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Title:Teorija jezika skozi prizmo usvajanja nejezikovnih prvin – pilotna študija
Authors:ID Žaucer, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mišmaš, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Popović, Tjaša (Author)
Files:.pdf Tjasa_Popovic.pdf (1,02 MB)
MD5: 8C2F57FA220F623D144B2E95644FA48D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V središču diplomske naloge je možnost, da bi lahko temelje za univerzalno hierarhijo funkcijskih projekcij, ki jo opazujemo v jeziku, iskali v splošni kogniciji (Žaucer 2015). Če taki temelji obstajajo, lahko pričakujemo, da obstaja tudi povezava med vrstnim redom funkcijskih projekcij, v katerih se v samostalniški zvezi pojavljajo pridevniki, in vrstnim redom usvajanja konceptov, ki jih pridevniki v ustrezni funkcijski projekciji izražajo. Na podlagi preteklih raziskav (Radford 1996) pričakujemo, da bodo otroci koncepte, ki so v hierarhiji postavljeni nižje, usvojili prej in tiste, ki so višje, kasneje. V diplomskem delu so zato predstavljene kartografske raziskave, ki kažejo, da obstaja v samostalniški zvezi univerzalna hierarhija pridevnikov. Sledeč Scottu (2002)preverjamo, ali slovenščina potrjuje univerzalno hierarhijo, ki je bila predlagana predvsem na podlagi angleščine. Pri tem je posebna pozornost posvečena pridevnikom, ki poimenujejo velikost, obliko in barvo. Sklenemo, potrjujoč Scottove (2002) trditve, da si ti sledijo v zaporedju velikost → oblika → barva. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni rezultati pilotne študije, s pomočjo katere smo pri otrocih preverjali razumevanje konceptov velikosti, oblike in barve. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov ne moremo sklepati o vrstnem redu usvajanja konceptov velikosti, oblike in barve, saj se je pokazalo, da so otroci, ki so nalogo razumeli, že usvojili vse tri raziskovane koncepte.
Keywords:Univerzalna hierarhija funkcijskih projekcij, pridevniki, samostalniška zveza, usvajanje jezika, koncepti, velikost, oblika, barva.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3030-79c93c72-a3b1-658f-7e8f-8a4a8c38f3db New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4784379 New window
Publication date in RUNG:25.05.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Theory of language through the prism of acquiring non-linguistic elements – a pilot study
Abstract:At the heart of this thesis there exists a possibility to look at general cognition and within it search for the foundations for universal hierarchy of functional projections, which are observed in a language (Žaucer 2015). If such foundations do exist, we can expect there to be a link between the order of functional projections in which adjectives occur in noun phrases and the order of acquisition of concepts, expressed by adjectives in the appropriate function projection. Based on previous research (Radford 1996), we expect the children to acquire first the concepts which lie lower on the hierarchy, and later acquire those which are higher. This thesis therefore presents cartographic research which show that a universal hierarchy of adjectives exists within a noun phrase. Following Scott (2002) we investigate whether Slovene language confirms the universal hierarchy, which is proposed mainly on the basis of the English language. In doing so, special attention is paid to the adjectives describing size, shape, and color. Our conclusion affirms Scott's (2002) arguments which claim that the aforementioned adjectives are sequenced size→ form → color. In the following part of the thesis the results of the pilot study are presented. With the help of the study we examined the understanding of the concept of size, shape, and color in children. Based on the results we cannot conclude on the order of the acquisition of the concepts of size, shape, and color, as it was evident that the children who understood the task had already mastered all three researched concepts.
Keywords:Universal hierarchy of functional projections, adjectives, noun phrase, language acquisition, concepts, size, shape, color.
