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Title:Analiza mikroplastike v izbranih površinskih in podzemeljskih kraških vodah
Authors:ID Pipan, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Valentić, Lara (Author)
Files:.pdf Lara_Valentic.pdf (22,17 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:V okviru magistrskega dela smo se osredotočili na postojnsko in škocjansko območje, kjer so bila opravljena vzorčenja ponikalnic Pivke in Reke z delom njunih porečij ter jamami, ki so z rekama povezane. Vzorčenja smo opravili v površinskem toku obeh ponikalnic, iztoku iz čistilne naprave v Postojni in Ilirski Bistrici, v različnih vodnih telesih v jamah (ponvicah, lužah in podzemeljskem toku ponikalnic) ter deževnici na obeh območjih. V okolici Postojne smo vzorčili izvir Malni, ki celotno Pivško kotlino oskrbuje s pitno vodo, in površinski tok reke Unice na Planinskem polju. Na škocjanskem območju smo vzorčili iztok iz smetišča Globovnik pri Ilirski Bistrici, umetno jezero Mola, izvire Timave in izvir Brojenca, ki se neposredno izlivajo v Jadransko morje. Kjer je bilo mogoče, smo odvzeli tudi vzorce sedimenta. Skupno je bilo z obeh območij zbranih 58 vzorcev vode in 29 vzorcev sedimenta. Izmed vseh 87 vzorcev je bila mikroplastika prisotna v 31 vzorcih – 26 je bilo vodnih vzorcev, mikroplastiko pa je vsebovalo tudi 5 vzorcev sedimenta. Vzorci sedimenta z mikroplastiko so bili najdeni izključno na škocjanskem območju. Mikroplastika je bila najdena tudi v vzorcih deževnice.
Keywords:mikroplastika, kraške vode, Postojnska jama, Škocjanske jame, porečje, vodni vzorci, vzorci sedimenta
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4027-d7ff3887-544f-92df-bc91-50fe138ed49c New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5203451 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of microplastics in selected surface and underground karst waters
Abstract:This master’s thesis is focused on the Postojna and Škocjan regions with two sinking rivers Pivka and Reka. Microplastic sampling was conducted in their wider drainage basins and in the caves that are connected to each sinking river. Samples of surface streams (Pivka, Reka), of the discharge from wastewater treatment plants in Postojna and Ilirska Bistrica, of different water bodies in caves (natural pools, puddles and underground river), and of rainfall were analysed. The Malni Spring in the Postojna region, which is the main source of drinking water for the entire Pivka Valley, and the surface stream of the Unica River were sampled. In the Škocjan region, sampling took place at the landfill leachate discharge near Ilirska Bistrica (Globovnik), artificial Lake Mola, and springs of Timavo and Brojenca, that which discharge directly into the Adriatic Sea. Where it was possible, samples of sediment were taken. In total, 58 water samples and 29 sediment samples from both regions were analysed. Out of 87 samples, microplastics were found in 31 samples, 26 of which were water samples and 5 were sediment samples. Sediment samples with microplastics were found only in the Škocjan region. Microplastic was present also in rain water samples.
Keywords:Microplastics, karst waters, Postojna cave, Škocjan caves, drainage basin, water and sediment samples
