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Title:Ocena ekonomske upravičenosti izgradnje poslovnega objekta ter načrtovanje novega postopka proizvodnje v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Vončina, Silvester (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fornazarič, Sebastian (Author)
Files:.pdf Sebastian_Fornazaric.pdf (1,73 MB)
MD5: CB2C2886899B5BC705F327BB3BFDA65B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Podjetje LEDLUKS d.o.o. že več kot 6 let izdeluje luči na LED osnovi. Doseglo je stanje, kjer želi skrajšati čas, ki poteče od prejetja naročila do njegovega končanja. Glede na proizvodne potrebe smo tudi prišli do zaključka, da proizvodnja brez zalog (v nadaljevanju bo uporabljen izraz JIT) ni primerna in, da se je potrebno poslužiti agilne proizvodnje. Z analizo proizvodnega procesa smo ugotovili, da ima vsak aluminijasti profil luči zelo dolgo pot, pri čemer je vsak korak potencialen razlog za zamude. Izkazalo se je, da so podizvajalci nezanesljivi, kar dodatno dokazuje neprimernost proizvodnje tipa JIT. Zato smo zastavili koncept novega proizvodnega procesa, ki skoraj ne potrebuje podizvajalcev. Izračunali smo potrebne količine, ki bi jih moralo podjetje imeti na zalogi. Te presegajo možnosti obstoječih prostorov, kjer ni možnosti širitve. Ena izmed opcij je izgradnja namenskega objekta. Najprej smo analizirali trenutno prostorsko stanje in ocenili potrebne zahteve podjetja. Na podlagi bilanc smo določili tudi promet do leta 2030 in odnos do stroškov. Po informativni ponudbi gradbinca in raziskavi nepremičninskega trga smo določili okvirno ceno celotnega projekta. S kalkulacijami in uporabo poslovnih izkazov smo ugotavljali smiselnost projekta in ali se le ta povrne v želenem obdobju. Predštudija naj bi služila kot osnova za na daljno poglobitev, saj so rezultati obetajoči.
Keywords:ekonomska upravičenost, proizvodnja, proizvodni proces, LED, pred študija, zaloga, agilna proizvodnja
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4803-3f942863-5ea7-5e54-12b6-a6431533ba19 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5497851 New window
Publication date in RUNG:04.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The prefeasibility study of constructing a business building and the design of a new production process for the selected company
Abstract:The LEDLUKS company has been producing LED based luminaries for more than 6 years. It has reached the point where the time between placing and finishing the order needs to be reduced. By analysing the company’s assembly needs it becomes obvious that just in time production (JIT) is less suitable than the agile production. A deeper insight into the production process reveals that every aluminium profile requires a long manufacturing time, hence each additional step might be a potential reason for the delay. The subcontractors turn not to be reliable, which additionally confirms that JIT is not suitable for the company. In addition, a new production process is proposed, in which the subcontractors are almost unnecessary. Next, we estimated the optimal quantity of purchased material that needs to be stocked. That exceeds the available space, which causes a problem since there is no possibility of expansion. A solution is to build a new building. Firstly, the current space conditions were analysed and future company needs were predicted. A selling forecast was made up to the year 2030, as well as the relation with costs, both based on previous financial reports of the company. Based on the inquiry with the building contractors and market research, we estimated the price of this project and analysed whether the investment would be economic or not. This initial study should serve as the basis for further analysis since the results proved to be promising.
Keywords:economic justification, production, production process, LED, prefeasibility study, stock, agile production
