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Title:Literarne pešpoti : Instalacija na festivalu Pixxelpoint 2019 – 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praks
Authors:ID Vaupotič, Aleš, Univerza v Novi Gorici (Artist)
ID Bovcon, Narvika, Univerza v Ljubljani (Artist)
ID Bovcon, Borja, Univerza v Ljubljani (Author)
ID Toroš, Ana, Univerza v Novi Gorici (Editor)
ID Žagar, Anej (Other), et al.
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Work type:Not categorized
Typology:3.12 - Exhibition
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leteraris (2019). Povečana resničnost — inačica, ki temelji na geolokacijah zanimivih točk — usmerja pozornost na pomenske odtenke sveta, ki nas obdaja, ti pa so pogosto navzoči le implicitno, različno za različne skupnosti. Spomeniki v povečani resničnosti delajo te »plasti« vidne in širijo našo zaznavo okolice. Na področju med Goriško, Tržaško pokrajino in Furlanijo so nastale tri literarne pešpoti.Za nastanek geografsko določene povečane resničnosti je potrebno (1) zbrati in oblikovati vsebine, ki smiselno dopolnjujejo dojemanje življenjskega prostora; (2) jih shraniti v podatkovno zbirko; (3) zasnovati uporabniško izkušnjo prek (čim lažje) dosegljivih tehničnih rešitev. Projekt je razdeljen na tri povezane segmente: literarnovednega, arhivskega in uporabniškovmesniškega. Prvega je vodila Ana Toroš, nastali sta dve berili v več jezikih o literaturi na stičišču da-našnje Slovenije in Italije. V sodelovanju z informatiki sta Narvika Bovcon in Aleš Vaupotič zasnovala integracijo 2. in 3. točke, realizacijo spomenikov v povečani resničnosti prek platform Layar idr. Za projekt je ključno to, da so tako vsa večpredstavnostna gradiva (3D objekti, videi, spletne strani z besedili idr.) kot informacije o postavitvi 3D skulptur v realni prostor Tržaške in Goriške na strežnikih Univerze v Novi Gorici (licenca CC-BY), kar omogoča večkratno uporabo gradiv v novih projektih. (3D modeli in literarne pešpoti: Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič. Urednica besedil: Ana Toroš. Programiranje: Borja Bovcon. Sodelujoči študent: Anej Žagar. Instalacija v Mestni geleriji Nova Gorica v ovirih festivala Pixxelpoint 2019: Preverejena resničnost - 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praks, 13.-23. nov. 2019, Nova Gorica, Gorica. Produkcija Raziskovalni center za humanistiko, Univerza v Novi Gorici in projekt EDUKA2, Program sodelovanja Interreg V-A Italija-Slovenija s sredstvi Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, vodilni partner: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut iz Trsta - SLORI.)
Keywords:povečana resničnost, izobražavanje, projekt EDUKA2, literarne pešpoti, literature na stičišču, Trst, Gorica, Devin
Place of performance:Mestna Galerija Nova Gorica, povečana resničnost v Trstu, Devinu in Gorici ter Novi Gorici
Year of performance:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4923-3e1685c9-8afa-bf24-ebab-41dcf2ccf854 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5506811 New window
Publication date in RUNG:13.12.2019
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Document is financed by a project

Funder:Other - Other funder or multiple funders
Project number:Interreg V-A Italia-Slovenia 2014-2020
Name:For a Cross-Border Governance of Education

Secondary language

Title:Literary itineraries : Installation at the Pixxelpoint 2019 – 20th International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices
Abstract:Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leteraris (2019). The augmented reality—i.e. its geolocation-based version—points the user’s attention to the significant aspects of her surroundings. These are often present implicitly, and differently for each cohabiting community. The monuments in augmented reality make these “layers” visible—the user’s perception is thereby augmented. Our project has placed three literary itineraries in the area between Gorizia, the Trieste region, and Friuli. In order to create an augmented reality that is linked to a specific location, one needs (1) to collect and design the contents that contribute to the experience of a given living space; (2) record them in a database; and (3) design a user experience that is readily (and easily) available to the users. The project consists of three entangled parts: the point of view of literary scholarship, of archival studies, and of human-computer interaction design. Ana Toroš led the creation of two textbooks in several languages on literature in the contact region of today’s Slovenia and Italy. In collaboration with the IT team, Narvika Bovcon and Aleš Vaupotič developed the integration of points 2 and 3: the realization of the monuments on Layar and other platforms. The key concern of our approach was to keep all the materials (3-D objects, videos, websites, etc.), as well as the information on their placement in real space, on the servers of the University of Nova Gorica, which is necessary to guarantee that the dataset can be reused (CC-BY). (3-D models and literary itineraries: Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič. Texts: Ana Toroš. Coding: Borja Bovcon. Student working on the project: Anej Žagar. Installation in the Nova Gorica City Gallery as part of the Pixxelpoint 2019: Checked Reality – 20th International Festival of Contemporary art Practices, 13.-23. Nov. 2019, Nova Gorica, Gorica. Production Research Centre for Humanities, University of Nova Gorica, and EDUKA2 project, Interreg Cooperation Programme V-A Italy-Slovenia funded by the European Regional Development Fund; lead partner: SLORI - Slovene Research Institute of Trieste.)
Keywords:augmented reality, education, EDUKA2 project, literary itineraries, literatures in contact, Trieste, Gorizia, Duino
