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Title:Temna slika : Podoba, zgubljena v temi
Authors:ID Rusjan, Rene (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Purg, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Alhourani, Rawan F. A. (Author)
Files:.pdf Rawan_F._A._Alhourani.pdf (11,79 MB)
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MD5: 711A582457E7C27F52C7C9CFFBCF8C0E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Motivacija za to magistrsko delo je bilo avtoričino iskanje podobe; prav določene podobe, izgubljene v najglobljih predelih našega uma. Iskanje podobe, ki je nikoli nismo videli ali doživeli; podobe, ki je še nihče nikoli ni videl, ter ob tem izzvati čutila in človeško naravo v danem trenutku. Namen dela je iskati odgovore in si zastaviti vprašanja o tem, kako zelo ljudje zaupajo svojim čutom, ter se spraševati o njihovi zmožnosti, da spremenijo svoje vedenje in svoje rutine. Opazovati, ali si za nekaj sekund drznejo ugasniti luč in s tem pridobijo sposobnost, da vidijo na drugačen način. Ne preseneča dejstvo, da se ljudje močno zanašajo na svoj vid, zaradi česar preostala čutila postanejo nekako manj pomembna in zanesljiva. To delo z naslovom "Temna podoba – podoba, ki smo jo izgubili v temi", raziskuje moč podobe pri manipulaciji množice in vlogo medijev pri nadzoru in pranju možganov pripadnikom nove generacije. V magistrskem delu avtorica najprej predstavi projekte "Kumra 1", "Kumra 2" in "Kaj vidiš v temi?" – poskuse, izvedene v prvem in drugem letu raziskovanja, skozi katere predstavi analizo in opazovanje svojih eksperimentov. Ti predstavljajo začetek raziskovanja čutil v popolni temi, ki je nato pripeljalo do "Sestavljanke", praktičnega dela te naloge, ki se sprašuje o medijski manipulaciji z uporabo podobe.
Keywords:temna, nejasna, mračna, brez svetlobe, grozljiva, grozna, žalostna, zlobna, pomanjkanje svetlobe, slepa, globlje v odtenkih, ne svetla, skrita, skrivnostna, skrivnostna, brez moralne ali duhovne svetlobe, maligni, temničas, negativni, pesimistični, neprosvetljeni, temačnost, črnina, neznani, medijski nadzor, temna slika, družabni mediji, medijska manipulacija, propaganda, stereotip, pranje možganov
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4274-414eedb6-681b-7f5f-baec-b295534c0cd4 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5280763 New window
Publication date in RUNG:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Dark image : The image we lost in the dark
Abstract:The motivation for this thesis was the author’s search for an image, a particular image lost in the deepest parts of our mind, searching for an image that we never saw or experienced before, an image that no-one has ever seen, challenging the senses and the human nature at a time. The purpose of this thesis is to search for answers and to question how much people trust their senses and to question people’s ability to change their behavior and routines. To measure people’s courage to turn off the light for a few seconds and be able to see differently. It is no surprise that people depend remarkably on their visual sense, which somehow made the other senses less essential and less reliable. This thesis, “Dark Image - The image we lost in the dark,” researches the power of the image in manipulating masses and the role media plays to control and brainwash the new generation with the least effort spent. In this thesis, the author first presents projects “KUMRA 1”, “KUMRA 2” and “what does one see in the dark?” Experiments which were made during the first year and second year of research and through which the author presents her analysis and observation of her experiments. It was the beginning of a sensual journey exploring the senses in the deep dark. Which led to the master thesis (practical) project Puzzle that questions the manipulation of media using the image.
Keywords:dark, obscure, gloomy, without light, dreadful, horrible, sad, sinister, wicked, lack of light, blind, deeper in hue, not bright or light, secret, mysterious, without moral or spiritual light, sinister, malign, dark time, negative, pessimistic, unenlightened, darkness, blackish, unknown, media control, dark image, socialmedia, media manipulation, propaganda, stereotype, brainwash
