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Authors:ID Dumančić, Tomica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pauletić Jug, Vanja (Author)
Files:.pdf Vanja_Pauletic_Jug.pdf (838,16 KB)
MD5: 8A0A9A66DEBB4E98E03531AD3771FC6E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V današnjem času je veliko gostinskih lokalov pri nas, konkurence v gostinstvu pa je ogromno. Gostinski lokali ponujajo vse več, stranke postajajo zahtevnejše, saj postaja hitrost življenja večja in zahtevnejša. Poslanstvo gostinskega lokala je, da v prijetnem in modernem okolju ponuja oddih od vsakdanjika, da se gost sprosti ob dobri glasbi, kvalitetni postrežbi, poseže po dnevnem časopisu in prebrska po elektronski pošti ali prebere novice na svetovnem spletu. Z diplomskim delom želimo organizaciji, ki se bo v prihodnosti ukvarjala z gostinsko dejavnostjo, predstaviti nekatere nove smernice, ki vplivajo na počutje gosta, ter pojasniti, kako pomembna je kakovost storitve, ki si jo gost želi v gostinskem lokalu. Kakovost storitve je pokazatelj zadovoljne stranke, ki se vrača. Če je bilo zadoščeno vsem njegovim potrebam, lahko pričakujemo velik odziv novih strank. Tako se zadovoljstvo uporabnikov storitev oceni po zasedenosti gostinskega lokala. Na svetovnem spletu smo z anketnim vprašalnikom zastavili anketirancem nekaj ključnih vprašanj, ki so se nanašala na kakovost oziroma storitve, ki si jih stranke želijo uporabljati v dobrem gostinskem lokalu. Z analizo anketnega vprašalnika smo pridobili vizijo, mnenja in tržno razumevanje, kako se lahko lokal prilagodi mestnemu okolju ter kaj stranke pričakujejo v izbranem gostinskem lokalu.
Keywords:gostinski lokal, gost, kakovost, storitev, stranka, komunikacija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3057-35f41923-e6de-d29e-2a84-b88053bffe3c New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4839675 New window
Publication date in RUNG:10.07.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:There are many restaurants nowadays which are facing a strong competition. Restaurants offer more services and at the same time, customers are becoming more demanding due to a more challenging and faster way of life. Restaurant’s task is to offer a break from the everyday life in a nice and modern environment, where guests can relax by listening to good music, enjoying a high quality service, reading a daily newspaper and using the internet access to check their e-mails and surf the World Wide Web. This degree paper is aimed at presenting some new guidelines that influence guest’s satisfaction and simultaneously, it would like to stress the importance of the service quality, which is expected from a restaurant, to an organisation which will be dealing with catering service in the future. In case all of guests’ needs are met, a restaurant can expect new customers. Thus, the satisfaction of the service users is evaluated by the occupancy of the restaurant. An internet survey questionnaire was used to ask some key questions regarding the services’ quality, which customers wish to observe in a good restaurant. The analysis of the questionnaire provided a vision, opinion and market understanding of the restaurant’s adjustments to the city environment as well as customers’ expectations about the chosen restaurant.
Keywords:Restaurant, guest, quality, service, customer, communication
