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Title:Importance of pedestrianization for urban regeneration. Assessing new bridge solutions for the Golden Horn : Pedestrianization in Golden Horn
Authors:ID Siviero, Enzo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gezer, Pinar Özge (Author)
Files:.docx Pinar_Ozge_Gezer.docx (30,55 MB)
MD5: B80D38AA2A399C31CE9C7DEA623B48D6
.pdf Pinar_Ozge_Gezer.pdf (20,12 MB)
MD5: DD1C579962BA9D24A12A567E93EFD67F
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:The Golden Horn (in Turkish Halic means Gulf or Altın Boynuz "Golden Horn") is a historic inlet of the Bosphorus dividing the city of İstanbul and forming the natural harbor that has sheltered Ottoman and other ships for thousands of years. It is a scimitar-shaped estuary that joins the Bosphorus just at the point where that strait enters the Sea of Marmara, thus forming a peninsula the tip of which is "Old İstanbul". This thesis work focuses on design proposal for the pedestrian bridge for Golden Horn Dis-trict, which links the royal and later historical peninsula to the rest of the city. The main challenge of the thesis is creation of continuous pedestrian network to guarantee uninter-rupted pedestrian connectivity as well as systematic activation of social and environmental urban regeneration.
Keywords:bridge, pedestrianization, walkability, Golden Horn, historical penninsula, connection, transportation, cultural park, green areas, attraction points, İstanbul, Leonardo Da Vinci
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5005-b576b673-bf27-7823-9d1a-afc12f1b5886 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5566459 New window
Publication date in RUNG:28.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Pomembnost uvajanja pešpoti za urbano regeneracijo. Ocena novih mostnih rešitev za Zlati Rog. : Pešcenizacija v Zlati Rog
Abstract:Zlati rog (Haliç pomeni zaliv ali Altın Boynuz "Zlati Rog") je zgodovinski zaliv Bosforske ožine, ki deli mesto Istanbul in tvori naravno pristanišče, ki je tisočletja zagotavljalozavetje otomanskim kakor tudi drugim ladjam. Ustje je šimitarske oblike inse pridruži Bosforju ravno pri vstopu v Mramorno morje in tako tvori polotok, katerega vrh je "Stari Istanbul". Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na oblikovanjubrvi za pešce, ki povezuje okrožje Golden Horn, kraljevski in pozneje zgodovinski polotok, z ostalim delom mesta. Glavni izziv dela je oblikovanje kontinuiranega peš omrežja, ki bi zagotavljalo neprekinjeno povezljivost, kakor tudi sistematično aktiviranje družbene in okoljske regeneracije mest.
Keywords:Most, peš cone/poti, sprehodljivost, Zlati Rog, zgodovinski polotok, povezava, prevoz, kulturni park, zelene površine, atrakcijske točke, İstanbul, Leonardo Da Vinci
