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Title:Priprava in izvedba preizkušanja v okviru razvoja novega drsnega obroča : Diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Majnik, Simon (Author)
Files:.pdf Simon_Majnik.pdf (2,00 MB)
MD5: 60950D702E0F701E868A78D3BA9713F7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Razvoj na področju avtomobilske industrije in transporta je v zadnjem desetletju usmerjen predvsem v zamenjavo pogonskega agregata, torej motorja z notranjim izgorevanjem, z okolju prijaznejšimi elektromotorji. Uporaba elektrike kot vira energije pa zahteva ustrezne rešitve prenosa elektrike, za kar skrbijo drsni obroči. Tudi drsni obroči morajo za ustrezno opravljanje svoje funkcije prenosa elektrike med gibanjem izpolnjevati materialne, trdnostne in funkcionalne zahteve. Vsebina diplomske naloge je tako vezana na opis delovanja drsnih obročev in preučitev zahtev kupca o potrebnih lastnostih na novo razvitega drsnega obroča za pogon električnega osebnega avtomobila. Na podlagi teh zahtev je potrebno nato definirati in izvesti preizkuse lastnosti, s katerimi zagotovimo izpolnjevanje zahtev izdelka. Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti teoretične osnove delovanja in izvedb drsnih obročev, opisati preizkuse lastnosti in funkcionalnosti drsnih obročev ter predstaviti rezultate preizkušanja na novo razvitega drsnega obroča vključno z alternativno tehnologijo tesnjenja kontaktne žice. V diplomskem delu so tako predstavljeni rezultati preizkusov tesnosti žice z uporabo različnih materialov žice in s primerjavo različnih tehnologij tesnjenja žice ter rezultati preizkušanja tesnosti po izpostavljenosti agresivnim medijem. V drugem delu so prestavljeni rezultati preizkušanja zvarov na zvarjencih, ki so sestavni del drsnega obroča, z uporabo dveh različnih testnih metod. Rezultati diplomskega dela kažejo, da je nova tehnologija izdelave tesnil iz tesnilne mase primerna za uporabo v primeru drsnih obročev, medtem ko na mestu zvara električnih kontaktov najboljšo trdnost, določeno z dvema različnima testnima metodama, dosežemo z uporabo spajkalne paste in časa varilnega pulza 125 ms.
Keywords:Drsni obroč, električni kontakti, test tesnosti, masna spektrometrija, uporovno varjenje, o-tesnilo, x-tesnilo
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3560-e2ccc808-ddc3-0684-5173-4b58559c3efa New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5115131 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Preparation and implementation of testing of a new slip ring : Bachelor thesis
Abstract:In the last decade research and development in automotive industry has been focused mainly on replacing internal combustion engines with more environmentally friendly means of power generation, including electrical motors. Use of electric energy, however, requires proper methods of energy transfer, especially when it comes to the rotating assemblies. One of the methods for transferring electric energy from a stationary to a rotating part is the use of a slip ring. Like every part of transport vehicles, slip rings also have to fulfill several material, structural, and functional requirements, in order to function properly and transfer electric power or signals during rotational movement. Based on the customer specification, tests have to be defined and implemented in the development of a new slip ring. The purpose of this work was to theoretically describe slip rings, to describe tests that slip rings or similar electro-mechanical products have to undergo and to present testing procedures defined and implemented on a new slip ring aimed to be fitted in an electric car. The aim was to present the results of the implemented tests and compare different technologies used on the product. Therefore, in this bachelor thesis, the results of tightness of electric contacts are presented, that were derived from tests using different wire materials and using different sealing technologies. In the second part the results of weld strength testing used on welded electric contacts are presented. Results of this thesis show that sealing with a flexible sealant is suitable for slip ring applications. Furthermore, the best electrical contacts weld strength, determined by two different test methods is obtained when using soldering paste and welding pulse of 125 ms.
Keywords:KEYWORDS: Slip ring, electric contacts, mass spectrometry, tightness test, electric resistance welding, o-ring, x-ring
