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Title:Pogovor brez konca
Authors:ID Zlokarnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Saksida, Kolja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Blažič, Katarina (Author)
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Za svojo diplomsko nalogo sem se odločila opisati proces nastajanja animiranega filma, narejenega na temo slepih in slabovidnih. Namen animiranega filma je približati svet slepih in slabovidnih ljudem, ki vidimo. V svetu, v katerem živimo, je velik del našega počutja odvisen od zunanjih dejavnikov (socialna omrežja, različne reklame ipd.). Pomembno je zavedanje, da ni vse, kar vidimo, zlato. Animirani film se ukvarja z različnimi vprašanji kot so: kako se slep človek spoprijema z različnimi tematikami, kako se sooča z vsakdanjimi opravili, razmerji z drugimi ljudmi in na splošno, kako se spoprijema s svetom in okolico in to bom tudi opisala podrobneje v diplomski nalogi. Animirani film sem želela približati slepim in slabovidnim s tem, da sem dala največji poudarek zvoku, zvočnim učinkom in spremljajočemu besedilu animiranega filma. Izbrala sem barve, ki so računalniško izračunane in prilagojene za barvno slepe ljudi. Z uporabo preprostih oblik v animaciji sem hotela doseči to, da slaboviden gledalec lažje sledi animaciji in da ga hkrati spomni na to, kako bi lahko slepa oseba narisala različne objekte. V diplomskem delu bom opisala torej celoten proces izdelave animiranega filma in uvod v temo slepih in slabovidni z opisom umetnikov in kratkem povzetku kako slepi rišejo in kaj si mislijo o tej temi. Povzela bom vse, kar je zgoraj navedeno in podrobno opisala nastanek animiranega filma.
Keywords:animirani film, slepi, slepota, slabovidni
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5410 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17162499 New window
Publication date in RUNG:27.05.2020
BLAŽIČ, Katarina, 2020, Pogovor brez konca [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Nova Gorica. [Accessed 9 January 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Five Hour Conversation
Abstract:The theoretical part of the diploma work is based on the animation I did for the diploma. The animation is exploring the theme of blind and partially sighted people. The goal of the animation is to bring the experiences of blind and partially sighted people closer to mainstream tendencies; visual components are integral to forming and manipulating our self image, something that blind and partially seeing people don’t necessarily focus on. The animation is exploring with what a blind person deals with on a day to day bases. How do they make new friendships and relationships, how do they deal with people and the environment that they are in, etc. To make the animation more accessible to blind people I made the sound, sound effects and script a big part o the animation. The colours were chosen with the help of a program that calculates to colours that are the most suitable for the partially blind people with a certain deseas. With the usage of all of the above and a style that is created by distinguished and simple shapes I tried to make for the impared viewer the animation easier to track. The shapes and the line also remind in certain scenes of the way a blind person would draw them. In the diploma work I will describe the process of creating the animation and introduce the theme of partially sighted and blind people by describing their work and going into depth about how blind people draw.
Keywords:animation, blind people, partially sighted, blindness
