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Title:Poenotenje in optimizacija poslovnih procesov ob združevanju izbranih podjetij
Authors:ID Milost, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Makovec, Patrik (Author)
Files:.pdf Patrik_Makovec.pdf (1,23 MB)
MD5: 8560C3D2962C53941EBA7387380DAF93
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Združevanje podjetij je aktualno že več desetletij. Podjetja se namreč na konkurenčnem trgu borijo za obstanek, hočejo zmanjšati stroške poslovanja, povečati svoj dobiček in povzdigniti svoje ime. Za uspešno združitev je potrebno poenotiti procese obeh podjetij in jih optimizirati, kar ni enostavna naloga. Z usposobljenim vodstvom in vizijo podjetja se lahko zastavljeni cilj doseže. Ideja diplomske naloge je nastala v okviru praktičnega usposabljanja v podjetju GEN-I, s sodelovanjem pri projektu poenotenja poslovnih procesov ob nameravani združitvi podjetij GEN-I d.o.o. in Elektro energija d.o.o. Diplomska naloga zajema pregled teorije o združevanju podjetij, poenotenju in optimizaciji poslovnih procesov. Pri poenotenju in optimizaciji poslovnih procesov izbranih dveh podjetij je poudarek na procesih, ki se nanašajo na urejanje sprememb na merilnih mestih za odjem električne energije. V praktičnem delu naloge je najprej analiza sprememb na merilnih mestih in popis omenjenih procesov obeh podjetij. Procesi so prikazani z diagrami poteka in besednimi opisi. Sledi analiza razlik in poenotenje izbranih procesov med GEN-I ter Elektro energijo. Za optimalno delovanje združenih podjetij so podani še optimizirani procesi urejanja sprememb na merilnih mestih, s katerimi bi se procesi bolj avtomatizirali in prilagodili stranki. Glavni rezultati optimizacije bi bili, da bi pri urejanju sprememb združeno podjetje razlikovalo procese glede na vrsto spremembe na merilnih mestih, ravno tako bi stranke ločevalo na obstoječe in neobstoječe, z namenom poenostavljenja postopka z vidika stranke. Prednost bi imelo avtomatsko aktiviranje pogodb in blokiranje merilnega mesta. Glavni pristop stranke do željenega urejanja sprememb na merilnih mestih bi bil preko spletne strani podjetja.
Keywords:združevanje podjetij, poslovni proces, poenotenje, optimizacija, urejanje sprememb na merilnih mestih
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4587-fa9cfecd-54aa-3b24-c779-577ddca2e918 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22989059 New window
Publication date in RUNG:20.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Unification and Optimization of Business Processes When Merging Selected Companies
Abstract:Merging companies is in trend for many decades already, since businesses on competitive market are fighting for continual existence. They want to lower their operating costs, increase their profitability and improve their image. For a successful merge, a unification of business processes of both companies is needed, as well as their optimization, which is not an easy task. However, with the qualified leadership and company vision, that can be accomplished. The idea of this thesis appeared during the practical training in company GEN-I, focused on participating to a project of unifying business processes during intended merging of companies GEN-I d.o.o. and Elektro energija d.o.o. This thesis provides an overview of the theory of merging companies, unification and optimization of business processes, during which the emphasis has been on processes used for editing changes on measurement sites for electrical energy outage. In the practical part of the thesis is an analysis of changes on measurement sites and census of mentioned processes for both companies is presented first. Processes are visualized with flowcharts and word descriptions, followed by an analysis of the differences, as well as unification of chosen processes between GEN-I and Elektro energija. For optimal functioning of the merged companies, the optimized processes for editing changes on measurement sites were included as well. Hence the company is expected be more automated and customized to the process itself, along with the clients. The main results of optimization refers to the ability of the merging company to differentiate processes based on the type of changes on measurement sites as well as the clients status. The automated activation of contracts and blocking of measurement sites is expected to bring advantages. The main approach of a client for the desired editing changes on measurement sites would be through a web-application of the company.
Keywords:Merging companies, business process, unification, optimization, editing changes on measurement sites
