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Title:Zasnova projekta računalniškega vodenja stavbe
Authors:ID Vončina, Janko (Author)
ID Kocijan, Juš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: C6916654DE9CF247932BD25DF7E94B2D
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Naloga je zasnovana kot nekakšen vzorčni primer, ki nas vodi skozi načrtovanje zasnove projekta računalniškega vodenja stavbe. V uvodnem delu naloge prikažemo, kaj je to "inteligentna stavba" in kakšne prednosti vse zajema takšen tip stavbe. V nadaljevanju se osredotočimo na samo opisovanje obstoječih sistemov, ki jih stavba zajema in določanje ciljev in zahtev, ki naj bi jih izpolnili z računalniškim vodenjem. Sledi izdelava nekaterih ključnih elementov zasnove projekta za izgradnjo sistema za vodenje in nadzor.Tehničnemu delu naloge sledi ekonomski del. V ekonomskem delu smo skušali prikazati, zakaj naj bi se odločili za uvajanje računalniško podprtih sistemov za vodenje stavbe. Delo zaključuje ocena posrednih in neposrednih prihrankov in sam izračun vračilne dobe naložbe.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, CNS sistem, SCADA, inteligentna hiša, računalniško vodenje, posredni prihranki, neposredni prihranki
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:J. Vončina
Year of publishing:2005
Number of pages:XII, 43 str., str. [a]-f
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-357 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:428795 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:The diploma thesis is schemed as an example that leads through the evaluation of the planning of the computer aided building operation. In the first part it is shown what the "intelligent building" is and what are the advantages of such a building. Then the diploma thesis focuses on the description of the existing systems in the building and the determination of the scopes and requests that are to be achieved with the computer aided operation. After that follows the preparation of some basic elements of the outline scheme for the assembly of the system for operating and monitoring. After the technology description in the diploma thesis follows the economic part. In the economic part it is shown why we should decide for the introduction of the computer aided systems for the operation of a building. And finally follows the estimation of the indirect and the direct savings and the calculation of the time for the restitution of the costs of the investment.
