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Authors:ID Stepanov, Arthur (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Stateva, Penka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Zbičajnik, Zala (Author)
Files:.pdf Zala_Zbicajnik.pdf (1,08 MB)
MD5: 092591C146CC1804D5B320D40B5CEDE5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:V svojem diplomskem delu se ukvarjam s posebno vrsto pomenskih predpostavk in njihovimi sprožilci. Uvod se osredotoča na pragmatične in semantične značilnosti predpostavk. Pregledane so teoretične in eksperimentalne raziskave o pomenskih predpostavkah in njihovem sprožilcu only (samo/le) ter med nekaterimi njenimi tujimi ustreznicami. V svojem delu predstavim rezultate eksperimentalne študije, posvečene slovenskima ustreznicama angleške besede only, le in samo. Preučujem, kako materni govorci slovenščine sodijo o obeh sprožilcih pomenske predpostavke s pragmatičnega vidika. Študija odgovarja na vprašanje, ali sta besedi sinonimni, katera beseda je rabljena pogosteje ter kako sta uporabljeni v določenih slovenskih dialektih. Bolj nazorno, študija predlaga, da slovenski ustreznici besede only v prevodu pripadata skupini trdih sprožilcev, ki jih določi Abusch (2009), ti pa so opredeljeni kot sprožilci v pomenskih predpostavkah, ki ne morejo biti preklicane.
Keywords:Pomenska predpostavka, sprožilec, only, le, samo, pragmatično procesiranje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4679-d8d9f1e6-20e4-2e2b-ada3-225172dbd5e9 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5446139 New window
Publication date in RUNG:04.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Le and samo as Presuppositional Triggers: Experimental Study in Slovene Language
Abstract:In my thesis I discuss a particular kind of presuppositions and their triggers. The introduction focuses on the pragmatic and semantic characteristics of presuppositions. I review the theoretical and experimental research of the presuppositional trigger only and some of its cross-linguistic counterparts. In this work, I present the results from an experimental study dedicated to the Slovenian counterparts of the English word only, le and samo. I investigate how native Slovenian speakers evaluate both presupposition triggers from a pragmatic point of view. The study answers the question of whether these words are synonyms, which of them is more frequently used and how they are used in various dialects in Slovenia. Most importantly, the study suggests that the Slovenian translational equivalents of only belong to the class of hard triggers identified in Abusch (2009) as those sources of presuppositions that cannot be cancelled.
Keywords:Presupposition, trigger, only, le, samo, pragmatic processing
