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Authors:ID Gjerkeš, Henrik (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kuštrin, Dušan (Author)
Files:.pdf Dusan_Kustrin.pdf (4,15 MB)
MD5: CABA65F1BBB9F63321BB03E62A7098B0
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali razvoj tehnologije laserskega varjenja pri industrijski izdelavi enkapsulacije rotorskega magneta. Zaščita magneta je izvedena v obliki dveh srajčk iz nerjavne pločevine, ki sta neprodušno zavarjeni z laserskim varom. Postopek izbire ustrezne tehnologije zahteva ustrezno izbiro materialov in opreme, optimizacijo zasnove in projektiranja, konča pa se z ustrezno predpripravo sestavnih delov in vpenjalnih naprav. Praktični del magistrskega dela prikazuje izdelavo enkapsulacije rotorskega magneta, kjer z uporabo osvojenih teoretičnih osnov izdelamo konstrukcijo izdelka ter vpenjalnih naprav ter funkcionalne prototipe rotorja. Razvijemo primerne varilne parametre, ki zagotavljajo enakomerno prevaritev vara po celotnem obodu. Kakovost opravljenega varjenja preverimo z metalografsko analizo na prerezu enkapsuliranega magneta, s testom tesnosti s helijem ter temperaturnim testom. Do končnih rezultatov, ki so primerni za nadaljnji razvoj pridemo po treh serijah različnih vzorcev. Varilni parametri, razviti v tretji seriji vzorcev, kjer smo optimirali moč in čas varjenja za vsak var posebej, zagotavljajo kakovostno prevaritev skozi obe pločevini, obenem pa optimalen pretok zaščitnega plina zagotavlja primerno kakovost vara po površini in v notranjosti. Uspešno testirani vzorci izdelani z optimiranimi parametri tretje serije in izkušnje pri izdelavi prototipov bodo izhodišče za razvoj tehnologije serijske izdelave rotorja, ki se bo predvidoma začela leta 2021. Razvita tehnološka rešitev zaščite magneta je uporabna tudi za druge aplikacije rotorjev in za podjetje predstavlja nova znanja in rešitve, ki jih lahko ponudi trgu.
Keywords:lasersko varjenje, metalografska analiza, rotorski magnet, nerjavno jeklo, varilni parametri, laserski izvor, zaščitni plin, Trumpf, AdBlue, črpalka, srajčka, helij
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4134-414e85f5-a323-68e1-0f69-97d5f5ef2a44 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5253627 New window
Publication date in RUNG:23.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Planning of laser welding in the production of a rotor magnet
Abstract:In Master's thesis we addressed the development of laser welding technology in the industrial manufacturing of a rotor magnet encapsulation. Protection of the magnet is carried out with two stainless steel bushings, which are hermetically welded with a laser beam. The process of selecting the appropriate technology requires the appropriate selection of materials and equipment, optimization of design and planning and it ends with the appropriate preliminary preparation of components and clamping devices. The practical part of the master's thesis presents the manufacturing of a rotor magnet encapsulation, where on the basis of acquired theoretical knowledge we produce the construction of the product, clamping devices and functional prototypes of the rotor. We develop appropriate welding parameters which ensure uniform penetration of weld throughout the perimeter. The quality of the welding process is checked by a metallographic analysis on the cross-section of the encapsulated magnet and with the sealing test with Helium. The final results, which are suitable for further development are reached after three series of different samples. The welding parameters, developed in the third series of samples, where we optimized the welding power and time for each weld, ensure quality penetration through both sheet plates and at the same time optimal flow of shielding gas ensures the proper quality of weld on the surface and inside. Validated samples produced with optimized third-series parameters and experience in prototyping will be the starting point for the development of rotor production technology, which is expected to be launched in 2021. Solution for the protection of the magnet is also useful for other rotor applications, and introduces new skills to the company, which can be offered to the market.
Keywords:laser welding, metallographic analysis, rotor magnet, stainless steel, welding parameters, laser source, shielding gas, Trumpf, AdBlue, pump, bushing, Helium
