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Title:Zagotavljanje kakovosti vhodnih materialov v podjetju : /
Authors:ID CIKAJLO, IMRE (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vončina, Blaž (Author)
Files:.pdf Blaz_Voncina.pdf (2,25 MB)
MD5: CDFCA1BD78CF467DBCFE91927734B3C9
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V današnjem času je na trgu veliko podjetij, ki razvijajo, proizvajajo ter tržijo različne blagovne skupine izdelkov. Namen diplomskega dela je seznaniti se z metodami ter orodji zagotavljanja kakovosti vhodnih materialov v avtomobilski industriji. V podjetju se srečujejo s težavami zaradi izvajanja vhodne kontrole v manjši meri na izdelkih določenih blagovnih skupin vhodnih materialov, ki povzročajo največ reklamacij. V prvem delu diplomskega dela so teoretično predstavljeni pomen ter standardi kakovosti. V nadaljevanju pa metode zagotavljanja kakovosti ter orodja, ki omogočajo zagotavljanje kakovosti vhodnega materiala. Z analizo reklamacij smo ugotovili najbolj kritične blagovne skupine materialov ter vzroke za nastanka le-teh reklamacij na podlagi zavrnjenih kosov, števila dobav in pregledov ter reklamacij v obdobju dveh let poslovanja. Do ugotovitev smo prišli s pomočjo orodij sistemskega inženiringa kot so kontrolni list, Pareto diagram, histogram, 8D poročilo, diagram poteka in metoda FMEA. Analizirali smo štiri blagovne skupine, kjer je prihajalo do največjega števila reklamacij. Delež pregledov v vhodni kontroli je bil pri teh zelo nizek, kar pomeni, da bi bilo potrebno v prihodnje povečati odstotek pregledov ter se usmeriti na reševanje vzrokov reklamacij. S pomočjo diagrama poteka smo prikazali proces povečanega nadzora nad izvajanjem 8D poročil v vhodni kontroli pri reševanju reklamacij ter izboljšanje procesa presoje kakovosti vhodnega materiala. S pomočjo FMEA metode smo ugotovili, da je tveganje preveliko, če ne odkrivamo napak vhodnih materialov. Vhodna kontrola se lahko usmeri le na najbolj kritične blagovne skupine vhodnega materiala od dobaviteljev, ki povzročajo največ reklamacij.
Keywords:vhodna kontrola, vhodni materiali, reklamacije, standard kakovosti, metode zagotavljanja kakovosti, orodja zagotavljanja kakovosti, vzroki reklamacij
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2977-17654a39-778e-964c-fcdd-cd6543564d61 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4811771 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Quality assurance of incoming materials in a company : /
Abstract:Nowadays, in the market are many companies that develop, produce and market a variety of product categories. The aim of the thesis is to get acquainted with the methods and tools of quality assurance of incoming materials for the automotive industry. The company is experiencing difficulties due to the implementation of incoming inspection to a lesser extent on the products specified categories of incoming materials that cause the most complaints. In the first part of the thesis presents the theoretical importance and quality standards. Later on quality assurance methods and tools that enable quality assurance of incoming material. By analyzing complaints, we found the most critical commodity groups of materials and the causes for the occurrence of these claims on the basis of rejected pieces, the number of deliveries, inspections and complaints during the two years of operation. We made help of tools such as systems engineering checklist, Pareto chart, histogram, 8D report, flowchart and FMEA method. We analyzed four product groups, where there were the greatest numbers of complaints. The share of checks in incoming inspection has been made in these very low, which means that it would be necessary in the future to increase the percentage of checks and focus on resolving the causes of complaints. Using the flow diagram are shown the process of increasing control over the implementation of 8D reports in the incoming inspection in resolving complaints and improving process quality assessment of incoming material. Using FMEA methods, we found that the risk was too great, if one does not discover the errors of incoming materials. Incoming inspection can focus only on the most critical trade group incoming material from suppliers who cause the most complaints.
Keywords:incoming inspection, incoming material, complaints, standard quality, methods of quality assurance, quality assurance tools, causes complaints
