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Title:Nadrealizem v filmu : Nelinearna filmska narativa
Authors:ID Colner, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vrhovec, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bahor, Ana (Author)
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Diplomsko delo raziskuje razvoj nadrealističnega umetniškega gibanja iz njegovega predhodnika, dadaizma. V nadaljevanju bodo predstavljeni zgodovinski, družbeno-politični in kulturni dejavniki, kot je med drugim pojav prve svetovne vojne, ki je v veliki meri vplivala na upor umetnikov proti idejam tedanjih oblasti in družbe ter omejitvam, ki jih je predstavljala tradicionalna umetnost. Kratkotrajno gibanje dada je imelo velik vpliv na razvoj kasnejših umetniških gibanj, kot je nadrealizem, ki služijo bodisi kot pobeg iz realnosti v sanjski svet bodisi za iskanje razuma med političnimi idejami, ki jih je sprejemala takratna družba. Med drugim je vzpostavilo nove pristope k predstavitvi zgodbe skozi medij filma. Čeprav so bili filmi z enotnim pripovednim slogom – linearno filmsko naracijo – v filmskem svetu še vedno prisotni v veliki meri, se je mnogo filmarjev, kot sta izvornemu nadrealizmu zvest Luis Bunuel in nekoliko kasneje z nadrealističnimi vplivi navdahnjen Federico Fellini, obrnilo k drugačnemu načinu pripovedovanja skozi nelinearno filmsko pripoved. Diplomsko delo raziskuje tudi elemente nelinearne filmske pripovedi na podlagi nekaterih najbolj znanih primerov filmov s tovrstno pripovedno strukturo skozi zgodovino, ki so služili tudi kot navdih za nastanek praktičnega dela diplome.
Keywords:Nadrealizem, dadaizem, pripoved, nelinearna pripoved, nadrealistični film
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3388-50c20324-1843-a56b-6226-40e47f004a49 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4962299 New window
Publication date in RUNG:29.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Surrealism in the film : Non-linear film narrative
Abstract:The thesis presents to us the development of the surrealist art movement from it's predecessor, dadaism. It introduces us to events such as World War I, which influenced the rebellion of artists towards the ideas of society and restrictions represented by traditional art. The influence of dadaism has a big impact on the development of artistic styles, which serve as a way of escaping from reality to the world of dreams. Amongst other new styles, it bring's new approaches to presenting the stories in films. Although the films with a traditional way of presenting the story – through linear film narrative – were still largely popular with the film audiences, many filmmakes like Luis Bunuel and later Federico Fellini, turned to a different style of storytelling, thorugh nonlinear film narrative. The thesis also researched the elements of nonlinear film narritve in some of the most iconic films to represent this storytelling structure through history and which also served in a part as an inspiration for the practical part of the diploma work.
Keywords:Surrealism, dadaism, narrative, nonlinear narrative, surrealist film
