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Title:Prevzeto izrazje s področja popularnih glasbenih zvrsti in njegova slovarska obravnava
Authors:ID Dobrovoljc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kern, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kovač, Petra (Author)
Files:.pdf Petra_Kovac.pdf (1,61 MB)
MD5: 6C6453FB9D4054608E6F56D7DA167303
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Diplomska naloga obravnava problematiko pisanja prevzetega besedja v slovenskem jeziku. V uvodnem delu se bom najprej posvetila obravnavi problematike prevzemanja besed, načinu prevzemanja v slovenski jezikovni sistem in predstavila tudi historični vidik prevzemanja slovenskih prevzetih besed in besednih zvez. Osrednji del diplomskega dela bo osredotočen na besedje s področja glasbe, zlasti prevzemanje izrazov, povezanih s popularno glasbo. V svojem delu želim ugotoviti, v kateri obliki se posamezni izrazi dejansko uporabljajo, v nepodomačeni ali podomačeni, pri čemer lahko soobstaja več podomačenih različic. S pomočjo korpusa Gigafida bom naredila analizo, s katero bo ugotovljeno, v kolikšni meri jezikovni uporabniki upoštevajo določila normativnih priročnikov glede pisanja prevzetih besed oziroma nasprotno, ali ta pravopisna določila sledijo rabi, ki jo uveljavljajo jezikovni uporabniki. Cilj diplomskega dela je prikazati glavne jezikovne zadrege uporabnikov slovenskega jezika pri zapisovanju besed s področja glasbe, ki smo jih v slovenski jezik prevzeli iz drugih jezikov, in ta opažanja tudi pojasniti.
Keywords:Podomačevanje, prevzete besede, glasbene zvrsti
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4735-823fb312-5138-9821-e1d4-0f44c567274e New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5454331 New window
Publication date in RUNG:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Borrowed terms from the field of popular musical genres and its lexicographic study
Abstract:The thesis studies the problem of writing loanwords in the Slovenian language. In the introductory part, I will first focus on the discussion of the issue of borrowing, the method of borrowing into the Slovene linguistic system, and presenting the historical aspect of the borrowing of Slovenian loanwords and phrases. To illustrate the process of borrowing I have chosen the field of music. In my work, I want to find out in what form the actual terms are actually used, in the original or borrowed, whereby several variables can coexist. With the help of the Gigafida Corps, I will make an analysis to determine to what extent language users take into account the provisions of the normative manuals on the writing of the adopted words, or, conversely, whether these spelling provisions follow the use of language users. The aim of the work is to present the main language embarrassments of the users of the Slovene language in writing words in the field of music, which we have taken into Slovene language from other languages, and also explain these observations.
Keywords:Borrowing, loanword, musical genre
