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Title:Nadzor vhodnih materialov in ocenjevanje dobaviteljev v avtomobilski industriji
Authors:ID CIKAJLO, IMRE (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Čujec, Kristjan (Author)
Files:.pdf Kristjan_Cujec.pdf (2,13 MB)
MD5: CB79CC1957D33DD772B0ECDA11498EE2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V današnjem času je nadzor vhodnih materialov in ocenjevanje dobaviteljev neizbežno, saj proizvodnja zahteva določeno in vedno višjo kakovost ob nespremenjenih ali celo nižjih proizvodnih stroških. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V prvem, teoretskem delu je predstavljen razvoj kakovosti, ki je pripeljal do dveh pomembnih standardov, ki sta danes nepogrešljivi del avtomobilske industrije. Drugi, raziskovalni del pa se deli na tri dele. Naredili smo pregled dobav z odstopanjem, kjer smo ugotovili, da se delež dobav z odstopanjem zmanjšuje ter da je bilo v letu 2018 prvič v petih letih odkritih več dobav z odstopanjem na vhodni kontroli kot v proizvodnji. Kljub zmanjševanju dobav z odstopanjem je teh še vedno preveč, da bi se lahko zanesli na dobaviteljevo končno kontrolo. Analizirali smo tudi vrsto odstopanja dobavljenega materiala in odkrili, da je največkrat prišlo do odstopanja na ohišju, in sicer kot konusa. Pri ocenjevanju dobaviteljev smo prišli do spoznanja, da so dobavitelji v petih letih samo 2-krat dosegli ciljno mejo za število A in B dobaviteljev ter da so bili B dobavitelji v letu 2017 najšibkejši na področju izboljševanja in inovativnosti, kar je temelj moderne avtomobilske industrije. Ugotovili smo, da vedno isti dobavitelji zamujajo z oddajo 8D poročil. Rezultati so podlaga za planiranje ukrepov v naslednjih obdobjih. Potrebna bi bila vpeljava dodatnega kazalnika za splošno oceno dobavitelja, in sicer oddaja akcijskega plana ukrepov do roka, ki bi omogočila pridobitev vzvoda za stalno izboljševanje procesa dobaviteljev.
Keywords:kakovost, ocenjevanje dobaviteljev, vhodna kontrola, IATF 16949, reklamacija, Paretov diagram, 8D poročilo
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4275-c04485ef-e489-60fa-dd9c-020962ecd6fb New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5328891 New window
Publication date in RUNG:18.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Supply quality control and supplier chain evaluation in automotive industry
Abstract:Nowadays, input material control and supplier assessment are unavoidable, since a prescribed, ever-increasing quality level is prescribed in production, while maintaining or even lowering the production costs. The graduation thesis is composed of two parts. In the first part, the development of quality that resulted in two important standards in the automotive industry of today is presented. The second, practical part, is divided into three parts. Based on an overview of procurements in which a derogation occurred, we found out that the percentage of the procurements is decreasing; in 2018, for the first time in five years, more examples of procurements with derogations were discovered during input control than during production. In spite of the decrease, the number of occurrences of derogation is still too high to be able to rely on the supplier’s final control. We also performed an analysis of the types of derogations in the material supplied, discovering that the derogations were most often found on the housing, namely in the form of the cone. When assessing suppliers, we realised that in five years, the suppliers A and B only reached the target value twice, as well as that the weakest area of the B suppliers in 2017 was the area of improvement and innovation which, however, represents the foundation of the modern automotive industry. We discovered that certain suppliers always file their 8D reports late. Based on that the guidelines for planning the measures to be implemented during the next periods are provided. An additional indicator would have to be introduced for a holistic evaluation of the suppliers, namely the timely filing of the plan of action, which would enable us to gain leverage for continuous improvement of the supplier-driven process.
Keywords:quality, supplier evaluation, incoming inspection, IATF 16949, Pareto diagram, 8D report
