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Title:Komparativna analiza procesa proizvodnje ventilatorjev v podjetju Hidria Rotomatika; primerjava tipov ventilatorjev z vidika življenjskega cikla
Authors:ID Gjerkeš, Henrik (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mlakar, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kapić, Merisa (Author)
Files:.pdf Merisa_Kapic.pdf (1,19 MB)
MD5: 4581523A08A609A7D4FFAAC4FE70CF48
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je z metodo analize življenjskega cikla ocenjen vpliv na okolje dveh ventilatorjev proizvajalca Hidria Rotomatika: starejši model R-11 in novejši HEC-10. Analiza zajema proizvodno fazo in fazo uporabe izdelka, medtem ko je faza razgradnje zaradi kompleksnosti in pomanjkanja podatkov iz analize vseživljenjskega cikla izključena. Analiza je pokazala, da ima v proizvodni fazi novejši model HEC-10 nekoliko manjši negativni vpliv na okolje. Model R-11 ima večji negativni vpliv na okolje v skoraj vseh kategorijah, razen kategorij raba tal in izraba mineralnih virov. Model R-11 ima za 8,8 % večji vpliv na zdravje ljudi in za 6,9 % večji vpliv na izrabo virov, medtem ko ima na drugi strani model HEC-10 za 5,1 % večji vpliv na kakovost ekosistemov. Večja razlika med ventilatorjema nastane v fazi uporabe, kjer model HEC-10 pokaže sodobno zasnovo in je zaradi manjše rabe energije prijaznejši okolju. Pri vseh kategorijah je poleg izrabe mineralnih virov imela poraba električne energije med obratovanjem največji negativni vpliv na okolje. Na zmanjšanje negativnega vseživljenjskega vpliva obeh ventilatorjev na okolje je torej ključnega pomena zmanjšanje rabe električne energije v fazi uporabe. 
Keywords:Analiza življenjskega cikla, življenjski cikel izdelka, ventilatorji, vpliv na okolje, industrijska ekologija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4597-807af744-1a17-4b0b-8eda-a6c357281871 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5412859 New window
Publication date in RUNG:30.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of the production process of fans in the company Hidria Rotomatika; comparison of fan types in terms of life cycle
Abstract:In this master's thesis, with the help of life cycle assessment method, the environmental impact of the two Hidria Rotomatika fans was done: the older model R-11 and the newer HEC-10. The analysis covers the production phase and the product utilization phase, while the decomposition phase is excluded due to the complexity and lack of data. The analysis showed that in the production phase, the newer HEC-10 model has somewhat less negative impact on the environment. The R-11 model has a greater negative impact on the environment in almost all impact categories, with the exception of land use and the use of mineral resources. The R-11 model has an 8.8% greater impact on human health and a 6.9% greater impact on the use of resources, while on the other hand, the HEC 10 model has a 5.1% greater impact on the quality of ecosystems. The larger difference between the fans occurs in the phase of use, where the HEC-10 model shows a modern design and is more environmentally friendly due to less energy use. The use of electricity during operation has the greatest negative impact on the environment in all impact categories. Crucial for reducing negative environmental impact of both fans is therefore reducing the use of electricity during the products utilization.
Keywords:Life cycle analysis, product life cycle, fans, environmental impact, industrial ecology
