok sadržaj organskih tvari u njima. Te vode u pravilu imaju visoko organsko opterećenje (vrijednosti kemijske potrošnje kisika (KPK) otpadne vode pivarske industrije se kreću od 2500-4000 mg/L, a mljekarske industrije od 1500-3000 mg/L), koje je primjenom anaerobne obrade moguće sniziti do 90 %. Tako obrađene vode su, prema KPK vrijednostima, sličnije komunalnim otpadnim vodama te stoga i prihvatljivije za ispuštanje u javni kanalizacijski sustav. Uz snižavanje vrijednosti KPK, anaerobnom obradom proizvodi se bioplin, čijim je iskorištavanjem moguće supstituirati do 20 % prirodnog plina koji se koristi u proizvodnom procesu. Također, otpadnoj vodi moguće je dodavati i drugi tekući otpad (npr. kvasac, sirutka, proizvodi s isteklim rokom trajanja), koji može dodatno povećati proizvodnju bioplina do 60 %, bez negativnih posljedica na provedbu procesa. Uzimajući u obzir snižavanje pristojbi na otpadne vode i smanjenje potrošnje prirodnog plina, period povrata investicije u ovakve sustave iznosi od 3 do 5 godina što njihovu primjenu čini ekonomski opravdanom.
Keywords:anaerobna digestija, bioplin, energetska oporaba, otpadna voda
Year of publishing:2016
Number of pages:14
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2759-9fd3201d-7ced-6963-6b70-810096e79546 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4564475 New window
Publication date in RUNG:08.11.2016
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:2nd International and 6th Croatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all
Editors:Mirna Habuda-Stanić, Ivana Lauš, Ivana Šuvak-Pirić
Place of publishing:Osijek, Croatia
Publisher:Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
Year of publishing:2016
ISBN:978 - 953 - 7005 - 44 - 3
Conference organizer:Faculty of Food Technology Osijek

Secondary language

Title:Anaerobic treatment of industrial waste water from food and beverage industry: feasibility and experience
Abstract:In this paper the feasibility of anaerobic treatment of wastewater from brewery and dairy industry is presented. In most cases such wastewaters are discharged into the public sewer system or treated by aerobic biological methods. With increasing energy prices and popularization of renewable energy sources, the anaerobic treatment is increasingly being considered due to wastewaters high organic matter content. These wastewaters generally have high organic load (COD values between 2,500-4,000 mg/L and 1,500-3,000 mg/L for brewery and dairy wastewater respectively), which can be reduced up to 90% with the application of anaerobic treatment. According to COD values the treated wastewater are more similar to the municipal wastewater and are more suitable for discharge in the public sewer system. In addition to COD reduction, biogas produced during anaerobic treatment can substitute up to 20% of natural gas in the production process. Moreover, other liquid waste (e.g. yeast, whey and spoiled liquid products) can be added to the wastewater, which can further increase the biogas production up to 60%, without adverse effects to the anaerobic process. Considering the reduction in environmental taxation and natural gas use the payback period of such systems is 3 to 5 years, which makes such application feasible.
Keywords:anaerobic digestion, biogas, energy recovery, wastewater
