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Title:Bohinjska železnica skozi čas
Authors:ID Lazarević, Žarko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Obid, Nik (Author)
Files:.pdf Nik_Obid.pdf (3,49 MB)
MD5: 8E3B99AA72CEE78B60C9C53888720E4D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V uvodu diplomskega dela opisujem razvoj železniškega omrežja v Habsburški monarhiji, ki je privedel do načrtovanja nove železniške povezave notranjosti dežele z največjim pristaniščem monarhije – Trstom. V nadaljevanju sledi pregled vseh pomembnejših načrtov nove železniške povezave in razlogov za izbor današnje trase. Širše obravnavam vključitev bohinjske železnice v celotno čezalpsko povezavo, ki je zajemala gradnjo Phyrnske, Turske, Karavanške in Bohinjske proge. Natančno opišem razloge za izbor bohinjske trase ter se nato posvetim značilnostim proge in njeni gradnji. Posebna poglavja namenim nekaterim pomembnim objektom, pri katerih se natančneje posvetim predvsem bohinjskemu predoru, solkanskemu viaduktu, prezračevalni napravi predora Bukovo in viaduktu Vintgar. Del diplomskega dela sem namenil tudi opisu stanja v času obeh svetovnih vojn, v katerih je bohinjska železnica odigrala pomembno vlogo. To se je pokazalo tudi ob koncu obeh svetovnih morij, ko je bila zaradi tega močno porušena. Diplomsko delo zaključujem z opisom stanja po 2. svetovni vojni, nujni obnovi, delni modernizaciji in padanju njenega prometnega pomena skozi 2. polovico 20. stoletja. Sklep namenim obetom za prihodnost, ki bi lahko bila, ob ustreznem vlaganju v infrastrukturo in sodelovanju na regionalni in mednarodni ravni, zelo svetla.
Keywords:Bohinjska proga, železnica, bohinjski predor, solkanski viadukt, promet, načrti gradnje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4453-a99f1248-6837-1569-fdc3-ccf72992407b New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5375995 New window
Publication date in RUNG:24.04.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:I begin my thesis with a description of the development of the railway system of the Habsburg Monarchy that brought about the plans for a new railway connection between the interior of the country and the country's largest port – Trieste. I follow that up with an overlook of the more important plans for the new connection and reasoning behind the selection of the actual route the railway took in the end. I also describe the inclusion of Bohinj line in the full cross-Alpine railway which encompassed building of Phyrn, Tauern, Karawanken and Bohinj lines. I describe in detail the main reasons for selecting the Bohinj route, the special features of the terrain, and the building process. I include chapters that deal with specific parts and important objects along the route, including the Bohinj tunnel, Solkan viaduct, Bukovo tunnel ventilation system and Vintgar viaduct. Part of the thesis is also dedicated to describing the state of the route during both world wars, in which the Bohinj line played an important role, as seen after both cataclysms had ended, leaving the route in ruins. I conclude my thesis with a description of the state of the route after World War 2, the renovation, partial modernisation and the decline of the route's transit importance throughout the second half of the 20th century. Right at the end I also talk about potential future prospects for the route, which could, with proper investment into infrastructure, regional and international cooperation, prove to be bright.
Keywords:Bohinj line, railway, Bohinj tunnel, Solkan viaduct, traffic, building plans
